Karl Friedrich Wunderlich

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Karl Friedrich Wunderlich (born December 18, 1768 in Schwarzburg-Sondershausen , † March 31, 1846 ) was a German lawyer and university professor .


Karl Friedrich Wunderlich was a son from the first marriage of the Secret Court and Cabinet Councilor Johann Gottlieb Wunderlich († 1818) with a daughter of the court and concert trumpeter Jaritz.

He developed a talent for drawing and music at an early age and was trained at home by a private tutor up to the age of eleven. He and his teacher left home for seven years in the direction of Leipzig and Dresden . He studied fine arts and sciences as well as anatomy as a preparatory course for painting . Music became his hobby with a passion for the violoncello . The Kantian philosophy he also studied. At eighteen he returned sickly to his parents' house.

He went to Ballenstedt to relax and took cello lessons from Friedrich Ludwig Schrödel (1754–1800). In addition, he dealt with the translation of ancient writers. This aroused his interest and he studied Greek and Roman literature . On the advice of his father, however, he studied law in Jena from 1790 . In 1792 he graduated as Doctor of Philosophy and Juris .

He moved to Erfurt , where he first became secretary of the university , actuary of the law faculty and employee of the well-known Spruch-Kollegium. He later became an associate professor there in 1805 and, with the departures in 1806, a full professor .

With the occupation of Erfurt by Prussia in 1802 and later by France in 1806, the university was more and more abandoned and Karl Friedrich Wunderlich lost his livelihood. Because of this and the loss of his contact with the former governor Karl Theodor von Dalberg , he was forced to move out of Erfurt. In 1810 he went to Heiligenstadt and took a job in the prefectural office with his former university fellow student , Prefect Burchhard Leberecht August von Bülow .

Neither compensation for the abandoned professorship nor a reinstatement was fulfilled, so he switched to administration. Around 1814 he was the actuary of a Schöppenstuhl and secretary of a council .

He retired in 1828 and was able to return to his passion for translating ancient pieces.

From 1792 Karl Friedrich Wunderlich was married to Sophie Katharina Strecker, daughter of the government and real court councilor and President of the County of Blankenhain Johann Alexander Strecker .

Translations (selection)


  • Reinhold Klotz , Rudolph Dietsch: New yearbooks for philology and pedagogy. Volume 14, Issue 1, 1848, pp. 149 ff.
  • Rudolf Friedrich Ludloff : History of the Ludolf-Ludloff family . Roßteutscher, Coburg 1910, p. 36.

Individual evidence

  1. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung . 1805, p. 725 ( google.de [accessed on February 14, 2018]).
  2. a b Jenaische Allgemeine Literaturzeitung . 1814, p. 109 ( google.de [accessed on February 14, 2018]).
  3. Jenaische Allgemeine Literaturzeitung . tape 11 , no. 1 , 1814, p. 108 ( google.de [accessed on February 18, 2018]).