Adam Ludwig von Blumenthal

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Adam Ludwig von Blumenthal (born March 26, 1691 in Breda , † September 23, 1760 in Berlin ) was Prussian Minister of State and War and Knight of the Order of the Black Eagle .



Adam Ludwig was a member of the Brandenburg noble family von Blumenthal . He was a son of the Prussian colonel and heir to Blumenthal , Dahlhausen , Horst and Guhrau, Adam Heinrich von Blumenthal (1654–1693) and Barbara Hedwig, née von Hindenburg (1673–1718).


Blumenthal attended the Collegium Groeningianum in Stargard , before he moved to the University of Halle to study law in 1708 . In 1709 he attended the University of Jena, in 1711 he returned to Halle and completed his training.

After that he entered into his father's inheritance, the estate of Dahlhausen and Horst. In addition, he later acquired Falkenhagen , Paretz , Pretschen and Wittmannsdorf . In 1729 he also bought the goods Banskow and Liepen and in 1729 Dresow bei Stolp , all of which he gave to his son-in-law Johann Jakob von Wobeser in 1743 . Finally, in 1755, he also acquired Ziegenhagen in the Saatzig district .

From the spring of 1735 he directed the Chamber Deputation in Gumbinnen . He also took over the vice-chairmanship of the Chamber in Königsberg on July 27, 1736 . On August 2, 1736, Blumenthal was appointed minister and in June 1739 he was awarded the Order of the Black Eagle. Since July 22, 1745 he was President of the 1st Department of the General Directory. In the spring of 1747 he stayed again in Prussia , but was entrusted with tasks in the late summer of 1748 in Stettin and in the summer of 1750 in Küstrin .

Friedrich II was consistently very satisfied with Blumenthal and so he was able to hold influential positions during his career, such as that of a secret budget and war minister, even a conducting minister. He was often entrusted with financial and excise matters, but also with colonist matters.


From his marriage to Sophie Esther von Hoym from the Poblotz family (1697–1733) he had seven children:

  • Catharina Maria (1714–1770) ⚭ 1743 Count Otto Friedrich Christoph von Podewils (1702–1760), heir to Bosenz, Buckow, Bussin, Crangen , Drenzig, Kummerow, Latzig, Nesekow, Schwarzin, Söllnitz and Wintershagen
  • Esther Hedwig Juliane (1715–1764) ⚭ 1736 Joachim Wilhelm von Ahlimb , Prussian Colonel, Lord of Ringenwalde
  • Heinrich Georg (1716–1756), Prussian major ⚭ 1743 Countess Theresia d'Harscamp (1712–1782)
  • Adam Ludwig (1717–1754), Prussian captain
  • Anna Elisabeth (1719–1744) ⚭ Johann Jakob von Wobeser , Lord of Bansekow, Liepen and Dresow
  • Otto Friedrich (1720–1745), Prussian major
  • Hans (1722–1788), Prussian colonel and chief steward, Lord of Blumenthal, Dahlhausen, Horst, Paretz, Pretschen, Wittmannsdorf and Ziegenhagen ⚭ 1761 Countess Friederike Elisabeth Ulrike Amalie von Wartensleben (1741–1808), daughter of General Leopold Alexander von Wartensleben and Granddaughter of General Paul Anton von Kameke


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Julius Theodor Bagmihl : Pommersches Wappenbuch . Volume 3, Stettin 1847, p. 130.
  2. ^ Karl Eberhard Laux , Karl Teppe: The modern state and its administration: Contributions to the history of development since 1700. Stuttgart 1998, p. 60.
  3. Lars A. Severin: The family of the Prussian counts v. Podewils (1741-1812). In: Brandenburgisches Genealogisches Jahrbuch. Volume 6, 2012, p. 39.