Ioakim Samuilowitsch Kannegiesser

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Ioakim Samuilowitsch Kannegiesser ( Russian Иоаким Самуилович Каннегисер ; * 1860 in Zhytomyr , † 1930 in Paris ) was a Russian traffic engineer , university professor and entrepreneur .


Kannegiesser was born into the Mandelstam family. His mother Rosalija Emmanuilowna Mandelstam (1833-1905) was the sister of the ophthalmologist Max Jemiljanowitsch Mandelstam and the literary historian Iossif Jemiljanowitsch Mandelstam . The father Samuil Chaimowitsch Kannegiesser was a doctor , worked in the Zhytomyr military hospital from 1862 and received the hereditary noble privilege (1883) and the rank of State Councilor (5th class ).

Kannegiesser attended the 1st Zhytomyr grammar school and then studied in Kiev at the Imperial University of St. Vladimir in the mathematical department with graduation in 1881. He completed his further studies at the St. Petersburg Institute of Transport Engineers in 1884. He then worked on the construction of the Siberian Railway from Yekaterinburg to Tyumen (1884-1885) and from Yekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk , Kurgan and Omsk (1886-1893). From 1894 to 1899, Kannegiesser was a private lecturer at the St. Petersburg Institute of Transport Engineers. He gave a lecture on tunnel work and published a textbook on it together with Valerian Ivanovich Kurdjumow .

Krab (1909)

In 1895, Kannegiesser became a partner in the anonymous society of shipbuilding , mechanical engineering and foundry factories in the city of Nikolayev . From 1899–1907 he was director of the Nikolaev shipyard Nawal , which supplied the Black Sea fleet . He reorganized the work organization, reduced working hours on Saturdays and introduced one and a half times the wage for overtime. For this purpose, he wrote monographs on work organization. As early as 1900 he was elected director and managing director of the Anonymous Society (until 1909). In 1907 he became the administrative director of the Society of Nikolayev Factories in St. Petersburg. In 1910 he led the company of Nikolayev factories and shipyards . In 1911 he led the construction of the first Russian turbine cruiser Admiral Lasarew (later Black Caucasus ). He led the project for the construction of the world's first underwater miner Krab ( Krabbe ) (1908-1912).

In Nikolajew, Kannegiesser and his wife Rosa Lwowna, née Saker (1863-1946, doctor from Odessa ) acted as benefactors. Kannegiesser's name was associated with the theater, a sanatorium, a water tower and the introduction of the tram , among other things . With others he founded the Society for the Promotion of Higher Education among the Jews . 1913–1916, the son Nikolai (1891–1926) of the poet Konstantin Dmitrijewitsch Balmont lived in the Kannegiesser family .

During the First World War , Kannegiesser served as an advisor to the Imperial Russian Navy . In 1917 he was a member of the Presidium of the Military Industry Committee of the Provisional Government .

After his son Leonid Kannegiesser's attack on Cheka boss Moissei Solomonowitsch Urizki on August 30, 1918, Kannegiesser was immediately arrested along with his wife and daughter Jelisaweta. In October 1918 his son Leonid was shot. After his release on December 24, 1918, Kannegiesser worked in the Soviet Union . In 1921 he was arrested again. In 1924 he emigrated to Paris with his wife and daughter . In 1928 he and his wife published the surviving diary entries and poems of their son Leonid. Kannegiesser's daughter Jelisaweta was deported from Nice in 1942 and died in Auschwitz .

Kannegiesser's cousins ​​were the physician Alexander Gawrilowitsch Gurwitsch and the chemist Lev Gawrilowitsch Gurwitsch (1871-1926). Rachel Bluwstein was Kannegiesser's cousin. Leonid Isaakowitsch Mandelstam was Kannegiesser's second cousin.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine: КАННЕГІ́СЕР Іоаким Самуїлович (accessed October 16, 2018).
  2. a b c Faberowa Datscha (Nikolajewskaja Oblast): Каннегисер Иоаким Самуилович (accessed October 16, 2018).
  3. a b c d e Неисповедимы пути твои, Господи… (Взлеты и падения семейства Каннегисер) (accessed October 16, 2018).
  4. В. И. Курдюмов, И. С. Каннегисер: Материалы для курса строительных работ. Выпуск 2: Земляные работы (В. И. Курдюмов); Взрывные работы в открытой выемке (И. С. Каннегисер) . 2nd Edition. Типография Ю. Н. Эрлиха, St. Petersburg 1898 ( [1] accessed October 16, 2018).
  5. Практическое руководство по административно-хозяйственной организации производстыханных вачанизации производстыханных . St. Petersburg 1916.
  6. Практическое руководство по административно-хозяйственной организации производство поралстиме вачанизации . Северо-Западное промбюро В. С. Н. Х., Leningrad 1923.
  7. Николай А. Зенкович: Собрание сочинений. Т. 6. Покушения и инсценировки: От Ленина до Ельцина . ОЛМА-ПРЕСС, Moscow 2004, ISBN 5-224-02152-9 , p. 78, 115-139 .