ISO 639: e.g.

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This is the list of ISO 639-3 - language codes starting with z .

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retraction codes (retired codes) are enclosed in brackets.

The Language Family column contains the language family or macro language of the respective language.

If codes are not found here, they could also be found under ISO-639-2 or ISO-639-5 codes.

639-3 639-1 639-2B language ISO language name Scope /
Language family
zaa Zapotec, Sierra de Juarez Zapotec, Sierra de Juarez I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zab Zapotec, San Juan Guelavía Zapotec, San Juan Guelavía I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zac Zapotec, Ocotlan Zapotec, Ocotlan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zad Zapotec, cajonos Zapotec, cajonos I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zae Zapotec, Yareni Zapotec, Yareni I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zaf Zapotec, Ayoquesco Zapotec, Ayoquesco I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
hesitant Zaghawa Zaghawa I / L Saharan languages
tough Zangwal Zangwal I / L Chadian languages
zai Zapotec, isthmus Zapotec, isthmus I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zaj Zaramo Zaramo I / L Bantu languages
zak Zanaki Zanaki I / L Bantu languages
zal Zauzou Zauzou I / L Lolo languages
zam Zapotec, Miahuatlán Zapotec, Miahuatlán I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zao Zapotec, Ozolotepec Zapotec, Ozolotepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zap zap Zapotec Zapotec M / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zaq Zapotec, Aloápam Zapotec, Aloápam I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
tsar Zapotec, Rincon Zapotec, Rincon I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zas Zapotec, Santo Domingo Albarradas Zapotec, Santo Domingo Albarradas I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zat Zapotec, Tabaa Zapotec, Tabaa I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
tough Zangskari Zangskari I / L Tibetan languages
zav Zapotec, Yatzachi Zapotec, Yatzachi I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zaw Zapotec, Mitla Zapotec, Mitla I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zax Zapotec, Xadani Zapotec, Xadani I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zay Zayse-Zergulla Zayse-Zergulla I / L Omotic languages
zaz Zari Zari I / L Chadian languages
zbc Central Berawan Central Berawan I / L North Sarawak languages
zbe East Berawan East Berawan I / L North Sarawak languages
zbl zbl Bliss symbol Blis symbol I / C Constructed language
zbt Batui Batui I / L Saluan Banggai languages
e.g. West Berawan West Berawan I / L North Sarawak languages
zapprox Zapotec, Coatecas Altas Zapotec, Coatecas Altas I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zch Central Hongshuihe Zhuang Central Hongshuihe Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zdj Comorian (Shingazidja, Grande Comore dialect) Comorian, Ngazidja I / L Sabaki languages
zea Zealand , Zeeuws Zeeuws I / L West Germanic languages
zeg Zenag Zenag I / L Oceanic languages
toe Eastern Hongshuihe Zhuang Eastern Hongshuihe Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
Zen Zen Zenaga Zenaga I / L Berber languages
zga Kinga Kinga I / L Bantu languages
zgb Guibei Zhuang Guibei Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zgh zgh Moroccan tamazight Standard Moroccan Tamazight I / L Berber languages
zgm Mint Zhuang Mint Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zgn Guibian Zhuang Guibian Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zgr Magori Magori I / L Oceanic languages
zha za zha Zhuang Zhuang M / L Zhuang languages
zhb Zhaba Zhaba I / L Qiang Gyalrong languages
zhd Dai Zhuang Dai Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zhi Zhire Zhire I / L Plateau languages
tooth Nong Zhuang Nong Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zho zh chi Chinese Chinese M / L Chinese languages
zhw Zhoa Zhoa I / L Grassland languages
zia Zia Zia I / L Trans New Guinea Languages
zib Zimbabwean Sign Language Zimbabwe Sign Language I / L Sign language
zik Zimakani Zimakani I / L Papuan languages
zil Zialo Zialo I / L Mande languages
zim Mesme Mesme I / L Chadian languages
interest Zinza Zinza I / L Bantu languages
zir Ziriya Ziriya I / E Kainji languages
ziw Zigula (language) Zigula I / L Bantu languages
ziz Zizilivakan Zizilivakan I / L Chadian languages
zka Kaimbulawa Kaimbulawa I / L Muna buton languages
zkb Koibal Koibal I / E Samoyed languages
zkd Kadu Kadu I / L Jingpho-Sak languages
zkg Goguryeo Koguryo I / A Korean languages
zkh Khorezm Turkish Khorezmian I / H Central Turkish languages
zkk Karankawa Karankawa I / E Unclassified language
zkn Ganan Kanan I / L Jingpho-Sak languages
zko Scottish Kott I / E Yenisian languages
zkp Kaingáng, Sao Paulo Kaingáng, Sao Paulo I / E Macro Ge languages
zkr Zakhring Zakhring I / L Sino-Tibetan languages
zkt Kitan language Kitan I / H Mongolian languages
zku Kaurna Kaurna I / L Pama Nyunga languages
zkv Krewinian Krevinian I / E Baltic Finnish languages
zkz Khazarian language Khazar I / H Turkic languages
zlj Liujiang Zhuang Liujiang Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zlm Malay language Malay (individual language) I / L Malayo Sumbawa languages
zln Lianshan Zhuang Lianshan Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zlq Liuqian Zhuang Liuqian Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zma Manda (Australia) Manda (Australia) I / L Dali languages
zmb Zimba Zimba I / L Bantu languages
zmc Margany Margany I / E Maric languages
zmd Maridan Maridan I / L Dali languages
zme Mangerr Mangerr I / E Arnhem Land Languages
zmf Mfinu Mfinu I / L Bantu languages
zmg Marti Ke Marti Ke I / L Dali languages
zmh Makolkol Makolkol I / E Unclassified language
zmi Negeri Sembilan Malay Negeri Sembilan Malay I / L Malayo Sumbawa languages
zmj Maridjabin Maridjabin I / L Dali languages
zmk Mandandanyi Mandandanyi I / E Maric languages
zml Madngele Madngele I / E Dali languages
zmm Marimanindji Marimanindji I / L Dali languages
zmn Mbangwe Mbangwe I / L Bantu languages
zmo Molo Molo I / L East Sudan languages
zmp Mpuono Mpuono I / L Bantu languages
zmq Mituku Mituku I / L Bantu languages
zmr Maranunggu Maranunggu I / L Dali languages
zms Mbesa Mbesa I / L Bantu languages
zmt Maringarr Maringarr I / L Dali languages
zmu Muruwari Muruwari I / E Pama Nyunga languages
zmv Mbariman-Gudhinma Mbariman-Gudhinma I / E Pama languages
zmw Mbo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Mbo (Democratic Republic of Congo) I / L Bantu languages
zmx Bomitaba Bomitaba I / L Bantu languages
zmy Mariyedi Mariyedi I / L Dali languages
zmz Mbandja Mbandja I / L Ubangic languages
zna Zan Gula Zan Gula I / L Mbum Day languages
zne Azande Zande (specific) I / L Zande languages
zng Mang Mang I / L Mon Khmer languages
znk Manangkari Manangkari I / E Yiwaidjan languages
zns Mangas Mangas I / L Chadian languages
zoc Copainalá-Zoque Zoque, Copainalá I / L Mixe Zoque languages
zoh Chimalapa-Zoque Zoque, Chimalapa I / L Mixe Zoque languages
zom Zou Zou I / L Mizo-Kuki-Chin languages
zoo Zapotec, Asunción Mixtepec Zapotec, Asunción Mixtepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zoq Tabasco-Zoque , Ayapa Zoque, Ayapaneco Zoque, Tabasco I / L Mixe Zoque languages
anger Rayón-Zoque Zoque, Rayon I / L Mixe Zoque languages
zos Francisco-León-Zoque Zoque, Francisco León I / L Mixe Zoque languages
zpa Zapotec, Lachiguiri Zapotec, Lachiguiri I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpb Zapotec, Yautepec Zapotec, Yautepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpc Zapotec, Choapan Zapotec, Choapan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpd Zapotec, Southeastern Ixtlán Zapotec, Southeastern Ixtlán I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpe Zapotec, Petapa Zapotec, Petapa I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpf Zapotec, San Pedro Quiatoni Zapotec, San Pedro Quiatoni I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpg Zapotec, Guevea De Humboldt Zapotec, Guevea De Humboldt I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zph Zapotec, Totomachapan Zapotec, Totomachapan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpi Zapotec, Santa María Quiegolani Zapotec, Santa María Quiegolani I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpj Zapotec, Quiavicuzas Zapotec, Quiavicuzas I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpk Zapotec, Tlacolulita Zapotec, Tlacolulita I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpl Zapotec, Lachixío Zapotec, Lachixío I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpm Zapotec, Mixtepec Zapotec, Mixtepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpn Zapotec, Santa Inés Yatzechi Zapotec, Santa Inés Yatzechi I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpo Zapotec, Amatlán Zapotec, Amatlán I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpp Zapotec, El Alto Zapotec, El Alto I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpq Zapotec, Zoogocho Zapotec, Zoogocho I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpr Zapotec, Santiago Xanica Zapotec, Santiago Xanica I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zps Zapotec, Coatlán Zapotec, Coatlán I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpt Zapotec, San Vicente Coatlán Zapotec, San Vicente Coatlán I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpu Zapotec, Yalálag Zapotec, Yalálag I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpv Zapotec, Chichicapan Zapotec, Chichicapan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpw Zapotec, Zaniza Zapotec, Zaniza I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpx Zapotec, San Baltazar Loxicha Zapotec, San Baltazar Loxicha I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpy Zapotec, Mazaltepec Zapotec, Mazaltepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zpz Zapotec, Texmelucan Zapotec, Texmelucan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zqe Qiubei Zhuang Qiubei Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zra Gaya , Kaya, Karak Kara (Korea) I / A Unclassified language
zrg Mirgan Mirgan I / L Indo-Aryan languages
zrn Zirenkel Zirenkel I / L Chadian languages
zro Záparo Záparo I / L Zaparo languages
zrp Zarfati , Judaeo-French Zarphatic I / E Judaeo-Romance languages
zrs Mairasi Mairasi I / L Mairasi languages
zsa Sarasira Sarasira I / L Oceanic languages
zsk Kashkish , Kashkish, Kaskian Kaskean I / A Unclassified language
zsl Zambian Sign Language Zambian Sign Language I / L Sign language
zsm Malay language Standard Malay I / L Malayo Sumbawa languages
zsr Zapotec, Southern Rincon Zapotec, Southern Rincon I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zsu Sukurum Sukurum I / L Oceanic languages
(ztc) Lachirioag Zapotec Lachirioag Zapotec Zapotec dialect continuum
zte Zapotec, Elotepec Zapotec, Elotepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztg Zapotec, Xanaguía Zapotec, Xanaguía I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
partly Zapotec, Santiago Lapaguía Zapotec, Santiago Lapaguía I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztm Zapotec, San Agustín Mixtepec Zapotec, San Agustín Mixtepec I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztn Zapotec, Santa Catarina Albarradas Zapotec, Santa Catarina Albarradas I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztp Zapotec, Loxicha Zapotec, Loxicha I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztq Zapotec, Quioquitani-Quierí Zapotec, Quioquitani-Quierí I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zts Zapotec, Tilquiapan Zapotec, Tilquiapan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztt Zapotec, Tejalapan Zapotec, Tejalapan I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztu Zapotec, Güilá Zapotec, Güilá I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
ztx Zapotec, Zaachila Zapotec, Zaachila I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zty Zapotec, Yatee Zapotec, Yatee I / L Zapotec dialect continuum
zua Zeem Zeem I / L Chadian languages
to Tokano Tokano I / L Gahaku Benabena languages
perm to perm isiZulu Zulu I / L Bantu languages
to the Kumzari Kumzari I / L Iranian languages
to to Zuñi Zuni I / L Isolated languages
zuy Zumaya Zumaya I / L Chadian languages
between Zay Zay I / L Ethiosemitic languages
zxx zxx “No linguistic content; Not applicable" No linguistic content; Not applicable S / S
zyb Yongbei Zhuang Yongbei Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zyg Yang Zhuang Yang Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zyj Youjiang Zhuang Youjiang Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
cynical Yongnan Zhuang Yongnan Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages
zyp Zyphe Zyphe I / L Mizo-Kuki-Chin languages
zza zza Zaza (ish) Zaza; Dimili M / L Iranian languages
zzj Zuojiang Zhuang Zuojiang Zhuang I / L Zhuang languages

See also

Web links