José Bové

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José Bové (2013)

Joseph "José" Bové (born June 11, 1953 in Talence , Gironde department ) is a French farmer , politician ( EELV ), globalization critic and environmental activist . He is a founding member and a leading figure of the Confédération paysanne , a French farmers 'association that was formed in the 1980s as an alternative-left counterpart to the established farmers' association, Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles (FNSEA). Bové was a member of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2019 . In January 2014, the European Greens voted him their top candidate for the 2014 European elections . He led the Greens together with Ska Keller in the election campaign.

Protests on the Larzac

Bové comes from a renowned academic family. His father Joseph-Marie Bové (* 1929), who was born in Luxembourg and is an expert in the field of microbiology (plant diseases), was initially head of the biochemistry department of the research institute IRFA ( Institut des Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes ), then director until 1984 of the Laboratoire de Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire ( Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology ) at the Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) ( National Institute for Agronomic Research ) in Aquitaine and 1984-1994 president of this regional center of INRA. From 1994 to 1999, Bové's father managed the establishment of the Institut de Biologie Végétale Moléculaire (IBVM) (within INRA) in Villenave-d'Ornon (today: Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie Intégrative et Ecologie - SRFBIE) and was its director until 2000. At the same time teaching as professor of microbiology at the Universities of Nancy (1968 to 1971) and Bordeaux (1978 to 1998 / retirement ). Joseph Bové received numerous awards - among other things he was made a member of the Académie des Sciences in 1993.

Bové's mother Colette (née Dumeau) - originally a doctor - later taught as a professor of biology . In 1956, José Bové was just 3 years old, his parents were invited by the University of California, Berkeley to do agricultural economics and biochemistry research, and José spent his early childhood (until 1959) in the USA. After returning to France, the family settled in a suburb west of Paris down and Bove was on a private, bilingual school of the Jesuits in Athis-Mons , Essonne département sent.

Even as a teenager, Bové rebelled against traditional, encrusted structures. At the age of 15 - it was the time of the 1968 unrest - he had to leave school after a student rebellion. He passed his Abitur ( Baccalauréat ) in 1970 at another school with distinction. He briefly enrolled in philosophy at the University of Bordeaux , but then came to agriculture through the protest movement of the 1970s. From 1973 to 1981 he was one of the leading figures of the protest movement on the Causse du Larzac , which had formed against the expansion of the military training area there (until today) to the remaining area of ​​the agricultural plateau in southwest France. He also appeared as a Greenpeace activist in the 1990s .

Bové has lived on the plateau since then and in 2006 built a wooden house in the New Age style in the hamlet of Montredon (Aveyron) .

Actions and protests

José Bové was one of the founding members of the Attac organization in 1998 .

José Bové achieved great popularity in 1999 with the so-called "McDonald's Affair". The background to this affair was the destruction of a McDonald’s restaurant by protesting farmers in Millau . The protest was directed against punitive tariffs on French products such as Roquefort cheese , which the US introduced as a “retaliation” when the European Union had previously refused to import genetically modified food from the US. For this reason, farmers appeared in front of the McDonald's branch in Millau on August 12, 1999 and destroyed it without harming people. Bové was sentenced to three months in prison in 2000 for instigating this action.

This event expanded into the affair because the trade conflict between France and the USA persisted and American politics interpreted both the destruction of the McDonald's branch and the, in their opinion, too low punishment for Bové as " anti-Americanism ". France for its part now forbade any interference by the USA in its internal affairs.

As a result of this event, Bové's fame rose sharply. His entry into prison and his release from prison became a media event, even though he had several previous convictions for similar actions. Bové now had the opportunity to present his protest against the “ Malbouffe ” (loosely translated as “Drecksfraß”) - a term he made popular by Joël de Rosnay - to a public that was not so keenly interested until then. He was convicted several times for destroying genetically modified plants.

2005 Jose Bove has been to four months in prison for the Verwüstens of GM maize plantations by consolidated in a field liberation convicted. The judgment became final in February 2007.

José Bové (Paris, May 2005)

In another trial, Bové was sentenced to a fine of 180 daily rates for the devastation of MON810 GM maize plantations on July 30, 2006.

Political successes

On February 1, 2007, José Bové announced his candidacy for the office of President . The first round of the 2007 presidential election took place on April 22nd, and Bové received 1.3 percent of the valid votes cast (483,008 votes).

On June 7, 2009, Bové was elected to the European Parliament as the leading candidate for the Europe Ecology Alliance in south-west France . There he is Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. As a member of the European Parliament, he joined the Green Group. Bové is also a member of the delegation in the Cariforum-EU Parliamentary Committee .


His best-known literary work Le Monde n'est pas une marchandise - des paysans contre la malbouffe ("The world is not a commodity. Farmers against agromultis") became a bestseller. Because of his skillful provocations, Bové became a media star of the ecological and left-wing protest movement. Because of his appearance, Bové is also compared to the comic hero Asterix , who also embodies the spirit of resistance of the "indomitable Gauls" in an original way.


  • Nous, Paysans , with Gilles Luneau - Hazan - 2000
  • Le Monde n'est pas une marchandise - des paysans contre la malbouffe , together with François Dufour - Pocket - 2000 (German: Die Welt ist nicht Ware. Bauern gegen Agromultis ), Kiepenheuer & Witsch , Cologne 2002
  • Des paysans contre la malbouffe , together with François Dufour and Gilles Luneau - Pocket - 2001
  • Retour de Palestine - Mille et une nuits - 2002
  • Paysan du Monde , together with Gilles Luneau - Fayard - 2002
  • La Confédération paysanne , together with Yves Manguy and Georges Bartoli - Eden 2003
  • Pour la désobéissance civique , together with Gilles Luneau - 10/18 - 2004
  • Candidat rebelle , together with Denis Pingaud - Hachette Litteratures - 2007
  • Du Larzac à Bruxelles , together with Jean Quatremer - Cherche Midi - 2010



Web links

Commons : José Bové  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Académie d'Agriculture de France: Joseph-Marie Bové ( Memento of December 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ); Archorales-INRA, cassette DAT N ° 199 - INRA: Joseph Bové, Bordeaux, le 17 novembre 1998 (interview) (PDF; 1.5 MB)
  2. ^ CIRAD - Center de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement - Historical development
  3. CIRAD - Instituts d'origine (PDF; 15 kB)
  4. ^ INRA - Les Centers de INRA - Bordeaux, Aquitaine
  5. ^ Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie Intégrative et Ecologie - SRFBIE
  6. ^ Le Point February 14, 2007: José Bové
  7. Le Placide March 9, 2006: La biography de José Bové
  8. Wolfgang Hertle : Larzac 1971–1981, the nonviolent resistance against the expansion of a military training area in southern France, Verlag Weber & Zucht Kassel 1982, p. 275.
  9. Entry on his blog with a photo of the house Photo gallery of his new house (PDF; 1.4 MB)
  10. detailed curriculum vitae (French)
  11. ^ Spiegel-Online July 3, 2000: Cheese instead of hamburgers
  12. Spiegel-Online June 19, 2002: Peasant rebel drives the tractor to prison ; Spiegel-Online August 1, 2002: McDonald's rioters celebrated like a hero
  13. ^ Spiegel-Online November 19, 2002: prison sentence for peasant rebels Bové
  14. Attac - Press release August 7, 2003: Attac welcomes the release of José Bové: 'Resistance to WTO policy is necessary and legitimate'
  15. derStandard - editorial report of March 12, 2007: Bové: Election campaign from prison
  16. (September 5, 2008)
  17. ^ Entry on José Bové in the European Parliament 's database of deputies
  18. ^ Website of the European Parliament