Johannes Grimelund

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Johannes Grimelund , self-portrait, 1883

John Martin Grimelund , and Jean-Martin Grimelund (* 15. March 1842 in Aker at Christiania , Norway ; † 25. October 1917 in Garches , France ) was a Norwegian landscape and marine painter and graphic artist .


Grimelund, son of the Norwegian Bishop Andreas Grimelund (1812-1896) and his wife Julie Augusta Kjelsen (1819-1909), was an adjunct in 1865 at the school of the Trondheim Cathedral . In 1866 he began studying theology . During his studies he attended Johan Fredrik Eckersberg's painting school . From 1867 to 1871 he worked as a teacher at the secondary school in Trondheim . On a trip to Italy in 1869/1870 , the idea of ​​becoming a painter matured in him. Then he went for a few months after Karlsruhe to Hans Gude of, a Norwegian landscape and marine painter Düsseldorf School , which since 1864, the Grand Duke of Baden Art School headed. This encouraged him in his artistic endeavors. In the winter of 1871/1872 Grimelund enrolled at the Karlsruhe Art School. As a student of Gude, he accompanied his teacher on various study trips, for example to the Black Forest (1872), to the Lysakerfjord (1873) and to Bohuslän (1875, 1876). In 1874/1875 Grimlund made a study visit to Düsseldorf .

Fra Rouen Havn (In the Port of Rouen) , 1893

Grimelund made his debut with two landscape paintings in 1872 at an exhibition of the Christiania Art Association. In the following years he successfully sold his paintings, which at the time depicted both German and Norwegian motifs, to art associations in Christiania, Bergen , Trondheim, Stockholm and Karlsruhe. A picture he exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 won a silver medal there. From 1876 he exhibited at the Salon in Paris , where he had moved his residence in 1875 . Since that time he started to paint coasts and harbor scenes of north and north-west European as well as southern French places in bright colors.

In 1892 Grimlund was accepted into the French Legion of Honor . In 1907 Haakon VII honored him with the Order of Saint Olav .


Web links

Commons : Johannes Grimelund  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf . In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 1, p. 431