Klaus Jürgen Bade

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Klaus J. Bade 2019

Klaus Jürgen Bade (born May 14, 1944 in Sierentz in Alsace ) is a German professor emeritus for modern history in the department of culture and geosciences at the University of Osnabrück . His work focuses on colonial history, historical labor market research, historical and contemporary migration research as well as critical political support.

Live and act

Klaus J. Bade studied history, German, political and social sciences and received his doctorate in 1972 from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). From 1972 to 1979 he was a research assistant for modern history ( Walther Peter Fuchs / Michael Stürmer ) and from 1977 to 1978 he was a scholarship holder of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The habilitation took place in 1979 in the field of modern and recent history. He then worked as a private lecturer and senior academic counselor. After replacing the chair for modern and contemporary history ( Josef Becker ) at the University of Augsburg (1980/81), he taught as a professor at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

In 1982 he was appointed to the chair for modern history at the University of Osnabrück. He did not take up an appointment to the Chair of Economic and Social History (successor Hermann Kellenbenz ) at the FAU Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in Nuremberg, which was announced at the same time . He turned down a call to the University of Freiburg (successor Heinrich August Winkler ) in 1993. With the extensive offer to stay by the Lower Saxony state government, the establishment and expansion of the Osnabrück Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) initiated by Bade was secured.

On migration and integration in the past and present, Bade has led various national and international research projects and has published numerous books, articles and media articles and has received several awards for his commitment to research and critical policy support. He has supervised many dissertations and several habilitation theses. His most important academic student is the migration historian Jochen Oltmer .

In his main areas of work, Bade was mainly active as a historian, but also as a science organizer, political journalist, and policy and strategy advisor. The main research areas were colonial history (topic of his dissertation), historical migration and labor market research (topic of his habilitation thesis 1979) as well as contemporary and applied migration research. Bade retired in 2007 and now lives in Berlin.

Scientific activity and commitment

Scientifically, Bade is considered to be the founder of modern socio-historical migration research in Germany. As early as the 1970s, he presented a programmatic historiographical concept linked to specific postulates. Accordingly, migration as a historical phenomenon, potential and problem should not be viewed and analyzed in isolation, but rather in the context of the development of population and economy, culture, society and state in target areas and starting areas.

Since the 1980s he has campaigned for the results of scientific research on migration and integration to be heard more widely in politics and the public and thus to contribute to the objectification of public and political debates. His initiatives in this context ranged from the first cross-epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary and international migration conference in Germany in 1982, through his European migration history, which appeared in several languages ​​from 2000, to the "Encyclopedia Migration in Europe" of 2007.

Many formulations that have become common come from his writings, which are open to the public, such as B. "Homo migrans", "Integration is not a one-way street", "Integration in Germany is better than its reputation in the country", concepts such as the "catching up integration promotion" - which compensates for failures on both sides, but also operational and intentional definitions such as the understanding of integration as “measurable participation in the central areas of social life” proposed together with Michael Bommes .

In this sense, Bade advocated understanding migration and integration policy as “central areas of social policy”. In view of the long-lasting “defensive refusal of knowledge” of politics towards this mandate to act, the non-party migration researcher warned since the early 1980s of the political and social consequences of a lack of willingness to shape politics, up to and including the possible damage to parliamentary democracy through radicalization reaching from the fringes to the center. With regard to the migration, asylum and integration policy activities that began later, he warned against a lack of insight into the limits of how migration and integration can be shaped and against setbacks in sentiment due to populist exaggerated and then disappointed expectations of an apparently comprehensive solution to problems by law.

Since the 1980s, Bade has endeavored in the context of applied migration research to promote cooperation between science and practice with a view to the fields of observation and the design tasks of migration, flight and integration. His operational concept of the “double dialogue” was groundbreaking: on the one hand, in interdisciplinary communication between experts in research and, on the other hand, between them and experts from various fields of practice and politics. Here he worked as a scientist, political journalist, critical political companion in the media and as an expert and strategy advisor to politics, authorities and associations at the federal and state level.

This was true after the turn of the century at the federal level, for example, for his scientific and journalistic support on the way to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), of which he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board from the beginning and which, according to his founding concept, would have been called the "Federal Office for Migration and Integration" and should have been linked to a “Federal Office for Migration and Integration Research”. At the state level, for example, it applied to his participation in the integration advisory council of NRW Minister Armin Laschet in his cross-sectional department, which is particularly focused on integration issues. At the association level, for example, his almost two decades of membership in the advisory board of the Otto Benecke Foundation, which he designed himself at the time, and at the NGO level, it was most recently a member of his commitment to rescuing shipwrecked refugees in the Mediterranean the first hour at the private rescue company SOS Méditerranée : European society for the rescue of shipwrecked people in the Mediterranean.

The combination of research, critical policy support and policy advice in the sense of applied migration research was aimed at numerous organizational initiatives initiated by Bade. His aim was to strengthen research through organization and to position research results more clearly and in a more demanding manner in relation to political design.

In this context, Bade was the initiator and co-founder of numerous organizations and societies for research and advice in the field of migration and integration from the Osnabrück IMIS. These included u. a. the nationwide interdisciplinary Council for Migration (RfM) and the likewise nationwide Society for Historical Migration Research (GHM). In the narrower field of policy advice, Bade was Deputy Chairman of the German Government's Advisory Council on Migration and Integration (Immigration Council) and, until 2012, the founding chairman of the Advisory Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) in Berlin, which he designed. In the sense of its concept of critical political support via the media, the SVR was originally designed by Bade as a top-ranking scientific interest group vis-à-vis politics. After his departure in 2012, the increasingly difficult balance between scientifically sound criticism and political “balance” at the SVR shifted more in favor of “balance”.

Bade himself, on the other hand, publicly expressed himself even more critical of the European and German migration policy and the role of the media in these problem and conflict areas after leaving the SVR. His pointed contributions to the Sarrazine debate and his criticism of the one-sided defense-oriented refugee policy in Germany and Europe attracted particular attention .

In 2017/18, Bade withdrew from the public and political debate with his last two books, some of which were autobiographical. He also understood the expressis verbis as a contribution to the generation change in the early involvement in migration research, critical policy support and scientifically based policy advice on issues relating to migration, flight, asylum and integration, which he initially promoted together with a few other scientists.


Fellowships / visiting professorships

Advisory boards / memberships (selection)

  • Working group for economic and social history of the historical commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen
  • Advisory Board for Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (2006 - 2010)
  • Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance of the Federal Ministries of the Interior and Justice , Advisory Board (2004 - 2008)
  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ( BAMF ), Research Center, Wiss. Advisory Board (2005ff.)
  • Federal Institute for Population Research (BIB) at the Federal Statistical Office , Board of Trustees (2002 - 2007)
  • German Emigration Center Bremerhaven (DAH), Board of Trustees (2005 - 2008)
  • EKD , Commission for Foreigners' Issues and Ethnic Minorities (1993 - 1997)
  • EKD, Chamber of Migration and Integration (2013 - 2016)
  • Charitable Hertie Foundation , START Program , Board of Trustees (2002 - 2017)
  • Joint church working group on the problem area asylum - refugees - migration (1995 - 1997)
  • German-Israeli Foundation, Scientific Advisor (1993 - 2008)
  • Society for Historical Migration Research (GHM): initiator / co-founder and founding chairman (1996)
  • Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück: initiator / co-founder and founding chairman (1991 - 1997)
  • Integration Advisory Council of the Federal Government (2011 - 2017)
  • Integration summit of the federal government (2006 - 2014)
  • International Society for Research on the World Refugee Problem (1993 - 2008)
  • Islam Conference of the Federal Government , Working Group 1: Fundamental Issues (2006/07)
  • State Center for Immigration North Rhine-Westphalia, Advisory Board (2000 - 2005)
  • Lower Saxony State Parliament, Commission on Migration and Participation (2014 - 2017)
  • Otto Benecke Foundation eV (OBS), Advisory Board (1999 - 2017)
  • Advisory Council of the Federal Government for Migration and Integration (Immigration Council): Deputy Chairman (2004 - 2005)
  • Expert Council of German Foundations for Integration and Migration (SVR): Concept developer and founding chairman (2008 - 2012)
  • Migration Council (RfM): initiator / co-founder, member of the founding board / advisory board
  • Migration and Ethnicity Section of the German Sociological Society ( DGS )
  • Independent Commission on Immigration (UKZu) of the Federal Government, expert (2000/01)
  • Volkswagen Foundation, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the research areas “The foreign and the own” and “The construction of the foreign” (1993 - 2001); Member of the Board of Trustees (2002 - 2012)
  • Scientific advisory board of various historical exhibitions, u. a .: “From strangers to Frankfurters” (Historisches Museum Frankfurt a. M. , 2003/04); “Stayed here: Immigration and integration in Lower Saxony since the Second World War” ( Lower Saxony State Center for Political Education , Hanover, 2000–2002); “Migration and Integration” ( German Historical Museum Berlin , 2004/05); German Emigration Center Bremerhaven

Author (selection)

  • Historical migration research. An autobiographical perspective . Historical Social Research (HSR) Supplement 30, GESIS , Cologne 2018.
  • Migration - Flight - Integration: Critical political support from the "guest worker issue" to the "refugee crisis". Memories and contributions , By Loeper Literaturverlag, Karlsruhe 2017.
  • From unwords to misdeeds. Fears of culture, populism and political enemy images in the German migration and asylum discussion between the “guest worker issue” and the “refugee crisis”, in: IMIS contributions, 48/2016, pp. 35–171.
  • Criticism and violence. Sarrazin debate, "Islam criticism" and terror in the immigration society. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach am Taunus 2013.
  • (together with Jochen Oltmer): Normal case migration: Germany in the 20th and early 21st centuries , Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 2004.
  • Socio-historical migration research. Collected essays , ed. v. Michael Bommes / Jochen Oltmer ( Studies on Historical Migration Research , Vol. 13), V&R unipress, Göttingen 2004.
  • Europe on the move: Migration from the late 18th century to the present (building Europe ), CH Beck, Munich 2000. Italian edition: Rome / Bari: Editori Laterza 2001; french Ed .: Paris: Éditions du Seuil 2002; Spanish edition: Barcelona: Critica 2003; engl. Ed .: Oxford: Blackwell 2003.
  • Foreigners - resettlers - asylum. An inventory , CH Beck ( Beck'sche Reihe ), Munich 1994.
  • From emigration country to immigration country? Germany 1880-1980 . Colloquium, Berlin 1983
  • Transnational Migration and Labor Market (Habilitation thesis Erlangen 1979), 950 Ms .; Internet edition 2005 with a new foreword and title: Land oder Arbeit? Transnational and internal migration in the German northeast before the First World War .
  • Friedrich Fabri and Imperialism in the Bismarckian Age. Revolution - Depression - Expansion , Atlantis, Freiburg im Breisgau 1975.

Editor (selection)

  • Founder and editor / co-editor (until 2013) of “Studies on Historical Migration Research” (SHM), Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh
  • Founder and editor / co-editor (until 2007) of the "Writings of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies" (IMIS writings) and the "Contributions of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies" (IMIS contributions)
  • Migration - Ethnicity - Conflict: System Issues and Case Studies , Universitätsverlag Rasch, Osnabrück 1996.
  • The multicultural challenge: People across borders - borders beyond people , CH Beck, Munich 1996.
  • The Manifesto of the 60: Germany and Immigration , CH Beck, Munich 1994.
  • Germans abroad - foreigners in Germany. Migration in the past and present , CH Beck, Munich 1992.
  • Population, Labor and Migration in 19th and 20th Century Germany (German Historical Perspectives, Vol. 1), Berg Publishers Ltd., Leamington Spa / Hamburg / New York 1987.
  • Emigrants - migrant workers - guest workers: population, labor market and migration in Germany since the middle of the 19th century. Scripta Mercaturae, Ostfildern 1984.
  • Imperialism and Colonial Mission: Imperial Germany and Colonial Empire 1884–1914/18 , Franz Steiner-Verlag, Wiesbaden 1982.
  • As co-editor: Annual report with integration barometer of the Expert Council of German Foundations for Integration and Migration (SVR) , Berlin 2012, 2011, 2010.
  • as co-editor: Encyclopedia Migration in Europe from the 17th Century to the Present, 3rd edition (German edition) Wilhelm Fink / Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn / Munich / Vienna / Zurich 2010. engl. Cambridge UP 2011 edition.
  • as co-editor: catching up integration policy and design perspectives of integration practice , V&R unipress, Göttingen 2007.
  • As co-editor: Annual report of the German Advisory Council on Immigration and Integration (Immigration Council) of the Federal Government , Berlin 2004.
  • as co-editor: Migration Report. Facts - Analyzes - Perspectives (Council for Migration), Campus, Frankfurt a. M./New York 2000, 2002, 2004.
  • as co-editor : Families of foreign origin in Germany: Sixth Family Report i. A. of the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth , Bonn 2000.
  • as co-editor: Migration Past - Migration Future. Germany and the United States ( American Academy of Arts and Sciences ), Berghahn Books, Providence RI 1997.
  • as co-editor : Europe and the Third World: Colonialism - Present Problems - Future Perspectives , Metzler Schulbuchverlag, Stuttgart 1992.

Web links

Commons : Klaus Jürgen Bade  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus J. Bade: Historical Migration Research. An autobiographical perspective . In: Historical Social Research (HSR) Supplement 30 . GESIS, Cologne 2018, p. 32-35 .
  2. Klaus J. Bade: Historical Migration Research. An autobiographical perspective. In: Research (HSR) Supplement 30 . GESIS, Cologne 2018, p. 42-43 .
  3. Klaus J. Bade ,: Read the Levites. Migration and integration in Germany, farewell lecture on June 27, 2007 in Osnabrück . In: IMIS contributions, 31/2007 . S. 43-66 .
  4. ^ Michael Bommes: Greeting to the farewell lecture by Klaus J. Bade . In: IMIS contributions, 31/2007 . S. 29-35 .
  5. Klaus J. Bade: Friedrich Fabri and imperialism in the Bismarckian era: Revolution - Depression - Expansion . In: R. v. Albertini / H. Gollwitzer (ed.): Contributions to colonial and overseas history . tape 13 . Franz Steiner (formerly Atlantis), Freiburg i.Br./Zürich 1975.
  6. a b Internet edition 2005 with a new foreword under the title: Klaus J. Bade: Land oder Arbeit? Transnational and internal migration in the north-east of Germany before the First World War. IMIS University of Osnabrück, accessed on February 17, 2019 .
  7. Klaus J. Bade: Socio-historical migration research . In: Ernst Hinrichs / Henk van Zon (eds.): Population history in comparison: studies on the Netherlands and north-west Germany, East Frisian landscape . Aurich 1988, p. 63-74 .
  8. Congress documentation: Klaus J. Bade: Emigrants - Migrant Workers - Guest Workers: Population, Labor Market and Migration in Germany since the Middle of the 19th Century. In: Congress documentation . Scripta Mercaturae, Ostfildern 1984.
  9. Klaus J. Bade: Europe in motion: Migration from the late 18th century to the present (series: Building Europe) . Beck, Munich 2000; Italian edition: Rome / Bari: Editori Laterza 2001; french Ed .: Paris: Éditions du Seuil 2002; Spanish edition: Barcelona: Critica 2003; engl. Ed .: Oxford: Blackwell 2003.
  10. Klaus J. Bade / Pieter C. Emmer / Leo Lucassen / Jochen Oltmer (eds.): Encyclopedia Migration in Europe from the 17th Century to the Present . 3. Edition. Wilhelm Fink / Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn / Munich / Vienna / Zurich 2010; engl. Cambridge UP 2011 edition.
  11. ^ Uva Klaus J. Bade: Migration research and social policy in 'double dialogue' . In: Profiles of Science. 25 years University of Osnabrück . Universitätsverlag Rasch, Osnabrück 1999, p. 107-121 .
  12. Klaus J. Bade: Migration - Flucht - Integration: Critical political support from the 'guest worker question' to the 'refugee crisis'. Memories and posts. From Loeper Literaturverlag, Karlsruhe 2017, pp. 27-82., Accessed on February 17, 2019 .
  13. ^ Uva Klaus J. Bade: Critique and violence. Sarrazin debate, 'Islam criticism' and terror in the immigrant society. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts 2013.
  14. ^ Debate about migration: an end to integration policy. In: Interview. Spiegel.de, March 1, 2013, accessed on May 8, 2013 .
  15. a b Klaus J. Bade: From unwords to misdeeds. Cultural fears, populism and political enemy images in the German migration and asylum discussion between the 'guest worker question' and the 'refugee crisis'. In: IMIS articles 48/2016, pp. 35–127. IMIS University of Osnabrück, accessed on February 17, 2019 .
  16. Klaus J. Bade: Migration - Flucht - Integration: Critical political support from the 'guest worker question' to the 'refugee crisis'. Memories and contributions, Von Loeper Literaturverlag, Karlsruhe 2017. In: Universität Osnabrück. 2017, accessed February 17, 2019 .