Johann Andreas Coppenstein

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Title page of a book by Johann Andreas Coppenstein (1625)
Title page of a book by Johann Andreas Coppenstein (1627)

Johann Andreas Coppenstein , also Koppenstein (* in Mandel ; † March 3, 1638 in Koblenz ) was a German Roman Catholic clergyman during the Counter Reformation , member of the Dominican order, publicist and controversial theologian.


He came from the noble family of Barons von Koppenstein , was initially a Jesuit , acquired the title of Magister Theologiae and served as a preacher at the Liebfrauen parish church in Koblenz. Johann Andreas Coppenstein converted to the Dominican order around 1612. In 1617 he worked as prior of the Koblenz convent , in 1619 as a preacher in Freiburg / Breisgau and from 1620 in the Dominican monastery in Mainz , where he also held the office of prior. At the same time, Tommaso Marini († 1635), the visitor to the German Order Province, appointed him as his vicar and commissioner. In this capacity, Father Coppenstein stayed in Worms in 1618 and visited the Dominican convent there. In 1624 he was appointed preacher general. He was in close contact with the Archbishops Lothar von Metternich and Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg .

After the Electoral Palatinate was taken by Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria , Coppenstein officiated between 1624 and 1630 as pastor at the Peterskirche in Heidelberg and was supposed to reintroduce Catholicism there. He was also responsible for looking after the few remaining Catholics in the Heidelberg area.

In 1638 Father Coppenstein returned decrepit to the Dominican monastery in Koblenz, where he died soon afterwards.

In addition to his own controversial theological writings against Lutherans and Calvinists , he published theological classics, including Caesarius von Heisterbach . His edition of Alanus de Rupes Rosary was widely used . He and the Lutheran theologian Johann Himmel argued against each other in publications.

Coppenstein, according to the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , was not an original mind, but an extremely hard-working collector and skilful sifter .


  • Beatus Alanus, redivivus, de Psalterio seu Rosario Christi et Mariae, tractatus in quinque partes distributus. Freiburg 1610
  • Fasciculus moralitatis venerabilis Caesarii Heisterbacensis: Homilias de infantia servatoris Jesu Christi complectens / per ... Joannem Andream Coppenstein ... nunc primum ex ... MS Cod. Ad typos elaborata, Additis ad marginem lemmatis & citationibus adnotatis . Coloniae: Henning, 1615.
Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf
  • B. Alberti Magni ... Ordine Praedicatorum Eucharisticum siue Sermones de SS. Eucharistia plane diuini / Dati ad praelum. Coloniae: Henning, 1615.
Digitized , Hathi Trust
  • B. Alanvs De Rvpe Redivivvs: De Psalterio Sev Rosario Christi Ac Mariae: Eivsdemqve Fraternitate Rosaria / Auctore RPF Ioanne Andrea Coppenstein Mandalensi, Ordinis Praedicatorum ... Coloniae Agrippinae: Sumptibus Petri Henningij, 1624
Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf
  • Quodlibetum Coloniense De fraternitate S. Rosarii BV Mariae / authors Michaele from Insulis, Ordinis Praedicatorum ...; reproductum to RPF Ioanne Andrea Coppenstein MandalensiColoniae Agrippinae: Sumptibus Petri Henningij, 1624
Digitized , Hathi Trust
  • Controversiarum ex Rob. Bellarmino in epitomen redactarum etc. 1643


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. after Frank (Lit.), pp. 101f
  2. Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum , Volume 70, p. 255, Istituto Storico Domenicano, Rome, 2000; (Detail scan)
  3. ^ Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim : Historia Trevirensis diplomatica et pragmatica , Würzburg, 1750, p. 231; (Digital scan)
  4. Tommaso Marini (Person No. 2) in the Catholic Encyclopedia ( Memento of the original from December 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Klaus-Bernward Springer: The German Dominicans in Resistance and Adaptation during the Reformation , Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 1999, p. 172, ISBN 305004814X ; (Digital scan)
  6. Gerhard Jehle: The Lombardic history of saints by Jacobus a Voragine , Volume 28 a, without page number; (Digital scan of the office of general preacher)
  7. Franz Maier: The Bavarian Lower Palatinate in the Thirty Years' War: Occupation, administration and recatholization of the Palatinate on the right bank of the Rhine by Bavaria from 1621 to 1649 , Verlag P. Lang, 1990, p. 132, ISBN 3631425120 (detail scan )
  8. ^ Johann Georg Theodor Grasse : Textbook of a general literary history of all known peoples , Volume 3, Part 1, p. 758, Leipzig, 1852; (Digital scan)
  9. ADB (lit.)