Julius Franz Salzenberg

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Julius Franz Salzenberg (* 1763 ; † 1849 ) was a German painter and engraver in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Julius Franz Salzenberg can be found in Hanover from 1798 to 1839. He also worked in Hameln .

Famous works

“Supervision from Rüningen to Braunschweig
colored copper engraving by Saltzenberg





Web links

Commons : Julius Franz Saltzenberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Bernhard Dörries, Helmut Plath: Alt-Hannover 1500 - 1900 ... , p. 141, u.ö.
  2. ^ Hans-Martin Arnoldt: Julius Franz Salzenberg ... , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , NF 60 (206) p. 189ff.
  3. see the artist's signature under the engravings at europeana.eu
  4. a b authority data entry (GND 140320512 ) of the German National Library . Query date: December 16, 2016.