Islaz-Verdea Castle

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Islaz Verdea
limes Dacian Limes
section Limes Alutanus
A / X / 66
Dating (occupancy) unsecured; younger than
Islaz-Racoviță Castle
Type Auxiliary fort, port (?)
unit unknown, Ala (?)
size 120 m × 325 m = 3.9 ha (?)
Construction Wood-earth warehouse
State of preservation partially perceptible ground monument
place Izlaz / Teleorman district
Geographical location 43 ° 42 '37 "  N , 24 ° 45' 44"  E Coordinates: 43 ° 42 '37 "  N , 24 ° 45' 44"  E
height 25  m
Subsequently Islaz-Racoviță Castle
(A / X / 67, north)
Islaz Verdea in the course of the Dacian Limites

The Izlaz-Verdea Fort is a former Roman auxiliary fort on the territory of the municipality of Izlaz , Teleorman County , in the Romanian region of Great Wallachia .


Today's soil monument is located south of the municipality on the banks of the Danube, opposite a Danube island in the corridor "Cetatea verdea". The island is just under three kilometers upstream from where the Olt flows into the Danube . The southern areas of the facility were washed away by the floods of the Danube. In the area, the north side of the military camp can still be seen through deformation of the ground. In ancient times, the garrison of the fort probably had the task of monitoring the traffic on the two rivers and the highways running parallel to the rivers.

Archaeological evidence

The fort has so far been little investigated. The best thing is to have the wall around it. Their size was estimated by Grigore Tocilescu at 104 m by 324 m (which corresponds to 3.37 hectares), and by Dumitru Tudor at 120 m by 325 m (corresponding to 3.9 hectares). Today a north-south extension of 115 meters and an east-west axis of 145 meters can be traced. The fence consisted of a triple, powerful wall and ditch system. Nothing is known about the troops stationed in Izlaz-Verdea. Given the size, an ala (cavalry unit) was suspected. However, this has so far been proven just as little as a suspected Danube / Olt port. Overall, the garrison in Islaz-Verdea seems to be younger than the Islaz-Racoviță fort two and a half kilometers north as the crow flies .

In 1977, exploratory cuts to the west of the fort revealed areas of an elongated auxiliary vicus . The coin finds from these investigations date to Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), Septimius Severus (192–211) and Caracalla (211–217).

Lost property and monument protection

The archaeological finds from Islaz-Verdea are in the Muzeul Județean Olt (Museum of the Olt County) in Slatina .

The entire archaeological site and are in particular the castle according to the adopted in 2001 Law no. 422/2001 as historical monuments under protection and are using the LMI code TR-14207 ISB in the national list of historic monuments ( Lista Monumentelor istorice ) entered . Responsible is the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Ministerul Culturii și Patrimoniului Na ,ional) , in particular the General Directorate for National Cultural Heritage, the Department of Fine Arts, the National Commission for Historical Monuments and other institutions subordinate to the Ministry. Unauthorized excavations and the export of ancient objects are prohibited in Romania.

See also


  • Nicolae Gudea : The Dacian Limes. Materials on its story. In: Yearbook of the Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. 44, 2, 1997, p. 82, ( digitized version ).
  • Nicolae Gudea: The Lower Moesian Danube Limes and the defense of the Moesian north and west coast of the Black Sea. Limes et Litus Moesiae inferioris (AD 86–275) . In: Yearbook of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz, 52nd year 2005, Verlag des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums, Mainz 2006, ISSN  0076-2741 , p. 492.
  • Felix Marcu: The Internal Planning of Roman Forts of Dacia . (= Bibliotheca Mvsei Napocensis XXX), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2009, ISBN 978-606-543-058-7 , p. 208.
  • Pavel Mirea and Ion Torcică: Cerectări arheologice la Izlaz (jud. Teleorman) . Muzeul Oltului, 2 (2012), pp. 21-42, ( digitized ).

Web links

  • Castrul roman de la Islaz - Verdea on the official archaeological online database of the Romanian Ministry of Culture (Romanian), accessed on April 5, 2019.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Route / section / fort number (based on Nicolae Gudea , 1997).
  2. Pavel Mirea and Ion Torcică: Cerectări arheologice la Izlaz (jud teleorman.) . Muzeul Oltului, 2 (2012), p. 30, plate 2, ( digitized ).
  3. Pavel Mirea and Ion Torcică: Cerectări arheologice la Izlaz (jud teleorman.) . Muzeul Oltului, 2 (2012), p. 31, plate 3, ( digitized ).
  4. a b Nicolae Gudea: The Dacian Limes. Materials on its story. In: Yearbook of the Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. 44, 2, 1997, p. 82, ( digitized version ).
  5. Castrul roman de la Islaz - Verdea on the official archaeological online database of the Romanian Ministry of Culture (Romanian), accessed on April 5, 2019.
  6. ^ A b Pavel Mirea and Ion Torcică: Cerectări arheologice la Izlaz (jud. Teleorman) . Muzeul Oltului, 2 (2012), pp. 21-42, ( digitized ).
  7. Cristian Vlădescu: Fortificatiile novels din Dacia Inferior . Scrisul românesc, Craiova 1986, pp. 29-30.
  8. ^ Felix Marcu: The Internal Planning of Roman Forts of Dacia . (= Bibliotheca Mvsei Napocensis XXX), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2009, ISBN 978-606-543-058-7 , p. 208.
  9. Official website of the Muzeul Județean Olt [sic!] (Romanian), accessed on April 5, 2019.
  10. TR-IsB-14207 on the official archaeological online database of the Romanian Ministry of Culture (Romanian), accessed on April 5, 2019.
  11. List of historical monuments on the website of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage