Johann Eimann

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Johann Eimann, silhouette

Johann Eimann , (also Eymann) (born April 23, 1764 in Duchroth , Holy Roman Empire ; † September 30, 1847 in Neu-Siwatz , Austrian Empire ) was a colonist and founder of the history of German settlement in the Batschka .


Eimann was a mennonite . He was the son of Peter and Barbara Eimann, b. Fritz. The family originally immigrated to the Palatinate from Switzerland . From 1771 to 1777 he attended the village school in Duchroth , then until 1780 the Latin school in Meisenheim . Before he could matriculate at Heidelberg University, his father died, which made his studies impossible. Out of necessity, he learned the miller's trade from his stepbrother from 1781–1783 .

He continued his education in his free time and then worked as an educator and teacher in Sobernheim . As a result, he tried to apply as chancellor clerk, which was unsuccessful because of his faith. In order to become independent, he first applied for admission to a dragoon regiment and then to the Royal Deux-Ponts regiment . Because of his physical weakness, he had no success here either.

In the spring of 1783, a printed advertising patent for settlers in Hungary , Bohemia , Galicia and Lodomeria was distributed in the Palatinate . Eimann then decided to emigrate. Together with his bride Elisabeth Heinrich , he emigrated on May 30, 1785. The couple were married in Vienna on July 6, 1785 ; on July 21, 1785 they reached Neuwerbass , today Vrbas , in the Batschka .

Heimann received the position of the Baukanzlisten tacular Rentamt and was the completion of the semi-finished settler entrusted endorfes Neuwerbaß. On April 8, 1786, Eimann was promoted to construction accountant in view of his diligent service. He played an important role in the vital drainage of the flooded areas. After the end of the Josephine settlement in the Batschka in 1789, the colonization offices were dissolved. Eimann took over the teaching post in Neu-Siwatz and kept this position from 1789 to 1792. During this time, he occasionally served as a preacher . From 1793 to 1826 he worked as a community notary.

In 1820 Eimann wrote a book about the Josephine colonization of the Batschka with the title "The German Colonist, or the German settlement under Emperor Joseph the Second in the years 1783 to 1787 in the Kingdom of Hungary in the Bacser Comitat" .

Map of Duchroth 1798

Throughout his life he was closely connected to his home community of Duchroth. In 1798 he drew the town plan of Duchroth from memory, which exactly shows the village structure that is still largely in place today.

A plaque in memory of Johann Eimann is attached to the old schoolhouse in Duchroth in the Palatinate.

In memory of Johann Eimann, the Danube German Landsmannschaft in Rhineland-Palatinate has been awarding the Johann Eimann plaque annually since 1962 to a personality who has made great contributions to Danube German history. All carriers of the plaque from 1962 to 2012 are listed in the 2013 new edition of his book Der Deutsche Kolonist . Examples include the federal chairman of the Danube Swabian Landsmannschaft in Germany, Hans Supritz (award 2010) and the Austrian Georg Wildmann (award 2012).


  • Memorial plaque on the old schoolhouse in Duchroth
  • Johann Eimann badge of the Danube German Landsmannschaft in Rhineland-Palatinate


  • J. Baer, ​​PH. Müller, B. Reuter (ed.): Siwatz 1786–1944 , Pannonia-Verlag, Freilassing 1963
  • Friedrich Lotz (Ed.): Johann Eimann: Der Deutsche Kolonist , Verlag des Südostdeutschen Kulturwerk, Munich, 1965
  • New edition: Johann Eimann: The German Colonist , Donaudeutsche Landsmannschaft eV in Rhineland-Palatinate (ed.), Speyer, 2013, 174 pages, ISBN 978-3-926276-92-6

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Marriage listed in: Wiener Trauungen 1782–1802 , genealogical listing on
  2. Article by Roland Paul about Johann Eimann, Homepage of the District Association Palatinate, 2014 ( Memento from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive )