Klára Póczy

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A memorial plaque for Klára Póczy in 2015 in the Aquincum Museum, Budapest

Klára Póczy (also Klára Sz. Póczy and Szentgáli Ferencné , born February 6, 1923 in Kolozsvár , † October 16, 2008 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian provincial Roman archaeologist whose areas of expertise include Roman ceramics, Pannonian urban research and in particular included the exploration of ancient Aquincum .

life and work

Póczy was born into a Hungarian family in Transylvania . Her father was the railway and electrical engineer Mihály Póczy (1895–1963), her mother's name was Klára Kiss. Klára Póczy had only one sister named Erzsébet (Elisabeth). After attending primary and middle school in Cluj-Napoca, she completed her schooling in 1941 with the Matura . In 1942 she enrolled at the Philosophical Faculty of what was then Péter Pázmány University and initially studied history , art history and Italian . But after a short time she chose the Archaeologia Terrae Hungaricae - History and Archeology of the Pannonian Plain - under Andreas Alföldi (1895–1981) as her new major. She also studied prehistory with Ferenc von Tompa (1893–1945) and János Banner (1888–1971). The chair also included a research institute, which Alföldi headed. This teacher should shape the way you work throughout your life. Póczy began to concentrate on Roman ceramics during her studies and wrote her dissertation on the ceramics of the Brigetio legionary camp on the Limes Pannonicus . A little later, further investigations into Pannonian ceramic production and imported goods follow. From 1950 the archaeologist worked at the Budapest History Museum and in 1953 became deputy head of the archaeological department. As a research assistant , Póczy was on the staff of archaeologist Tibor Nagy (1910–1995) and was particularly responsible for the area of ​​Roman ceramics. After taking over the management of the large-scale excavations in the Budapest district of Óbuda (Aquincum) in 1973 , she was subsequently entrusted with maintaining and integrating the findings into today's cityscape. This work continued until 1981. She was then appointed adviser to the Roman Provincial Archeology Group at the Historical Museum in Budapest, a position she held after her retirement in 1986 until her death. She was buried in the Farkasréti Cemetery in Budapest. In 2015, a memorial plaque was inaugurated for them in the Aquincum Museum.

In addition to this activity, she was jointly responsible for the organization of many exhibitions at home and abroad together with local museums and expressed herself in many ways through her publications and at specialist congresses. In addition to more than a hundred excavations, her oeuvre also includes almost five hundred scientific and popular science articles, essays and monographs.

Póczy was married to the doctor Ferenc Szentgáli, who died in 1974. Their only child, Ádám, was born in 1949.


Póczy was a board member of the Hungarian Society for Archeology and Art History, a full member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute . She was also a member of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores in Rome, an international association that has made research into Roman ceramics its business.


The archaeologist has received numerous awards, such as the Bálint Kuzsinszky Medal (1970), the Ferenc Móra Medal (1974), the Flóris-Rómer Medal (1988) and the Gyula-Forster Medal (2000). In 2004 she received the civilian execution as commander of the Hungarian Order of Merit .

Fonts (selection)

  • Aquincum. Roman Budapest. Zabern, Mainz 2005. ISBN 3-8053-3473-7 .
  • Aquincum. The Roman city in Budapest. Aquincum Museum, Budapest, 1997.
  • with Paula Zsidi : Roman ceramics in Aquincum. Budapest History Museum, 1992.
  • Cities in Pannonia. Athenäum Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1978.
  • Brigetio's ceramics. 1947 (unprinted dissertation).


  • Dénes Gabler , V. Kovács: Farewell to Klára Póczy (1923–2008). Bibliography of scientific activity. In: Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 61, 2010, pp. 445-456.
  • Maria R.-Alföldi : Klara Póczy (1923–2008) obituary. In: Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt. 14, 2009, pp. 188-190.
  • Paula Zsidi : Póczy Klára (1923-2008). In: Budapest Régiségei. 41, 2007, pp. 17-18 ( online ).
  • Ágnes Gali: Bibliography of the scientific activity of Klára Póczy. In: Paula Zsidi (Ed.): Research in Aquincum, 1969–2002. In honor of Klára Póczy. Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest 2003, ISBN 963-9340-23-5 , pp. 14-26.
  • Jenő Fitz : Klára Póczy on her 80th birthday. In: Paula Zsidi (Ed.): Research in Aquincum, 1969–2002. In honor of Klára Póczy. Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, Budapest 2003, ISBN 963-9340-23-5 , pp. 12-13 PDF .
  • Sándor Soproni : Póczy Klára köszöntése. In: Archaeologiai Értesítő 120, 1993, 1/2. P. 102.
  • Pro Salutate Clara Póczy Septuagenariae Collegae Amici Discipuli. In: Budapest Régiségei 31, 1993, pp. 5-6.
  • Jan Filip : Encyclopedic manual on the prehistory and early history of Europe. Volume 2. Kolhammer, Stuttgart 1966. p. 1051.

Web links


  1. Jan Filip: Encyclopedic Handbook on Prehistory and Early History in Europe. Volume 2. Kolhammer, Stuttgart 1966. See page 1051.
  2. International Art Address Book. Edition 7, Kaupterverlag, Berlin 1963, p. 327.