Kaituozhe 1

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The Kaituozhe 1 ( Chinese  開拓者 一號  /  开拓者 一号 , Pinyin Kāituòzhě Yīhào , KT-1 for short , Chinese for explorer 1 , also SLV-1) was a Chinese launch vehicle . The project was officially named Kaituozhe 1 on November 7, 2000. The design was confirmed on November 16, 2000. There have been two to three launches of this launcher, none of which were successful.

Only with the successor model Kaituozhe 2 was a successful flight on March 2, 2017.

Manufacturer and operator

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the then holding company for the space industry had been discussing the development of a commercial solid rocket based on the Julang 1 and Dongfeng 21 medium-range missiles . However, these plans found no support from the Chinese leadership. Finally, the China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation (since July 2001 " China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation " or CASIC), which emerged on July 1, 1999 from the umbrella company for the space industry, founded space travel on May 26, 2000 from its own resources -Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH (航天 固体 运载火箭 有限公司 or Space Solid Fuel Rocket Carrier Co. Ltd. , SSRC for short ). This was a consortium of four subsidiaries of the group:

When the GmbH was founded, the China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation, i.e. the parent company of the above companies, was the sole shareholder. Machinery and Electronics Corporation was a wholly state-owned company (" Centrally Managed Company " since 2003 ). This means that it, like its subsidiary SSRC, which it founded in May 2000, was subordinate to the State Council of the People's Republic of China through the Commission for the Control and Administration of State Assets . The SSRC was a so-called "State-owned GmbH" (国有 独资公司).

Legal representative of the newly founded GmbH based in the Beijing district of Haidian - in the building complex of the China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation, Fuchengstr. 8 - was Yin Xingliang (殷兴良, 1953-2010), deputy general director of Aerospace Machinery and Electronics and chairman of the board of Harbin Fenghua Aerospace HiTech AG (哈尔滨 航天 风华 科技 股份有限公司), which was founded on January 27, 1999 by the then space holding company was founded together with six other companies. On November 24, 2000, Fenghua Aerospace and Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation agreed to participate in the latter company, which was to be accomplished through an exchange of subsidiaries. This was approved by the Fenghua Shareholders' Meeting on December 30, 2000.

It was planned that space-solid launchers easy rocket GmbH based on the intercontinental ballistic missile Dongfeng 31 (DF-31) should develop the small satellites of up to 100 kg mass into a polar orbit kg and up to 300 in a near-earth orbit carrying could. Since all four stages worked with solid propellants , all of which were developed by the Sixth Academy, there was no need for expensive refueling systems on the launch pad . Nevertheless, the original share capital of the GmbH was far from sufficient. In December 2000, a capital increase took place in which China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation brought additional money into the GmbH, while its subsidiaries contributed intellectual property . This increased the registered capital of the GmbH to 101,540,000 yuan and the Sanjiang Group etc. were now formally involved as shareholders in the SSRC.

Unlike its sister company China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation , whose Changzheng rockets have been funded under the 863 program since 1986 , CASIC received no state support for its project. The companies involved in Raumfahrt-Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH were all long -established state-owned companies - Aerosun was founded in 1865 as Jinling Maschinenbaubüro (金陵 机器 制造 局) - those via Julang 1 or Dongfeng 11 had decades of experience in building large solid rockets decreed.

In addition to its space activities, Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH also made at least one non-industry investment: on July 6, 2000, six weeks after its founding, it used two million yuan to set up the Beijing Yinrongtong technology investment consultancy (北京 银 融通 科技 投资 顾问 有限公司), a GmbH with Chen Jun (陈军), the managing director of Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH, as legal representative, in addition to four employees and the declared corporate goal of developing and selling computers, office supplies and similar things.

On September 27, 2003, less than two weeks after the failed launch attempt on September 16 (see below), Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH also used 50 million yuan to set up CASIC Trägerraketenstartsystemtechnologie GmbH (航天 科 工 运载火箭 发射 系统 技术 有限公司) to found, again with Chen Jun as managing director, plus six other employees. About three months later, on December 12, 2003, 35.13 million yuan from the registered capital of the newly established company was replaced with natural products and unpatented technology. At 70.26%, this was already slightly above the limit of 70% provided for in the Corporation Act of the People's Republic of China.


A first attempt at launch took place on September 15, 2002 from the Taiyuan Cosmodrome . The payload was the 36 kg technology test satellite Kaituo-1 PS-1 (清华大学 开拓 一号 皮 卫星 01 星) from Tsinghua University , in whose development CASIC was also involved. [Note 2]

Even for the second launch of the rocket, the company could not win any commercial customers. Instead, a small satellite built at Tsinghua University, the 33.5 kg Kaituo-1 PS-2 (清华大学 开拓 一号 皮 卫星 02 星), was to be put into a polar orbit at an altitude of 300 km. For this purpose, two CASIC subsidiaries - Harbin Fenghua Aerospace HiTech AG and Raumfahrt-Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH - signed a contract with each other, this time for 48.5 million yuan, which was to be transferred to Raumfahrt-Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH in three tranches: 12 million in advance of launch, 28 million within three months of a successful launch and 8.5 million within six months of the satellite reaching correct orbit. Both Yin Xingliang and Chen Jun, the chairman of the board and the managing director of Feststoffträgerraketen GmbH, sat on the board of directors of Harbin Fenghua. The start attempt was made on September 16, 2003, also in Taiyuan. This time the fourth stage failed, so that the satellite, which, unlike its predecessor, did not use solar cells made of silicon but made of gallium arsenide , could not be brought into orbit.

From July 2004 a third satellite was built by CASIC Satellite - Kaituo-1 PS-3 or 清华大学 开拓 一号 皮 卫星 03 星 - which was completed in September of that year. There are indications that this could have been lost if the Kaituozhe 1 failed again on June 9, 2005.

Start list

date Launch site payload Type of payload Remarks
September 15, 2002 Taiyuan Kaituo-1 PS-1 Technology testing satellite Failure
September 16, 2003 Taiyuan Kaituo-1 PS-2 Technology testing satellite Failure
June 9, 2005? Taiyuan Kaituo-1 PS-3 Failure

See also

Web links


  1. "PS" or 皮 卫星 stands for " Picosatellit ", actually a satellite in the range of 100 to 1000 grams, which does not apply here.
  1. The satellite was manufactured by Hangtian Tsinghua Satellite Technology Ltd. (航天 清华 卫星 技术 有限公司 or HTSTL ). HTSTL, which was founded on June 22, 2000 with a share capital of 50 million yuan, was a joint project between China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation and Tsinghua Tongfang AG that had been in planning since 1999 (i.e. immediately after the umbrella company for the space industry was split up ) Million yuan, and its parent company, Beijing Tsinghua University Enterprise Group (北京 清华大学 企业 集团), a Tsinghua University marketing company established in 1995 , which contributed 9.7 million yuan to the registered capital. This means that CASIC originally held 20.6% of the shares in HTSTL. The share capital was later increased to 74.99 million yuan and CASIC took over the majority in the GmbH. Accordingly, the company was renamed "CASIC Satellite Technology Ltd." or 航天 科 工 卫星 技术 有限公司.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rui C. Barbosa: Experimental Tiankun-1 lofted during secretive KT-2 launch. In: nasaspaceflight.com. March 3, 2017, accessed April 17, 2020 .
  2. a b c 新 长征 路上 的 开拓 之 舟 : 解读 中国 固体 运载火箭 发展. In: m.thepaper.cn. September 25, 2015, accessed April 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  3. 王佳雯: 我国 成功 发射 “天 鲲 一号” 新 技术 试验 卫星. In: news.sciencenet.cn. March 3, 2017, accessed April 15, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. Mark Wade: KT-1 in the Encyclopedia Astronautica (English)
  5. a b Wei Long: China To Develop Solid Propellant Rocket. In: spacedaily.com. May 31, 2000, accessed April 15, 2020 .
  6. 中国 研制 航天 固体 运载火箭. In: people.com.cn. May 27, 2000, accessed April 21, 2020 (Chinese).
  7. 殷兴良: 哈尔滨 航天 风华 科技 股份 公司 2002 年 年度 报告. In: business.sohu.com. March 19, 2003, accessed April 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  8. China conducts secretive debut launch of Kaituozhe-2 Rocket. In: spaceflight101.com. March 3, 2017, accessed April 17, 2020 .
  9. KT-1 (Kaituozhe) Space Launch Vehicle. In: globalsecurity.org. Retrieved April 19, 2020 (English).
  10. 哈尔滨 航天 风华 科技 股份 公司 关联 交易 公告. In: finance.sina.com.cn. August 2, 2003, accessed April 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  11. 北京 银 融通 科技 投资 顾问 有限公司. In: kanzhun.com. Retrieved April 27, 2020 (Chinese).
  12. 航天 固体 运载火箭 有限公司. In: kanzhun.com. Retrieved April 27, 2020 (Chinese).
  13. 航天 固体 运载火箭 有限公司. In: kanzhun.com. Retrieved April 27, 2020 (Chinese).
  14. 航天 科 工 运载火箭 发射 系统 技术 有限公司. In: kanzhun.com. Retrieved April 27, 2020 (Chinese).
  15. 胡锦涛 : 中华人民共和国 主席令 , 第 四 十二 号. In: gov.cn. October 27, 2005, accessed March 29, 2020 (Chinese).
  16. a b 航天 科 工 卫星 技术 有限公司. CASIC, archived from the original on August 16, 2009 ; accessed on April 21, 2019 .
  17. 哈尔滨 航天 风华 科技 股份 公司 关联 交易 公告. In: finance.sina.com.cn. August 2, 2003, accessed April 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  18. a b Mark Wade: Taiyuan in the Encyclopedia Astronautica (English)
  19. a b Jonathan McDowell : List of all orbital rocket launches , accessed April 27, 2020.
  20. a b Andrew Scobell et al .: The PLA at Home and Abroad. Assessing the Operational Capabilities of China's Military. Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College, Carlisle 2010.
  21. 干 春晖: 并购 案例. Consolidation and merger of corporations.清华大学 出版社, 北京 2004.
  22. 航天 清华 卫星 技术 有限公司. In: 7533.tradebig.com. Retrieved April 20, 2020 (Chinese).
  23. 黄 硕: 航天 机电 : 又 一颗 “卫星” 上天 了! In: finance.sina.com.cn. August 16, 2000, accessed April 20, 2020 (Chinese).
  24. 航天 科 工 卫星 技术 有限公司. In: dx4a.cn. Retrieved April 20, 2020 (Chinese).