Kevin Vann

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Episcopal coat of arms by Kevin William Vann

Kevin William Vann (born May 10, 1951 in Springfield , Illinois , USA ) is Bishop of Orange in California .


Kevin Vann was born in Springfield , Illinois , the oldest of six children. In his hometown, he went to elementary school and high school . After graduating from high school, Vann attended Springfield Catholic College and earned a degree in medical technology from Millikin University in Decatur , Illinois . After three years as a medical technician, he entered the seminary in 1976. Vann lived for one year at Immaculate Conception Diocesan Seminary in his hometown and four years at Kenrick Seminary in St. Louis , Missouri .

The Bishop of Springfield in Illinois , Joseph Alphonse McNicholas , ordained him on 30 May 1981 for the priest .

After ordination, Vann studied canon law at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome . During this time he lived in the Pontifical North America College .

In the Diocese of Springfield, Vann worked in the following time in addition to his work as a parish pastor in the Church Court and Court of Appeal of the diocese. He also taught Canon Law at Kenrick Seminary.

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on May 17, 2005 Coadjutor Bishop of Fort Worth . He was ordained episcopal on July 13th of the same year by the Archbishop of San Antonio , José Horacio Gómez ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Saint Louis , Raymond Leo Burke , and George Joseph Lucas , Bishop of Springfield, Illinois. The celebration took place in the Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, a basketball arena on the grounds of the Texas Christian University in Fort Worth . After Joseph Patrick Delaney's death , Vann succeeded him on July 12, 2005 in the office of Bishop of Fort Worth.

On September 21, 2012 Benedict XVI appointed him. to the Bishop of Orange in California . The ceremonial inauguration ( enthronement ) took place on December 10 of the same year.

His motto is In fide et dilectione in Christo Iesu (“In faith and in love in Christ Jesus”) and comes from the second letter of the apostle Paul to Timothy ( 2 Tim 1,13-14  EU ).

He is Grand Officer of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c biography of Kevin W. Vann. ( Memento of May 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Official website of the Diocese of Orange in California.
  2. Explanations on the bishop's coat of arms. ( Memento of December 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Official website of the Diocese of Orange in California.
predecessor Office successor
Joseph Patrick Delaney Bishop of Fort Worth
Michael Olson
Death of David Brown Bishop of Orange in California
since 2012