Joachim Wilhelm von Ahlimb

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Joachim Wilhelm von Ahlimb (born January 12, 1701 in Joachimsthal , † June 6, 1763 in Ringenwalde ) was a Prussian colonel .



Joachim Wilhelm came from the noble family of Ahlimb from Uckermark . His parents were the heir to Ringenwalde Friedrich Wilhelm von Ahlimb and Maria Tugendreich von Barfuß . His brother Bernhard Friedrich von Ahlimb (1699–1757) was also a Prussian colonel and commander of the garrison in Magdeburg .

Military career

Ahlimb joined the Prussian Army like his brother in order to pursue an officer career. He took part in the Silesian Wars and was promoted to colonel and commander of the 7th Dragoon Regiment . He vacated this position in the spring of 1754 for health reasons and was appointed by the king to command the Regenstein Castle. He was to remain the last in command, because in 1757 he had to hand over the fortress to the French with free retreat. After the reconquest in 1758, the facility was made unusable. Ahlimb received his farewell and retired to the Ringenwalde family estate , where he and his brother had a baroque manor built by an Italian architect between 1740 and 1742 .


Ahlimb married Esther Hedwig Juliane von Blumenthal (1715–1764), a daughter of the Prussian State and War Minister Adam Ludwig von Blumenthal (1691–1760) in 1736 . The marriage resulted in six or 18 children, of whom the following are known by name.

  • Leopold Friedrich Ludwig († 1757)
  • Sophie Luise Juliane (* 1739) ⚭ Adam Bone de Nandor († 1764)
  • Eleonore Wilhelmine (1743–1795) ⚭ 1781 Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Erdmannsdorff (1736–1800), architect
  • Erdmann Wilhelm (1747–1785), heir to Ringwalde,
⚭I Marie Friederike Dorothea von Bredow (1745–1769)
⚭II 1793 Sabine Dorothea Ulrike von Schlippenbach (1749–1797)
  • Friedrich Heinrich (1748–1790)
  • Gustav Andreas (1750-1830), with him the male line of his family expires ,
⚭I NN from Matthei
⚭II Karoline Sofie von Loos (1764–1842)
  • Heinrich Joachim (1753–1766)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon . Volume 1, Leipzig 1836, pp. 89-90.
  2. ^ Anton Balthasar König : Joachim Wilhelm von Ahlimb . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 1 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1788, p. 1 ( Joachim Wilhelm von Ahlimb at Wikisource [PDF]).
  3. Rolf Straubel : He just wants to know that the army is mine. Friedrich II. And his officers , 2012, p. 253.
  4. ^ Caspar Friedrich Gottschalck : The knight castles and mountain castles of Germany. Volume 3, Halle 1820, pp. 194–195.
  5. Manfred Feder: Hiking in the Schorfheide: Tours through an unusual landscape. P. 79.
  6. ^ Friedrich Ludwig Joseph Fischbach : Historical political, geographic, statistical and military contributions, concerning the royal Prussian and neighboring states. Volume 1, Berlin 1781, p. 266, No. 7.
  7. Märkische research. Volume 1, Berlin 1841, p. 387.
  8. Rolf Straubel : Nobles and civil officials in the Frederician judicial and financial administration. Selected aspects of a social restructuring process and its background (1740–1806) (=  publications of the Brandenburg State Main Archives . Volume 59 ). BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-8305-1842-6 , p. 312 ( limited preview in Google Book search).