Came Losanov Goranov

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Kamen Losanow Goranow ( Bulgarian Камен Лозанов Горанов ; born June 7, 1948 in Klissura , Montana region) is a former Bulgarian wrestler .


Kamen Losanow Goranow was a Bulgarian wrestler who appeared in the winners' lists of international tournaments at the beginning of the 1970s and was also used by Bulgaria at the international championships from 1973 . He wrestled exclusively in the Greco-Roman style and always in the heavyweight division, a weight class that at that time reached up to 100 kg body weight.

He made his debut at an international championship at the European Championships in Helsinki in 1973 . He took an excellent second place in the heavyweight division and defeated u. a. the Romanian Olympic champion from 1972 Nicolae Martinescu and the strong Pole Andrzej Skrzydlewski . In the final battle he lost to Nikolai Balboschin , the Soviet super athlete of those years, which was certainly no shame. He was also at the start of the 1973 World Cup in Tehran , where he won again over Nicolae Martinescu, Andrzej Skrzydlewski and the former Hungarian world champion Ferenc Kiss . Against Nikolai Balboschin he had no chance in the final and became vice world champion .

In 1974 Kamen Losanow Goranow managed to win his first title. He became European champion in Madrid with victories over Nicolae Martinescu , Tore Hem from Norway and Fredi Albrecht from the GDR . In his fights against Andrzej Skrzydlewski and against Nikolai Balboschin there were no scores, so that both wrestlers were disqualified in both fights. In the preliminary fights, however, Kamen Losanow had collected the fewest points of failure, so that he won this championship before Nikolai Balboschin. At the 1974 World Cup in Katowice he defeated u. a. Andrzej Skrzydlewski, József Farkas from Hungary a. Nicolae Martinescu and fought against Fredi Albrecht in a draw. Against Nikolai Balboschin he lost again this time and came in 2nd place.

Kamen Losanow Goranow achieved a great victory at the 1975 World Cup in Minsk , because he managed the feat there, after victories over Bahram Moshtagi from Iraq , Fredi Albrecht and others. Andrzej Skrzydlewski also defeat Nikolai Balboschin on points. Although he lost his last fight against Nicolae Martinescu , which he had always defeated, but since this had lost to Balboschin, this defeat was meaningless. Kamen Losanow was world champion ahead of Nikolai Balboschin .

At the European Championships in 1976 in Leningrad , Kamen Losanov was disappointed, because after losing to Nikolai Balboschin and surprisingly against Tore Hem from Norway, he only finished 4th in the heavyweight division and thus remained without a medal at an international championship for the first time. At the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal he was in better shape again and there defeated Heinz Schäfer from the Federal Republic of Germany and his old rivals Nicolae Martinescu , Tore Hem and Andrzej Skrzydlewski . He only suffered another defeat against Nikolai Balboschin, but won the Olympic silver medal .

After these Olympic Games he ended his international wrestling career.

International success

year space competition Weight class
1970 3. Tournament in Split Heavy behind Nicolae Martinescu , Romania a . Jerkovic, Yugoslavia
1971 3. "Werner-Seelenbinder" tournament in Berlin Heavy behind Jürgen Klinge u. Fredi Albrecht , bde. GDR
1972 2. Gothenburg Cup Heavy behind K. Johansson, Sweden, ahead of Markku Virtanen, Finland
1973 1. "Pytlasinski" tournament in Warsaw Heavy before Nikolai Botew, Bulgaria a . Andrzej Skrzydlewski , Poland
1973 2. EM in Helsinki Heavy with victories over Aslan Aslan, Turkey , Nicolae Martinescu u. Andrzej Skrzydlewski u. a loss to Nikolai Balboschin , USSR
1973 2. World Cup in Tehran Heavy with victories over Bahram Moshtagi, Iraq , Ferenc Kiss , Hungary , Andrzej Skrzydlewski u. Nicolae Martinescu et al. a loss to Nikolai Balboschin
1974 4th Klippan tournament Heavy behind Nikolai Balboschin , Zolow, Bulgaria a. Fredi Albrecht
1974 1. "Nikola Petrov" tournament in Pleven Heavy before Michail Saladze , USSR a. Evgeni Artyuchin , USSR
1974 1. EM in Madrid Heavy with victories over Nicolae Martinescu , Tore Hem , Norway a . Fredi Albrecht , against Nikolai Balboschin and Andrzej Skrzydlewski both wrestlers were disqualified
1974 2. World Cup in Katowice Heavy with victories over Yasunori Akiyama, Japan , Andrzej Skrzydlewski , József Farkas , Hungary a. Nicolae Martinescu , a draw against Fredi Albrecht u. a loss to Nikolai Balboschin
1975 1. Grand Prix of the FRG in Aschaffenburg Heavy before Privoslap Ilic, Yugoslavia a. Sven-Erik Studsgaard, Denmark
1975 2. "Werner-Seelenbinder" tournament in Leipzig Heavy behind Nikolai Botew, Bulgaria, in front of Horst Vogelsang, GDR
1975 1. World Cup in Minsk Heavy with victories over Bahram Moshtagi, Iraq , Fredi Albrecht , Nikolai Balboschin a . Andrzej Skrzydlewski u. despite a loss to Nicolae Martinescu
1976 4th EM in Leningrad Heavy with victories over Sinan Özcelik, Turkey, Nicolae Martinescu u. József Farkas , Hungary a. Defeats against Nikolai Balboschin u. Gates Hem
1976 silver OS in Montreal Heavy with victories over Heinz Schäfer, BRD, Tore Hem , Nicolae Martinescu u. Andrzej Skrzydlewski u. a loss to Nikolai Balboschin


  • Documentation of FILA's International Wrestling Championships, 1976,
  • Database of the Institute for Applied Training Sciences at the University of Leipzig,
  • Athletics magazine

Web links

Profile of Kamen Goranow at the Institute for Applied Training Science