Bald message

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Bald message
Bald head (Atriplex glabriuscula), herbarium evidence

Bald head ( Atriplex glabriuscula ), herbarium evidence

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Foxtail family (Amaranthaceae)
Subfamily : Chenopodioideae
Tribe : Atripliceae
Genre : Report ( Atriplex )
Type : Bald message
Scientific name
Atriplex glabriuscula

The Kahle Melde ( Atriplex glabriuscula ), also known as Babington's Melde , is a species of the report ( Atriplex ) in the foxtail family (Amaranthaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

The Kahle Melde is an annual herbaceous plant . The prostrate or creeping (rarely upright) stem is branched with often opposite twigs and usually reaches a length of 30 to 60 cm (10 to 100 cm). The green to blue-green stalk is striped, slightly ribbed and glabrous or scaly with bladder hairs. The leaves have a length of 0.5 to 10 cm and a width of 0.3 to 8 cm a triangular or lanceolate to spear-shaped leaf blade. Your petiole is 0.2 to 2.5 (rarely up to 3.5) cm long, the transition to the leaf blade is abrupt or narrow wedge-shaped. The leaf margin is whole or irregularly serrated.

Bald head ( Atriplex glabriuscula ), bracts of the female flowers

Inflorescence and flowers

The flowering period extends from June to September. The flowers are in terminal or lateral, interrupted, pseudo-spike inflorescences. The green flowers are in loose clusters in the axilla of bracts , which are clearly formed almost to the tip of the branch. The Kahle Melde is single-sexed ( monoecious ). Male flowers contain five elongated bracts ( tepals ) and five stamens . Female flowers are enveloped by two rhombic bracts that are fused to the middle and that have their greatest width in or just below the middle. The bracts are absent from the female flowers, they contain only one ovary .

The pollination is usually done by the wind, but is also possible by insects.

Fruits and seeds

The fruit remains enclosed by the pre-leaves, which thicken spongy at the base and harden to form a cartilage. At the time of fruiting, the often reddish to yellow-brown or black discolored propsheets are ovate-triangular to rhombic-triangular with suddenly contracted tips and are up to 13 mm long. Their surface is irregularly soft prickly or shows nodular appendages or is smooth, the veins are indistinct. The margin has some irregular teeth or is entire.

The fruit contains a seed that can be black, yellow-brown and red-brown ( heterocarpy ). The brown seeds with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 mm are more common than the only 1.2 to 3 mm large black seeds.

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 18.

Photosynthetic pathway

Atriplex glabriuscula is a C 3 -Pflanze normal sheet anatomy .


A downy mildew fungus Peronospora minor lives parasitically on the Kahler Melde.

Occurrence and endangerment

The distribution area of ​​the Kahler Melde includes western , central and northern Europe , Iceland and eastern North America .

This Nordic-Atlantic species mostly settles on the coasts in salt plant corridors on the flushing fringes and on pebble beaches. The plant sociology names it as a characteristic of the Salsolo-Honkenyion peploidis association. It requires full sun exposure and indicates flooded soil with excessive nitrogen content .

The Kahle Melde is indigenous to Germany. While it is only considered to be potentially endangered in Lower Saxony and Bremen ( Red List of Endangered Species 4), it is highly endangered in Schleswig-Holstein (Red List 2) and is even considered to be threatened with extinction in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg (Red List 1) .


The bald melde ( Atriplex glabriuscula ) belongs to the Teutliopsis Dumort section within the genus Atriplex . .

The first description of Atriplex glabriuscula was made in 1845 by Thomas Edmondston in Flora of Shetland , p. 39

Synonyms of Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston are Atriplex babingtonii Woods and Atriplex patula subsp. glabriuscula (Edmondston) Hall & Clem. .

Atriplex glabriuscula is divided into three varieties in the Flora of North America :

  • Atriplex glabriuscula var. Acadiensis (Taschereau) SLWelsh
  • Atriplex glabriuscula var. Glabriuscula
  • Atriplex glabriuscula var. Franktonii (Taschereau) SLWelsh


The young leaves of the Kahlen Melde are edible when cooked. The seeds can be ground and used as flour additive.



  • Henning Haeupler , Thomas Muer: picture atlas of the fern and flowering plants of Germany (= the fern and flowering plants of Germany. Volume 2). Published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3364-4 , p. 93 (section description).
  • Stanley L. Welsh: Atriplex glabriuscula , p. 338 - same text online as the printed work , In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Ed.): Flora of North America North of Mexico , Volume 4: Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1. , Oxford University Press, New York et al. 2003, ISBN 0-19-517389-9 . (Sections Description, Occurrence in North America)

Individual evidence

  1. Trivial names at MMPND.
  2. a b c Entry at BiolFlor .
  3. a b c Atriplex glabriuscula at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  4. a b Gudrun Kadereit, Evgeny V. Mavrodiev, Elizabeth H. Zacharias & Alexander P. Sukhorukov: Molecular phylogeny of Atripliceae (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae): Implications for systematics, biogeography, flower and fruit evolution, and the origin of C4 Photosynthesis , In : American Journal of Botany , Volume 97 (10), 2010, pp. 1664-1687.
  5. Entry in EOL Encyclopedia of Life .
  6. P. Uotila 2011: Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore) . - In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Atriplex glabriuscula . Entry on PESI portal .
  7. a b Bald message. In:
  8. Entry in Plants For A Future

Web links

Commons : Atriplex glabriuscula  - collection of images, videos and audio files