Julius Berberich

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Julius Berberich (born November 24, 1846 in Malsch (district of Karlsruhe) , † January 27, 1916 in Bühl (Baden) ) was a clergyman in the Archdiocese of Freiburg and a German writer .


Julius Berberich was ordained a priest on July 18, 1871. Then he was vicar in Limbach , Karlsruhe , Mannheim , Pforzheim and Rastatt . In 1880 Berberich received in Freiburg im Breisgau for his work on the Christology of St. Iustinus Martyr the doctor of theology. From 1882 he was chaplain ( beneficiary ) in Tauberbischofsheim and spiritual teacher at the local high school . In the autumn of 1883 he set up a private boarding school for high school students in the old seminar building, which became a church institution in 1889 and was given the title of Archbishop's Convict . The first boys' convent had been in the same building since September 1871, but this was repealed in 1874 due to the Baden laws during the Kulturkampf . After the re-establishment, the Archbishop's Knabenkonvikt developed well: From an initial 50 pupils, the number rose to 75, but many applicants had to be turned away. The lack of space finally made a new building on Stammberg necessary (laying of the foundation stone in 1890, occupancy on September 22, 1891), in which Berberich became the first rector in 1889. In 1898 he was appointed to the clergy . From August 1901 to August 1904 Julius Berberich was the parish priest in Bruchsal (St. Paul), and then until his death parish priest in Bühl ( St. Peter and Paul ). Through his work, a new sacristy was built there and the town church was painted. In 1907 he founded the Catholic workers' association in Bühl and headed it as President . He died in 1916 after a two-year illness and was buried on the east side of the “Maria zum Trost” chapel (also known colloquially as the Alban Stolz Chapel) in the Bühler cemetery.

Julius-Berberich-Straße in Tauberbischofsheim was named in his honor.


  • The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A Passion Play with Singing and Living Images in 10 Recordings. Paderborn 1890. ( OCLC 253287004 )
  • Let the little ones come to me: a teaching, prayer and Little slogan for the nurse and for giving religious instruction in the lowest classes. Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1890. (127 pages; OCLC 631938800 )
  • The new archiepiscopal boys' convent in Tauberbischofsheim . M. Zöller's bookstore and printing house, Tauberbischofsheim 1893. (36 pages)
  • History of the city of Tauberbischofsheim and the district . M. Zöller's Buchhandlung und Buchdruckerei, Tauberbischofsheim 1895. (431 pages; facsimile printing: Fränkische Nachrichten Druck- und Verlags-GmbH, Tauberbischofsheim 1984)
  • The destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman general Titus in AD 70. Histor. Drama m. Singing in 5th record. Bonifacius-Dr., Paderborn 1898. (56 pages, OCLC 252332407 )
  • Teaching, prayer and saying books: for giving religious instruction to children from four to seven years of age; a handbook for teachers and educators, especially for mothers and nurses. Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1908. (102 pages; 2nd revised edition of Let the little ones come to me (1890); OCLC 630215557 )
  • The paintings in the parish church of Bühl (town) . Self-published, Offenburg (Baden) no year (approx. 1909; joint publication with Augustin Kolb ).


  • Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . 6th completely revised and greatly increased edition. 8 Vols. Leipzig 1913. Volume 1, p. 188. in the Internet Archive (Reprint Kraus, Nendeln 1975)
  • Julius Mayer: Necrologium Friburgense 1916-1920: List of priests who died in the years 1916-1920 in the area and services of the Archdiocese of Freiburg ...; Contribution to the personnel history and statistics of the Archdiocese of Freiburg . In: Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv Volume 49 (1921), pp. 1-67. (1916, 2. Julius Berberich, pp. 1–2; online , available there as PDF, 32 MB)
  • Josef Fischer: parish chronicle parish church parish family of the city parish: St. Peter and Paul Bühl (Baden) . Druck und Verlag Unitas GmbH., Bühl (Baden) o. J. (probably 1938 or 1939), p. 22. (The text is largely identical to that of Julius Mayer.)


  • Sauer: The paintings in the parish church of Bühl (Baden). In: Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv Volume 37 (1909), pp. 341–343. ( online , available there as PDF, 26 MB; criticism of the book of the same name; note: Julius Berberich was a committee member, see p. 350)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Freiburg Diocesan Archive Volume 44 (1916), p. 311. ( online , available there as PDF, 22.5 MB; Julius Berberich is named as a deceased committee member; only date of death without location)
  2. ^ Documented pastors and chaplains in St. Peter and Paul since 1318 on kath-kirche-buehl.de (year of death and place), accessed on May 8, 2016.
  3. Josef Kiefer, August Haun: From the history of the latest time (1800–1955) . In: Hugo Stang, Anton Ullrich, Wilhelm Ogiermann, Josef Kiefer, August Haun: Tauberbischofsheim . Self-published by the city administration, Tauberbischofsheim 1955. P. 501 (In: d) Das Erzbischöfliche Gymnasialkkonfikt ).
  4. Tauber-Franken-Online.de: Archbishop boys' boarding school Tauberbischofsheim ( Memento of 10 May 2016 Internet Archive ) . Online at www.tauber-franken-online.de. Retrieved May 9, 2016.
  5. ^ Franz Gehrig , Hermann Müller: Tauberbischofsheim . Association of Tauberfränkische Heimatfreunde e. V., Tauberbischofsheim 1997, p. 108 (IV. The school system; the oldest school buildings)
  6. Proof of the new archiepiscopal boys' convent in Tauberbischofsheim in the SWB online catalog, accessed on June 1, 2016.
  7. The latest date in the text is April 1, 1938 (p. 57).