Rubber (film)

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Original title rubber
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1938
length 104 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Eduard von Borsody
script Franz Eichhorn
Eduard von Borsody
Ernst von Salomon
production Ernst Kruger
music Werner Bochmann
camera Willy Winterstein
Edgar Eichhorn

Kautschuk is a German adventure film from 1938 directed by Eduard von Borsody and starring René Deltgen , Gustav Diessl and Vera von Langen . The alternative title is The Green Hell .

The film tells the story of the Englishman Henry Wickham , who smuggled rubber seeds into England in 1876 ​​in order to break the Brazilian monopoly. The film received the rating “State-politically and artistically valuable”.


The film takes place in 1876 and begins in London. Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker , director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew , has an audience with the Lord Chancellor . Hooker points to England's need for natural rubber and the existing monopoly of Brazil , which represents an "unbearable" dependency. The Lord Chancellor points out that trade deals are in the pipeline, but Hooker fears that the high rate of rubber mining in 50 years will drive the price of rubber to the level of gold. Hooker therefore suggests creating rubber tree plantations in the British colonies . However, the export of rubber seeds is subject to long prison sentences in Brazil. The Lord Chancellor refuses any support from the Crown to illegal exports. Hooker therefore mentions a shop steward, Henry Wickham , who wants to carry out the illegal operation on his own, but the Lord Chancellor does not want to hear about it and ends the conversation.

Wickham travels with the steamer Victoria from Liverpool to Pará . On board is Mary Waverly, daughter of the British consul, on her way back to Brazil from a stay in London. Despite the protests of her aunt Betty, who is also on board, Mary spends most of the time on board with Henry Wickham. Lady Betty points out to Henry that Mary in Pará is as good as engaged to the wealthy cattle farmer and large landowner Don Alonzo de Ribeira.

Back in Brazil, Mary reveals to her father that she no longer wants to marry Don Alonzo. Her father is outraged, also because of the impending rubber business with Don Alonzo. But he assures her of his support, but she shouldn't rush anything. In the evening, Don Alonzo arrives at the consul for a big reunion. Also present is Wickham, who happens to meet his old college comrade, Captain Murray, who is supposed to survey the Amazon with his ship, the Wellington. Under the pretext of wanting to look for a rare butterfly, the laternaria phosphorea, and with the intercession of Mary, Wickham receives permission from Don Alonzo for an expedition on the Rio Araguaia .

Wickham manages to collect a number of rubber seeds in the jungle. In doing so he saves the native José from drowning, who is by his side from now on. While trying to pull their boat over rapids upstream, they lose a container of rubber seeds, which is found downstream by a fisherman and finally brought to Don Alonzo. He storms with his find to Governor Paras and demands that Wickham be arrested on his return. The governor wants more evidence, however. Don Alonzo then has Indio tribes hunt down Wickham, who is still in the jungle. On the run from the poison arrows of the Indians, Wickham and Josè have to endure various adventures and fight with crocodiles, giant snakes and piranhas. Finally he succeeds in catching a specimen of the laternaria phosphorea in order to make his story appear credible on his return. In the meantime, Don Alonzo has gone looking for Wickham himself. Wickham falls ill with a fever and, at his request, is dropped off by José at a fort, where Don Alonzo soon arrives. Since Wickham left the rubber seeds with José, Don Alonzo only finds the butterfly from him, which he secretly steals from him. When Wickham is about to be captured, he manages to escape again.

Back at the consul, Don Alonzo informs him and Mary that Wickham is probably no longer alive. Wickham has meanwhile made his way to the mouth of the Amazon and meets with José as agreed. Together they want to bring the rubber seeds to Wellington, which is lying there, with Captain Murray on board. He has agreed to pick up the seeds there - just outside the territorial waters of Brazil - and bring them to England. However, a storm surge prevents Wickham from reaching Wellington with his boat. Wickham then throws a canister of seeds into the sea because he saw that the current will drive it directly onto the Wellington. The Wellington crew fished the canister out of the water with grappling hooks. When a Brazilian patrol boat shows up and José is shot by the crew, Wickham sinks the remaining canisters.

Wickham is arrested, but with no seeds found again by the Brazilian authorities, evidence of the rubber theft is lacking in court. Instead, Wickham is now charged with espionage because the butterfly he drew coincidentally resembles the layout of the jungle fort. Wickham can no longer produce the actual butterfly as evidence of invalidation and Don Alonzo denies in court that he has ever seen it. Wickham is sentenced to death.

When the governor questioned Don Alonzo shortly afterwards about Mary's allegations that he had perjured in court, Alonzo frankly admits that he did so for the benefit of Brazil. The governor then overturns the sentence against Wickham and the Wellington sails with the seeds for England.


According to the lexicon of international films , rubber is a "historical adventure film with fascinating shots of nature."


  • Hans-Jürgen Tast smuggling rubber in Travemünde. The Amazon flowed into the Baltic Sea , in: Voss un Haas. North German home calendar 2014 (Rostock 2013), ISBN 978-3-356-01553-9 , 19th (98th) year, pp. 39–43


The film includes scenes from a documentary about the Amazon by Franz and Edgar Eichhorn. They offered the film to UFA , whereupon the script was written based on Franz E. Anders' (a pseudonym of Franz Eichhorn's) novel "In dergrün Hölle".

The film was shot from July to October 1938 in the Babelsberg Studios and in Travemünde. The premieres were on November 1, 1938 in the Ufa-Palast Hamburg and on November 8th in the Ufa-Palast am Zoo in Berlin.

The "laternaria phosphorea" is not a butterfly, but a subordination of the Schnabelkerfe .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. rubber. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 10, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. Interview with Hans von Borsody on the DVD Straßenfeger 36 - Cliff Dexter
  3. Content on ( Memento from May 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b Specials on the rubber DVD
  5. Laternaria phosphorea