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Junellia lavandulifolia

Junellia lavandulifolia

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Verbena plants (Verbenaceae)
Genre : Junellia
Scientific name

The Junellia are a genus of plants within the verbena family (Verbenaceae). The 40 or so species are distributed from Colombia , Bolivia , Peru via Chile and Argentina to Patagonia and one of them, Junellia tridactylites , occurs on the Falkland Islands .


Vegetative characteristics

Junellia species are shrubs that grow low and cushion-shaped. They are not fragrant, sometimes they are spiked . The leaves are single or three-lobed, they can appear uniform or in two different forms.

Generative characteristics

The terminal or lateral, spiky inflorescences , which are often compressed, can contain many flowers or be reduced to one or two flowers. There are cover sheets . The bracts are small and inconspicuous. The flowers themselves are sessile.

The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The five sepals are fused Roehrig. The calyx ends in five lobes and is preserved on the fruit. The zygomorphic or weak zygomorphic crown can be white, cream, pink or mauve. The five petals are fused together like a funnel to a salver plate. There are five crown lobes recognizable. The four stamens start in the middle of the corolla tube. The counters of the anthers are sometimes connected with a visible connective that may have glandular attachments. The stylus has a widened base, it can be resistant to the fruit or fall off. Two carpels have become a top permanent ovary grown, each carpel is again zweikammerig, in each chamber is a single ovule .

The elongated fruits have a net-like surface and disintegrate into four solitary partial fruits.

The basic chromosome number is usually x = 10 or rarely x = 9; Since diploidy is usually present within the genus Junellia , the number of chromosomes is usually 2n = 20, rarely 18.

Systematics and distribution

The generic name Junellia was published in 1940 by Harold Norman Moldenke in Lilloa , Volume 5, page 392, as the name Monopyrena Speg. and Thryothamnus Phil. Urbania were rejected. Another synonym for Junellia Moldenke nom. cons. is Urbania Phil since 2009 .

The approximately 37 species are mainly distributed from Colombia , Bolivia , Peru via Chile and Argentina to Patagonia . Only one species, Junellia tridactylites , is also found in the Falkland Islands .

This species was traditionally sect in the Verbena section . Junellia assigned to the genus of verbena ( Verbena ). In 2009, eleven species were spun off into the new genus Mulguraea N.O'Leary & P.Peralta .

Since 2009 the tribe Verbeneae Schauer contains the five genera: Junellia , Verbena , Mulguraea , Glandularia and Hierobotana . The only species in the genus Urbania has belonged to Junellia since 2009 .

There have been around 37 Junellia species since 2009 , after which a few more species were added:

  • Junellia alba (Moldenke) Molinari : The new combination took place in 2015. It only occurs in the Argentine province of Chubut .
  • Junellia aretioides (REFr.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena aretioides R.E.Fr. ): It occurs from Bolivia to north-western Argentina and northern Chile .
  • Junellia azorelloides (Speg.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena azorelloides Speg. ): It occurs in southern and southwestern Argentina.
  • Junellia ballsii (Moldenke) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Verbena ballsii Moldenke ): It occurs in northwestern Argentina.
  • Junellia bisulcata (Hayek) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena bisulcata Hayek ): There have been two varieties since 1995:
    • Junellia bisulcata (Hayek) Moldenke var. Bisulcata : It occurs from southern Bolivia to northwestern Argentina.
    • Junellia bisulcata var. Campestris P (Griseb.) Botta (Syn .: Verbena juniperina var. Campestris PGriseb. , Junellia juniperina var. Campestris P (Griseb.) Moldenke ): This new combination took place in 1995. It occurs in north-central Argentina.
  • Junellia bryoides (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena bryoides Phil. ): It occurs in northern Chile.
  • Junellia caespitosa (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena caespitosa Gillies & Hook. ): It occurs in Chile and Argentina.
  • Junellia clavata (Ruiz & Pav.) O'Leary & Múlgura : The new combination took place in 2014. It occurs in southwestern Peru .
  • Junellia congesta (Tronc.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena congesta Tronc. ): It occurs only in the Argentine province of Neuquén .
  • Junellia connatibracteata (Kuntze) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena connatibracteata Kuntze ): It occurs in central and southern Argentina.
  • Junellia coralloides M.Sheader & A.Sheader : It wasfirst describedin 2014 from the Argentine province of Santa Cruz .
  • Junellia crithmifolia (Gillies & Hook.) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Verbena crithmifolia Gillies & Hook. ): It occurs in Argentina.
  • Junellia digitata (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena digitata Phil. ): There have been two varieties since 1995:
    • Junellia digitata (Phil.) Moldenke var. Digitata (Syn .: Verbena tridactyla Phil. , Verbena triternata Phil. , Verbena nubigena Speg. Nom. Illeg., Junellia nubigena Moldenke , Junellia tridactyla (Phil.) Moldenke , Junellia punctulata Hieron. Ex Moldenke , Junellia spegazzinii Moldenke nom. Illeg., Verbena spegazzinii Tronc. ) It occurs from northern Chile to northwestern Argentina.
    • Junellia digitata var. Integerrima (Botta) Botta (Syn .: Verbena digitata var. Integerrima Botta ): It occurs in northern Chile and in the Argentine province of Jujuy .
  • Junellia erinacea (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena erinacea Gillies & Hook. ): It occurs in western Argentina.
  • Junellia fasciculata (Benth.) N. O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Verbena fasciculata Benth. ): It occurs in western Peru.
  • Junellia hookeriana (Covas & Schnack) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Glandularia hookeriana Covas & Schnack ): There have been two varieties since 2011:
    • Junellia hookeriana var. Catamarcensis (Moldenke) P. Peralta & N. O'Leary (Syn .: Verbena catamarcensis Moldenke ): This new combination took place in 2011. It occurs only in the Argentine province of Catamarca .
    • Junellia hookeriana (Covas & Schnack) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta var. Hookeriana : It occurs in north to north-central Argentina.
  • Junellia juniperina (Lag.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena juniperina Lag. ): It occurs from southern Peru to northwestern Argentina.
  • Junellia lavandulifolia (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena lavandulifolia Phil. ): It occurs in central Chile.
  • Junellia micrantha (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena micrantha Phil. ): It occurs in Argentina.
  • Junellia minima (Meyen) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena minima Meyen ): It occurs from southern Peru to northwestern Argentina.
  • Junellia occulta (Moldenke) N. O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Verbena occulta Moldenke ): It occurs in northwestern Peru.
  • Junellia odonellii Moldenke : It occurs from southern Chile to southern Argentina.
  • Junellia origenes (Phil.) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Verbena origenes Phil. ): It occurs in Chile and Argentina.
  • Junellia pappigera (Phil.) N.O'Leary & P.Peralta (Syn .: Urbania pappigera Phil. ): It occurs from southwestern Bolivia to northern Chile and Argentina.
  • Junellia patagonica (Speg.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena patagonica Speg. ): It occurs in southern Argentina.
  • Junellia pseudojuncea (Gay) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena pseudojuncea Gay ): It occurs in Chile.
  • Junellia selaginoides (Kunth ex Walp.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena selaginoides Kunth ex Walp. ): There are two varieties:
    • Junellia selaginoides var. Illapelina (Phil.) Botta (Syn .: Verbena illapelina Phil. , Verbena selaginoides var. Illapelina (Phil.) Reiche , Junellia illapelina (Phil.) Moldenke ): It occurs in north-central Chile.
    • Junellia selaginoides (Kunth ex Walp.) Moldenke var. Selaginoides (Syn .: Verbena alternifolia Schauer , Verbena polycephala Turcz. ): It occurs in north to north-central Chile.
  • Junellia seriphioides (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena seriphioides Gillies & Hook. ): It occurs from Bolivia to Argentina.
  • Junellia silvestrii (Speg.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena silvestrii Speg. ): It occurs from southern Chile to southern Argentina.
  • Junellia spathulata (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena spathulata Gillies & Hook. ): There have been two varieties since 1995:
    • Junellia spathulata var. Glauca (Gillies & Hook.) Botta (Syn .: Verbena glauca Gillies & Hook. , Junellia glauca (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke , Verbena spathulata var. Grandiflora showers , Diostea filifolia Miers , Junellia spathulata var. Grandiflora ( Schauer) Botta ): This new combination took place in 1995. It occurs in central Chile and in the Argentine provinces of Mendoza and Neuquén .
    • Junellia spathulata (Gillies & Hook.) Moldenke var. Spathulata (Syn .: Verbena spathulata var. Parviflora Schauer , Diostea stenophylla Miers , Lantana clarazii Ball , Verbena ochreata Briq. , Verbena spathulata var. Pseudojuncea Reiche and : It comes in central Chile) in western-central Argentina.
  • Junellia spissa (Sandwith) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena spissa Sandwith ): It occurs in southern Argentina.
  • Junellia succulentifolia (Kuntze) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena succulentifolia Kuntze ): It occurs in the Argentine provinces of La Pampa to Chubut .
  • Junellia thymifolia (Lag.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena thymifolia Lag. ): It occurs from Chile to southern Argentina.
  • Junellia toninii (Kuntze) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena toninii Kuntze ): There have been two varieties since 2008:
    • Junellia toninii var. Mulinoides (Speg.) P. Peralta & Múlgura (Syn .: Verbena mulinoides Speg. , Junellia mulinoides (Speg.) Moldenke ): This new combination took place in 2008. It occurs in southern Argentina.
    • Junellia toninii (Kuntze) Moldenke var. Toninii It occurs from south-west-south to south Argentina.
  • Junellia tridactylites (Lag.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena tridactylites Lag. ): It occurs from southern Chile to western and southern Argentina and the Falkland Islands .
  • Junellia trifida (Kunth) P.Peralta & N.O'Leary (Syn .: Verbena trifida Kunth ): It occurs in Colombia .
  • Junellia trifurcata (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena trifurcata Phil. ): It occurs in central Chile.
  • Junellia tripartita Moldenke : It occurs only in the Argentine province of Mendoza .
  • Junellia ulicina (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena ulicina Phil. ): It occurs from central Chile to southwest and southern Argentina.
  • Junellia uniflora (Phil.) Moldenke (Syn .: Verbena uniflora Phil. ): It occurs from north-central to central Chile and in western Argentina.

Eleven species were moved to the genus Mulguraea N.O'Leary & P.Peralta, which was newly established in 2009 :


  • Sandy Atkins: Verbenaceae . In: Klaus Kubitzki, Joachim W. Kadereit (Eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants . Flowering Plants - Dicotyledons: Lamiales (except Acanthaceae including Avicenniaceae) . tape 7 . Springer, 2004, ISBN 978-3-642-62200-7 , pp. 461 ( Junellia on p. 461 in Google Book Search).
  • Nataly O'Leary, Paola Peralta, María E. Múlgura: Sinopsis del género Junellia (Verbenaceae). In: Darwiniana - SISTEMÁTICA Y TAXONOMÍA DE PLANTAS VASCULARES , Volume 49, No. 1, San Isidro, 2011, pp. 47-75. Full text online. (Spanish with English abstract)
  • Paola Peralta, María E. Múlgura de Romero, SS Denham, SM Botta: Revisión del género Junellia (Verbenaceae). In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden , Volume 95, 2008, pp. 338-390.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Nataly O'Leary, Yao-Wu Yuan, Amelia Chemisquy, Richard G. Olmstead: Reassignment of species of paraphyletic Junellia sl to the new genus Mulguraea (Verbenaceae) and new circumscription of genus Junellia: molecular and morphological congruence. In: Systematic Botany , Volume 34, Issue 4, 2009, pp. 777-786. doi : 10.1600 / 036364409790139691
  2. ^ Junellia at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  3. ^ Junellia at Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed December 30, 2017.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Junellia. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved December 30, 2017.
  5. a b Nataly O'Leary, Paola Peralta, María E. Múlgura: Proposal to conserve Junellia, nom. cons., against an additional name Urbania (Verbenaceae). In: Taxon , Volume 58, 2009, p. 655.
  6. Junellia in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  7. Martin Sheader, Anna-Liisa Sheader: Alpine Gardener , Volume 82, 2014, S. 210th

Web links

Commons : Junellia  - collection of images, videos and audio files