Josef Souhrada
Josef Souhrada (born June 11, 1838 in Kutschera , Bohemia ; † May 5, 1892 in Chudenitz , Bohemia) was a Czech priest and writer .
Josef Souhrada attended high school in Pisek . He studied in the Budweiser Seminary from 1858 and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1862 . Afterwards he was chaplain in Klattau , from 1864 pastor of Chudenitz, in this context also the religion teacher of the young Count Franz Czernin .
During this time several million people from Austria-Hungary emigrated to America . This exodus also included some related families in the Midwest of the United States of America settled. He stayed in touch with them during his travels in America and published in the Czech language in St. Louis , Missouri .
His literary patrons were Canon Benedikt Kulda and the educator in the Czernin family Karl Jičinski.
The main work consists of religious stories, travelogues and collections of sermons. In addition to the topic of emigration and general pastoral issues, the works are also to be read against the background of the conflicts over the reorganization of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, see Bohemian Declaration and Austro-Hungarian Compromise . The battle of Königgrätz on July 3, 1866 is also part of the historical background of the works. The American publications appeared in "Hlas" (The Voice), a Czech paper in St. Louis , Missouri . This magazine was published by his uncle Josef Hešoun, a local Czech pastor. Further articles appeared in the magazine "Cech" (Der Böhme).
Besides his work as a pastor and writer, he founded in 1869 in Chudenice together with Heinrich Kvapil, the family doctor of the count's family Czernin a Consum-Verein .
In 1872 he was instrumental in founding the community - Sparkasse involved in the same place and was its chairman. Furthermore, the municipal library in Chudenice can be traced back to him.
Works by Josef Souhrada in the Austrian National Library have been digitized and can be accessed free of charge on the Internet.
- Sedmero hlavních hříchů. Kazaní postní (The Seven Main Sins. Sermon on Lent ), 1868.
- Sedmero křesťanských ctnoští. Kazaní postní (The Seven Christian Virtues. Sermon of Lent), 1869.
- Pout do Celly Panny Marie (pilgrimage to Zell to the Mother of God ). 1870.
- Odchod Českého kněze do Ameriky (Journey of a Czech clergyman to America), 1871.
- Ze Železnice (From the Railway), 1872.
- Lily Šumavská (The Lily from the Šumava / Bohemian Forest), 1873.
- Češti vystéhovalci (Bohemian Emigrants), 1874.
- Mařenka (Marie. A Life Picture), 1874.
- Dum Starých a palác novyćh (The house of the "Stary" [the "old"] and the palace of the "Novy" [the "new"]), 1875.
- Pán raní - Pán hojí (The Lord wounds, the Lord heals. A picture from village life), 1875.
- Večerní zábavy (Evening Entertainments), 1876.
- Mrzákovy zápilky. Obraz ze dnu našich (Diary of a mutilated man. Picture from our time), 1877.
- Pred oddavkami. Obraz ze života pro život (Before the Wedding Ceremony. A Life Picture for Life), 1877.
- Kartařčina Lidka. Obraz ze vsi (Lidka), 1878.
- Lenka z pohodny. Obraz ze skutečnosti (Eleanor from the orphanage. A picture from real life), 1879.
- Kněz Ian. (Father Johann), 1880.
- Uryoky ze žívota kněžského. Sedmero obrazu (Sketches from the life of the clergyman. Seven pictures), 1885.
- Muj pohřeb a mé vzkříšeni. Obraz z počatku našeho stoleťí (My burial and my resurrection. Pictures from the beginning of this century), 1887.
- Articles in the magazines
- “Posvátná kazatelna. Časopist kazatelský. ”(The Holy Pulpit. Magazine for Preachers.)
- "Hlas" (The Voice, Czech paper published in St. Louis, Missouri)
- "Čech" (The Bohemian)
- Constantin von Wurzbach : Souhrada, Joseph . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 36th part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1878, p. 38 ( digitized version ).
- Beneš Method Kulda: Posvátná kazatelna. Časopis kazatelský (The Holy Pulpit. Journal for Preachers.) Olmütz and Proßnitz 1864–93.
- František Ladislav Rieger : Slovník naučný. Prague 1860–1890, Volume XI.
- Jan Dvoracek, Rudolf Polz: Masarykuv slovnik naucny. Lidova encyklopedie vseobecnych vedomosti. Dil VI p. 822. - v Praze: Nakl. "Ceskoslovenskeho Kompasu" 1925–33. (Masaryk Lexicon of Sciences).
- Vernon F. Petrik: Roots in Czechoslovakia and Dakota: Koreni v Cechach iv Dakote: the Petrik, Souhrada, Panka, Kocer, Pesa, Vavruska, Matonaha-Kalda, Rehurek, Gregor families . 2 volumes 1991, supplement 1998.
- Velma Vanick Flynn: Souhrada Family Tree. In: Family Histories and Genealogies - Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International CGSI, quoted from: Miloslav Rechcigl Jr .: Czech and Slovak Genealogy, A Bibliography of Publications in English and Guide to Other Information Resources . (Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Science) - Společnost pro vědy a umění - SVU.
- Patrick Hanks: Dictionary of American Family Names . Oxford University Press, USA 2003, 3 volumes, 2128 pages, ISBN 978-0195081374 .
Web links
- Literature and other media by and about Josef Souhrada in the catalog of the National Library of the Czech Republic
- The Souhrada Family Website , USA
- Publications by Josef Souhrada in the catalog of the Austrian National Library
- Posvatna kazatelna in the Austrian National Library
Individual evidence
- ^ Travel report on his emigration: Jiří Souhrada, František Mikolášek: To America. Emigration from the Village of Bernartice and vicinity. Part 3.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Souhrada, Joseph |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Czech priest and writer |
DATE OF BIRTH | June 11, 1838 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Kutschera , Bohemia |
DATE OF DEATH | May 5, 1892 |
Place of death | Chudenitz , Bohemia |