Karl Gottlob Schönherr

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Karl Gottlob Schönherr (born August 15, 1824 in Lengefeld , † July 9, 1906 in Dresden ) was a Saxon church and history painter.


Karl Schönherr was born as the son of the master shoemaker Christian Schönherr on August 15, 1824 in Lengefeld. His talent for painting and drawing was recognized early on. At the age of 15 he passed the entrance exams for the Dresden Art Academy . During his student days he painted music boxes for a company in Zöblitz and thus financed his studies. From 1839 to 1852 he studied at the Dresden Art Academy and was a student of Julius Hübner and Eduard Bendemann . In the meantime he worked in the studios of his professors in order to further distinguish himself. For his outstanding study results, he received a travel grant for a study trip. In the years from 1852 to 1854 he traveled to Italy, where he completed his studies. For his excellent results he was honored with the small gold medal of the Dresden Art Academy.

His paintings and drawings were shaped by religious themes, especially depictions of scenes from the New Testament . As early as 1844, he showed his works in an academic exhibition in Dresden on the Brühlsche Terrasse and was always represented from then on. From 1857 to 1900 he taught at the art academy and was appointed professor in 1864. In 1888 he was elected a member of the Dresden Academic Council. Osmar Schindler and Robert Sterl were among his students . With his students, he designed the walls of the staircases in the new Dresden townhouses, such as in Johann-Georgen-Allee and Sachsenplatz.

He died on June 9, 1906 in Dresden and was buried in the Johannisfriedhof .


  • 1843 ?: Madonna con Bambino e San Giovannino
  • 1844: Triptych depicting the theological virtues Faith-Love-Hope
  • 1853: Mary with the child and the Johannesknaben
  • 1854: Petrus awakening the Tabea , SKD and the picture Petrus Forschegrund, loss of war.
  • 1855: Paintings on the ceiling and the walls of the Franciscus Xaverius Church in Dresden
  • 1859: Three angels promise Abraham the birth of his son Isaac
  • 1863: Sgraffito jewelry on the north side of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Zurich Polytechnic) in Zurich , together with Gottfried Semper and A. Wilhelm Walther .
  • 1863: Altar painting Christ, going up to heaven, blessing his people, Oberoderwitz church , gift from the Saxon Art Association.
  • 1883: The four seasons
  • 1883: Altar painting of the Resurrection of Christ, Langebrück Church
  • Altar painting in the Neuhausen church
  • Altar painting burial chapel Lößnitz
  • 1889: Altar painting The Risen Christ and the Emmaus disciples Christ Church in Bischofswerda
  • 1890: Two monks in conversation with a shepherd
  • 1890: Altar painting Christ on the Cross and The Last Supper in the Matthäuskirche Dresden.
  • 1896: Quo vadis? Christ on the wagon to Emmaus
  • Altar painting Schmorkau Church
  • Altar painting Christ on the Mount of Olives Church in Kherson in Russia.
  • 1897: Wall paintings in Limbach church near Wilsdruff
  • Altar painting Christ with the lamb Wilschdorf Church
  • Frescoes in the city ​​church of Borna near Leipzig
  • Altar painting The Transfiguration Church in Thurm near Zwickau


  • Schönherr, Karl Gottlob. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 2/2, sheets 33–67: Saal – Zwengauer. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1901, p. 633 ( archive.org ).
  • Schönherr, Karl Gottlob . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 30 : Scheffel – Siemerding . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1936, p. 229 .
  • Peter Rochhaus : Schönherr, Karl Gottlob . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 102, de Gruyter, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-023268-4 , p. 152.
  • Rainald Franz, Andreas Nierhaus: Gottfried Semper and Vienna, the effect of the architect on science, industry and art . University of Vienna. Art History Institute; Boehlau, Vienna 2007, ISBN 9783205776062 .
  • Frank Fiedler , Uwe Fiedler: Life pictures from Upper Lusatia . Books on demand; 6th edition 2014, ISBN 978-3842351776 , p. 221.
  • Building and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Issue 26 Amtshauptmannschaft Dresden-Neustadt , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt , Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, pp. 57 and 289.
  • Buildings and monuments of art of the Kingdom of Saxony , Book 34 Amtshauptmannschaft Löbau , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 485.
  • Building and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Booklet 41 Amtshauptmannschaft Meißen , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 261.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. life data after the entry in the Saxon biography
  2. Archive of the Dresden University of Fine Arts.
  3. Schönherr, Karl Gottlob. In: Friedrich von Boetticher: painter works of the 19th century. Contribution to art history. Volume 2/2, sheets 33–67: Saal – Zwengauer. Ms. v. Boetticher's Verlag, Dresden 1901, p. 633 ( archive.org ).
  4. a b Schönherr, Karl Gottlob . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 30 : Scheffel – Siemerding . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1936, p. 229 .
  5. Buildings and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Issue 34 Amtshauptmannschaft Löbau , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 485.
  6. ^ Building and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Issue 26 Amtshauptmannschaft Dresden-Neustadt , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 57.
  7. ^ Biographical artist lexicon
  8. Building and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Booklet 41 Amtshauptmannschaft Meißen , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 261.
  9. ^ Building and Art Monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Issue 26 Amtshauptmannschaft Dresden-Neustadt , edited by Cornelius Gurlitt, Verlag Meinhold und Söhne 1910, p. 289.