Karl Reschke (surgeon)

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Karl Paul Reschke (born December 23, 1886 in Elberfeld , † February 20, 1941 in Greifswald ) was a German surgeon and university professor.


Karl Reschke studied classical philology and medicine at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin . There he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD . Then he was an assistant doctor at the Charité in Berlin until 1918 . In 1914/15 he served as a junior doctor in a hospital. From 1918 he was an assistant doctor at the Surgical University Clinic Greifswald. He completed his habilitation there in 1921 and was appointed associate professor four years later . From 1932 to 1935 Reschke was the medical director and chief physician of the surgical department at the Bethanien Deaconess Hospital (Berlin) . As such, he also participated as a collaborator in the lexicon of the entire therapy . In 1935 he was appointed full professor for surgery in Greifswald. For the three academic years from 1936 to 1939 he was appointed rector of the university. During the Second World War he was a senior staff doctor in the Greifswald military district command.

In the Weimar Republic, Reschke had joined the German National People's Party and the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten . In 1933 he joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party ( membership number 2.649.907). Since 1934 a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS No. 251.016), he became SS-Obersturmführer . Until his death in February 1941, he was the Lecturer League Leader at the University of Greifswald and Gaudozentenbundführer in Pomerania.

Reschke was married to Klara Busse and had six children. He was a member of the Greifswald Association of German Students .


  • Surgical indications for doctors and students . Berlin 1932.


  • Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald: Festschrift for the 500th anniversary of the University of Greifswald, October 17, 1956, Volume 2.
  • Michael Grüttner : Biographical Lexicon for National Socialist Science Policy, Heidelberg, Synchron, 2004, p. 138, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: The autoplastic and homoioplastic transplantation .
  2. Walter Marle (Ed.): Lexicon of the entire therapy with diagnostic information. 2 volumes, 4th revised edition. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin / Vienna 1935 ( list of employees ).
  3. Rector's speeches (HKM)
  4. Louis Lange (Ed.): Kyffhäuser Association of German Student Associations. Address book 1931. Berlin 1931, p. 182
predecessor Office successor
Wilhelm Meisner Rector of the University of Greifswald
Kurt Wilhelm-Kästner