Hubert Reuter

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Hubert Reuter (born March 16, 1927 in Borler , Rhineland-Palatinate) is a German agricultural scientist and ministerial official who set many impulses in the field of animal breeding , especially horse breeding and racing . He was involved in adjustments to animal breeding law in Europe and, after reunification, in the newly founded state of Brandenburg .


Reuter grew up as the first of 3 children in Borler. After attending primary school up to the 5th grade, he moved to the quarters (today: 7th grade) of the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Trier as a boarding school student of the Bischöflichen Konviktes . The school education was made more difficult by the drawing of the class to serve as air force helper from March 1943, with deployment in Trier and Trier-Ehrang and interrupted after the battery was moved to Mannheim . In November 1944 he was called up for the Reich Labor Service and in January 1945 for the Wehrmacht . After staying as a prisoner of war in the notorious Rhine bank camp of the Americans near Remagen , he was transferred to a camp in southern France near Marseille and from there released home in July 1946. After returning to his old school, Reuter completed his school career in 1947 with the Abitur. 1947–1949 he completed an agricultural apprenticeship on 2 companies and at the agricultural school in Adenau . In the winter semester of 1949/50 he began studying agricultural and legal sciences at the University of Bonn and later chose animal breeding as his main subject . After completing his studies, he initially worked as an assistant at the Institute for Animal Breeding at the University of Bonn and was a trainee lawyer at the Rhineland Chamber of Agriculture in Krefeld , then at the Neuwied Animal Breeding Office and the Rhineland-Nassau Chamber of Agriculture in Koblenz. In June 1956 he passed the Grand State Examination. Also in 1956 he completed his doctorate as Dr. ing. agr. from Heinrich Havermann on a subject of poultry farming .


After passing the state examination, he was hired as an animal breeding assessor at the Rhineland Chamber of Agriculture in Bonn and, in 1962, after being promoted to the Agriculture Council , he was appointed as a civil servant for life. In 1964 he moved to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forests of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf as a consultant for animal breeding . From 1965–1968 he was assigned to the EEC Commission in Brussels as an expert on the harmonization of legal provisions in the field of “animal breeding and keeping” . In 1969 he was promoted to the Ministerial Council . After his retirement in 1992, as part of an agreement between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the state of Brandenburg for rapid integration after German reunification with regard to the EU harmonization of laws and regulations, he was commissioned to accompany the adaptation of the animal breeding laws and the development of the animal breeding administration. In the same function he worked for Poland in 1992, for Hungary in 1994 and for Romania in 1997 before they joined the EU. From 1998 to 2004 he was chairman of the board of the Central Association for Trotter Breeding and Racing (ZVT) eV in Münster.

voluntary work

In addition to his professional activity, Reuter has volunteered in many zootechnical organizations and commissions, such as E.g. at the Central Association of the German Poultry Industry , the World's Poultry Science Association , in the Directorate for Thoroughbred Breeding and Racing, at the DLG , in the German Olympic Committee for Equestrian , the European Association for Animal Breeding , the Lipizzaner Breeding Association Germany. He was also active for many years in a commission to amend the racing betting and lottery law. Another focus of his voluntary work was the exchange with Japan . From 1985 to 1993, Reuter was in the "Animal Breeding" working group of the German-Japanese Society for Animal Production and from 1985-1998 supervised the exchange of trainees, study trips and seminars with the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council in Bonn.

From 1974 to 1983 Reuter was an assessor of the disciplinary senate at the OVG Münster, and from 1993 to 2001 honorary judge at the administrative court in Düsseldorf.

He was a founding member and served on the board of the Düsseldorf-Niederkassel citizens' and homeland association for over 14 years.


Reuter has been honored many times by associations and organizations for its longstanding activities. He is u. a. Winner of the Adolf-Köppe-Nadel of the German Society for Breeding Science, the Gustav-Rau-Medal and the German Equestrian Cross in silver of the German Equestrian Association eV , the Max-Eyth- Medal in silver of the DLG .

He was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Republic of Poland .

Reuter was awarded the papal order Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice in 2002 for his decades of commitment to the Catholic Church .

Reuter is married and has two children, lives in Düsseldorf. He has been a member of the KDB Rheno-Guestphalia zu Bonn since 1950 and is also a band philistine of the KDB Rheno-Silesia zu Düsseldorf, both in the RKDB .


  • Klaus-Dieter Dötsch: Dr. Hubert Reuter on his 75th birthday . In: HEAT No. 62 , 2002.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dissertation in the German National Library
  2. List of those honored on
  3. Düsseldorfer Nachrichten. dated January 9, 2002.
  4. Hanno Dockter, Markus Dockter (ed.): Ring members directory of the RKDB and the RKAB . Bonn 2008.