Johann Christoph Jakob Wilder

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Church of Roßtal, 1810

Johann Christoph Jakob Wilder (born December 6, 1783 in Altdorf near Nuremberg ; † January 16, 1838 in Nuremberg ) was a German Lutheran clergyman, landscape and architecture draftsman , etcher , author and poet .


Johann Christoph Jakob Wilder was the older brother of the architectural draftsman and copper engraver Georg Christoph Wilder .

After studying theology at the University of Altdorf , he was given the parish office of St. Peter's Church in Nuremberg . In 1817 he was called to the Holy Spirit Church .

Wilder was a talented draftsman who had acquired his skills in the artistic field as an autodidact . Thematically, he had mainly turned to the landscape subject, but was also active as an architectural draftsman. He found the motifs in his hometown and in the vicinity of Nuremberg. He preferred romantic corners and hidden building details, which he reproduced with great meticulousness . He carried out etchings based on his own designs as well as on templates from other artists.



  • In memory of Mr. Johann Ferdinand Roth, parish priest at the main parish church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg, in the name of Nuremberg Pegnes. Blum. Ord. Written by the eternal nephew , 1815
  • Monument of respect and love to a worthy old man and friend all the best to Mr. Benedict Wilhelm Zahn, doctor of both rights, the former imperial city of Nuremberg Syndic and fief secretary, then the first consiliarius of the Pegnese Flower Order, who was 82 years old on April 26th He completed his earth pilgrimage in 1819
  • The beautiful fountain in Nuremberg / hints about its artistic value, as well as about its history, in memory of its discovery, after complete restoration on October 12, 1824 / with 3 coppers , 2nd edition, Riegel and Wießner, Nuremberg 1824; on-line:
  • Traits from the life of Christian Gottlieb Müller, former official and counter-writer in the city council and permanent secretary of the Pegnese Flower Order : A memorial to the services of the same in the name of the Pegnese Flower Order written by J. Ch. J. Wilder, pastor of the Heil. Spiritual Church in Nuremberg and member of the commemorative order , Nuremberg 1824
  • Attach the Feyer of October 12th. Concerning 1824 in Nuremberg , 1824
  • Nuremberg / A compact compilation of his oddities for foreigners and locals ... , Riegel and Wießner, Nuremberg 1827; on-line:
  • Songs and pictures from Albrecht Dürer's life: to celebrate the laying of the foundation stone of the monument to Albrecht Dürer on April 7, 1828 , Riegel and Wießner, Nuremberg 1828
  • New paperback from Nuremberg. First part contains the topographical-statistical description of the city, a historical introduction and an index of subjects and names. 2nd, increased edition ..., Riegel and Wiessner, 1829
  • Tribute to His Majesty the King Ludwig of Bavaria consecrated / by the active members of the Liedertafeln of Erlangen , Fürth , Nuremberg, Schwabach / performed at the by the city of Nuremberg on Aug. 27, 1833 your kings. Majesties in Rosenau prepared evening feasts , Campe, 1833
  • The fairy tale teller a welcome guest who likes to speak to good children / An entertainment book for young people , Ebner, 1834
  • Poems / by JJ Ch. Wilder / first pastor at the church of the H. Geist in Nuremberg. Selected and edited after the author's death. , Nuremberg with Riegel and Wießner, Campescher Druck, 1838; online with full text search option:

Drawings, etchings (incomplete)

  • 1810: Collegiate Church of St. Laurentius in Roßtal (pencil drawing)

See also


Web links

Commons : Johann Christoph Jakob Wilder  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Leyh, 1988