Ilkka Kanerva

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Ilkka Kanerva, 2016

Ilkka Armas Mikael Kanerva (born January 28, 1948 in Lokalahti ) is a Finnish politician and belongs to the National Collection Party . He is a member of the Finnish Parliament and was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland from April 19, 2007 to April 4, 2008 .


Ilkka Kanerva is the son of the farmer Viljo Kanerva and the housewife Aino Vaaranen. He studied political science at the University of Turku . He completed this in 1980 with a master's degree . From 1972 to 1976 he was the leader of the political youth organization Kokoomuksen Nuorten Liitto ry. and was elected to the Finnish Parliament in 1975. He is the longest active member of parliament after Esko-Juhani Tennilä of the Left Alliance did not run for election in 2011.

In the spring of 2005, Kanerva, then still speaker of parliament, caused negative headlines when it became known that he had exchanged SMS text messages with the nude model Marika Fingerroos. In a television interview, he admitted to making a mistake and promised to improve. At the beginning of March 2008, the tabloid magazine Hymy published an article according to which Kanerva met the 31-year-old erotic dancer Johanna Tukiainen on a flight in January of the same year and had sent her around 200 SMS text messages from his company cell phone in the following weeks. After a few days of silence, Kanerva confirmed the truthfulness of the article on March 11, causing heated controversy. On March 31, 2008 Kanerva was recalled from a trip abroad. A few hours after Hymy published excerpts from some of the text messages on April 1, 2008, party chairman Jyrki Katainen announced that Kanerva had been removed from his post as foreign minister and will be replaced by MEP Alexander Stubb . The reason for this decision is not the text messages themselves, but the fact that Kanerva broke his promise to keep his private life under control.


Web links

Commons : Ilkka Kanerva  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deputy Parliamentary Speaker Ilkka Kanerva upbraided for inappropriate SMS messages. In: Helsingin Sanomat . June 16, 2005, accessed April 1, 2008
  2. Foreign Minister admits to sending text messages to dancer. In: Helsingin Sanomat. March 11, 2008, accessed April 1, 2008
  3. Katainen: "Kanerva Broke His Promise" to Behave. In: YLE News . April 1, 2008, accessed April 1, 2008