Carl Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg

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Coat of arms of the noble family Orgies-Rutenberg

Carl Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg (also Carl Ferdinand von Orgies called Rutenberg; born April 27, 1741 in Lestene , Courland ; † March 6, 1801 in Mitau , Courland) was an influential politician in the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia and the subsequent Governorate of Courland . He was chancellor and country steward in Courland and came from the esteemed Baltic-Pomeranian noble family Orgies-Rutenberg .


Carl Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg was raised with relatives in the country. He studied law at the University of Jena from 1759 to 1762 . After his return to Courland, he became a paralegal at the Selburg Court of Justice . In 1775 he was named captain zu Frauenberg , in 1782 he became land messenger marshal , 1786 head captain zu Tuckum , 1788 senior councilor in the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia , ducal chancellor and 1793 land steward in Mitau. After Courland and Semgallia were subjugated to the Russian scepter in 1795, Empress Catherine II (1729–1796) raised him to a real budget council or Russian real privy councilor and in 1797 he received the Order of Saint Anne . He was an avowed supporter of Duke Peter von Biron (1724–1800) and an opponent of Otto Christopher von der Howen . From March 28, 1795 to April 26, 1795, he was appointed regent during a brief interregnum on behalf of the senior councils of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia . In 1797 he was appointed court master of the Courland High Court in Mitau and thus continued his political career until 1801 in the newly created Kurland governorate, which was under Russian rule.

Origin and family

The aristocratic family goes back to the ancient Pomeranian noble family "de Reno" from the 13th century, who had settled in Livonia . They then named themselves after the name of their place of residence "de Orghys" and at the end of the 16th century they added the name "Rutenberg", later "Ories called Rutenberg". This became "Orgies-Rutenberg" in the 18th century. In 1841 they received the Courland indigenous community . 1862 they were in the Russian baron ( baron applicable).

Carl Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg's father was the state politician Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg (born August 26, 1685 † April 14, 1744), who had been married to Anna Catharina, born von Fircks , since 1732 . He studied at the University of Königsberg in 1702 and at the University of Frankfurt am Main in 1703 , after which he was estate manager on Mangen and pawn owner of Wallgahlen. This was followed by a job as a chamberlain with the duchess-widow Anna. His national political activity began in 1715 as a Kurland country delegate in Warsaw , it continued in 1715 and 1726 at the same point. Together with Christian von Brackel and Count Moritz von Sachsen (1696–1750) he played a key role in promoting the duchy. His last political office was that of Captain von Windaus . Carl Ferdinand married Helene Sybilla Elisabeth von Grotthus , his children and known descendants were:

  • Carl Ernst von Orgies-Rutenberg (1768–1807), married to Eudoxia von Mirbach (1775–1834)
  • Caroline Louise von Orgies-Rutenberg (1779–1805), married. with captain Georg Johann von Bolschwing (1767–1808)
  • Johann Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg (born August 3, 1767 - August 27, 1830) received his education in his father's house and went on a study trip through Germany with his brother Carl Ernst and their teacher, Provost BG Becker . He studied at the University of Leipzig from 1788 to 1791 , then returned to the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia via Berlin , Dresden and Warsaw in the wake of the Duchess Dorothea von Kurland . In 1794 he was captain of court -Assessor in Frauenberg. In 1796 he was appointed assessor in the court of civil cases in the province of Courland. 1797 again chief judge assessor in Frauenburg and in the same year captain in Windau. 1801–1803 he was authorized representative of the Oberhauptmannschaft , then from 1803 to 1815 Knighthood Secretary. In 1815 he was appointed to the council at the Courland Court of Justice and in 1817 was appointed Landbotenmarschall. In 1817 he was decorated with the Order of Saint Anne. He was married to Johanna von Meerfeld (1784–1844).
  • Johanna Dorothea von Orgies-Rutenberg (1786–1832), was married to Ewald von Korff for the first time and to the captain Georg Johann von Bolschwing (1767–1808), the widower of her sister Caroline Louise
  • Agatha Dorothea Elisabeth von Orgies-Rutenberg, was married to Friedrich Georg von Kleist (1751-1800).


  • Emil von Orgies-Rutenberg: History of the von Rutenberg and von Orgies called Rutenberg , printed as a manuscript, Dobern 1899 (356 pages)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathias Mesenhöller: Estates modernization. The Courland Knighthood Nobility 1760–1830 . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-05-004478-1 , p. 43.
  2. From the messenger marshal . In: Provincial Law of the Baltic Sea Governments, compiled on the orders of the Lord and Emperor Nikolai Pawlowitsch : Translated from the Russian originals in the 2nd Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, Volume 2, Verlag In der Buchdruckerei of the 2nd derivation of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, 1845 , Original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , digitized July 23, 2010 [1]
  3. ^ Johann Friedrich von Recke , Theodor Beise , Karl Eduard Napiersky , General writers and learned lexicon of the provinces of Livonia, Volume 3, Verlag JF Steffenhagen und sohn., 1831 [2] pp. 590 ff.
  4. times of the reign in Courland [3]
  5. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Rutenberg, Orgies gen. V .. In: BBLD - Baltic biographical lexicon digital
  6. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Rutenberg, Ferdinand v. Orgies gen .. In: BBLD - Baltic biographical lexicon digital
  7. ^ Art. Rutenberg called Von Orgies, Otto Johann Joseph Gotthard von, since 1862 a baron . In: Carola L. Gottzmann, Petra Hörner: Lexicon of German-Language Literature of the Baltic States and St. Petersburg: From the Middle Ages to the Present . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, Vol. 3: N - Z , ISBN 978-3-11-019338-1 , p. 1099 ( [4] ).
  8. ^ Art. Bolschwing, Georg Johann von . In: Carola L. Gottzmann, Petra Hörner: Lexicon of German-Language Literature of the Baltic States and St. Petersburg: From the Middle Ages to the Present . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, Vol. 1: A - G , p. 262 ( [5] ).
  9. ^ Johann Friedrich von Recke, Theodor Beise, Karl Eduard Napiersky, General writers and learned lexicon of the provinces of Livonia, Volume 3, Verlag JF Steffenhagen and sohn., 1831 [6] , p. 687.