Karl Anton Hyacinth from Gallean

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Coat of arms of the prince, from the epitaph

Charles Anton Hyacinth of Gallean ; French Charles Antoine Hyacinthe de Gallean (born September 18, 1737 , † April 1, 1778 in Mannheim ), was the Elector Palatinate Colonel , Real Privy Councilor and close confidante of Elector Karl Theodor .

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The de Gallean were originally Genoese patricians who served partly in the papal, partly in Savoy, in Spanish, but also in French.

Karl Anton Hyacinth von Gallean was born as the only son of Karl Hyacinth von Gallean (1716–1754), French envoy in Saxony-Poland , at the Dresden court or at the Polish court and his wife Adelheid Carolina Felicitas de Forbin († 1743).

First, Karl Anton Hyacinth von Gallean entered the French army and became a colonel in the Grenadiers de France regiment . On 15 January 1757 it rose Pope Benedict XIV. To Duke in the papal enclave of Avignon . On December 14, 1759 he received from Pope Clement XIII. the dignity of a Roman prince .

On February 2nd of the same year, Elector Karl Theodor of the Palatinate awarded him the Knight's Cross of the Order of St. Hubertus . From March 11, 1761, Gallean acted as his Grand or Chief Chamberlain in Mannheim, Electoral Palatinate. He quickly won the elector's trust and became one of his most important and closest advisers. On September 15, 1761, Emperor Franz I elevated Karl Anton Hyacinth von Gallean to the rank of imperial prince ; Elector Karl Theodor followed as imperial vicar on April 3, 1763 with the award of the "great palatinate" , the dignity of the count palatine .

The almost contemporary chronicler Felix Joseph von Lipowsky describes the Obersthofmeister 1823 in his book Karl Theodor, Churfurst von Pfalz-Bayern, Herzog zu Julich und Berg, as he was and as it is true , as "highly experienced in the arts and sciences of all kinds" .

Karl Anton Hyacinth von Gallean died as the last Obersthofmeister of the Electoral Palatinate in Mannheim, shortly before the court moved to Munich , after the Electoral Palatinate and Bavaria had now been united to form the Electoral Palatinate-Bavaria state . He was buried in the Mannheim parish church of St. Sebastian , where his coat of arms epitaph made of black marble has been preserved. (The age information on it is apparently incorrect.)

The prince belonged to numerous scientific associations, such as the Electoral Palatinate Academy of Sciences , whose founding meeting he opened on October 20, 1763 on behalf of the elector, and since 1766 as an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

He was a Knight of Malta , Commander of the Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus, and Knight of the Polish White Eagle Order and the Hesse-Kassel House Order of the Golden Lion (August 14, 1770).

Gallean's wife was named Marie Franziska Henrietta de Montpesat; the couple had 2 daughters as offspring. The daughter Gabrielle (1763-1834) married the son of the French general Joseph Palamede de Forbin-Janson, who lived in exile in Heidelberg from 1790 onwards . One child from this connection is Bishop Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph de Forbin-Janson (1785–1844), who founded the “Work of the Holy Childhood” (today the Pontifical Children's Mission ) and died in the call of holiness.


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Individual evidence

  1. Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte , Volume 122, page 190, self-published by the Gesamtverein der deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumvereine, 1986; Excerpt from the source
  2. Stefan Mörz: Enlightened absolutism in the Electoral Palatinate during the Mannheim reign of Elector Karl Theodor (1742–1777) , page 34, Kohlhammer Verlag, 1991, ISBN 3170111868 excerpt from the source
  3. Samuel Heinsius: Genealogical-historical news of the most distinguished events, which happened at the European courts , Leipzig 1747, part 103, page 930 scan from the source
  4. ^ Illustrated website about the Grenadiers de France
  5. Scan from the source, page 84
  6. ^ Samuel Heinsius: Continued new genealogical-historical news , 35th part, Leipzig 1765, page 764 Scan from the source
  7. ^ Karl Anton Hyacinth von Gallean, Marquis de Salernes , honorary members of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
  8. ^ Genealogical website about the couple Michel de Forbin Janson and Gabrielle de Gallean
  9. ^ Biographical website on Bishop Auguste-Marie-Joseph de Forbin-Janson