Karl Christoph Guardian

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Karl Christoph Hüter (born March 6, 1803 in Melsungen , † August 18, 1857 in Marburg ; also Carl Christoph , nickname Christoph ; rarely also Hueter ) was a German doctor and university professor .


Guardians, the son of a businessman , was given to 1816 teaching in his hometown, then visited Hersfeld the school , which he in 1820 with a successful final examination completed. This was followed by studying medicine at the University of Marburg . In 1824 he completed his studies with a doctorate to become Dr. med. and received state approval as a doctor . He went to Berlin and Vienna to study at the teaching clinics there for six months for learning purposes . He also visited the sanatoriums in Munich , Prague , Leipzig and Halle .

In 1825 Hüter got a position as an assistant doctor at the surgical clinic in Marburg. In Marburg he then began to give lectures on special pathology and therapy, on ophthalmology and obstetrics . In 1831 he was appointed associate professor , then in 1833 full professor of medicine, especially obstetrics, and at the same time he was director of the maternity hospital in Marburg. In 1837 and 1844, Guardian also held the office of Vice-Rector of the University, and was also often dean of the medical faculty. He died suddenly and surprisingly in office.

In 1834 he was made an honorary citizen of the city of Marburg. The gynecologist Victor Hüter and the surgeon and politician Carl Hüter were his sons.

Works (selection)

  • The pathology and therapy of the fifth period of labor , 1828.
  • The dynamic birth disorders, an attempt to rationalize dynamic obstetrics , 1830.
  • On the doctrine of maternal fever, a pathological-therapeutic treatise , 1832.
  • Disputatio de singulari exemplo pelvis formae infantilis in adulta reperto , Marburg Prorectoratsprogramm 1837.
  • Birth forceps with pictures , congratulatory letter on Wurzer's 50th anniversary as a doctor, Marburg 1838.
  • Obstetrics textbook for midwives , 1838.
  • Embryothlasis, or the compression and extraction of the dead womb , 1844.
  • The twins ' simple mother cake , congratulations on Ullmann's 50th anniversary as a doctor. Marburg 1845.
  • The doctrine of the air in the human egg, 1856.


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