Crane from Kirchheim

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Family coat of arms after Johann Siebmacher , 1605

The Kranich von Kirchheim family (also Kranch von Kirchheim ) was a nobility from the Palatinate who named themselves after the village of Kirchheim an der Weinstrasse (today the state of Rhineland-Palatinate ).

Family history

Wappenstein (Spolie) the crane of Kirchheim, in the Speyer Cathedral
Nanstein Castle , coat of arms of the crane from Kirchheim, on well bowl from the 16th century.
Keystone from the demolished cloister of Worms Cathedral (today in the Worms City Museum ), donated by Philipp von Flersheim, as Speyer and Worms Canon, 1513. In addition to the dedication, it bears his parents' alliance coat of arms.

The knight and servant family of the Crane von Kirchheim named itself after the village of Kirchheim an der Weinstrasse. It was evidently related to the local aristocratic families, the Kranich von Dirmstein , the Kranich von Lambsheim and the Kranich von Wachenheim , especially since it also had a hereditary burial in Wachenheim an der Weinstrasse .

The Kirchheim local historian Heinrich Julius Keller names the first sure name bearers in the 13th century.

Bernhard Kranich von Kirchheim was court master and one of the two permanent councilors of Duke Stefan von Pfalz-Simmern-Zweibrücken in 1442 . In addition, since 1465 he held an episcopal Speyer castle fiefdom at Hambach Castle , which was renewed in 1479 for his son Jakob Kranich von Kirchheim. In 1481 this was also one of the heirs of Drachenfels Castle (Wasgau) , a share that later fell to the Sickinger family .

Jacob's sister Ottilie Kranich von Kirchheim married the Electoral Palatinate bailiff of Kaiserslautern , Hans von Flersheim . He received (according to Heinrich Julius Keller) from his wife's property a share in the castle and estate in Rohrbach (Palatinate) , as well as manors in Herxheim , Oberotterbach , Haßloch and Friedelsheim . The couple built and lived in Laumersheim Castle , where their alliance coat of arms still exists. The children were the Speyer prince-bishop Philipp von Flersheim (1481–1552) and his sister Hedwig von Flersheim († 1516), wife of the famous knight Franz von Sickingen . Because of Hedwig von Sickingen born von Flersheim is on a fountain bowl from the 16th century, on the Sickingen Castle Nanstein , a large family coat of arms of the crane of Kirchheim. Another coat of arms of the family is preserved in the Speyer Cathedral . It apparently comes from the destroyed tomb of Bishop Philipp von Flersheim. There is also a large keystone from the demolished cloister of Worms Cathedral in the Worms City Museum . a. the maternal arms of the crane of Kirchheim, with crest shows.

With the Speyer canon Johann Kranich von Kirchheim († May 26, 1534), son of Peter Kranich von Kirchheim and his wife Margareta von Lengefeld, the male family died out. In 1530, he ordered three annual memorials for himself and his parents in the parish church of St. Georg in Wachenheim on the Weinstrasse , where his family's hereditary burial was located.

About Hedwig von Sickingen geb. von Flersheim, King Philippe of Belgium and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg descend directly from the family of the Kranich von Kirchheim. Both monarchs are descendants of one of their children.

The name of the Forster vineyard Kranich goes back to the former property of the Kranich von Kirchheim.

coat of arms

In the black field a silver crane with a red beak; on the helmet a similar one with outspread wings; Black and silver helmet covers.


  • Heinrich Julius Keller: My home book: From past and present days of Kirchheim an der Weinstrasse, local community Kirchheim an der Weinstrasse . 1955, pp. 204, 205
  • Willi Jakobs: The Kirchheim cranes: a family story . In: Heimat-Jahrbuch des Landkreis Bad Dürkheim , No. 22, 2004, pp. 206–207; Find tip
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon . Volume 5. Leipzig, 1865, p. 265;
  • Karl Stackmann, Wolfgang Dinkelacker, Ludger Grenzmann, Werner Höver: Ja muz ich sunder riuwe sin: Festschrift for Karl Stackmann on February 15, 1990 . Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1990, p. 164, ISBN 3-525-20780-8 ;

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ludwig Eid : The court and civil service in the former duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken . In: Mitteilungen des Historisches Verein der Pfalz , Volume 21, Speyer, 1897, p. 40 u. 171;
  2. ^ Franz Xaver Remling : The Maxburg near Hambach , Mannheim, 1844, p. 77 u. 78 and 200-202; ,
  3. Website on Hedwig von Flersheim ( Memento from August 17, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Website for the coat of arms keystone
  5. ^ Michael Frey : Attempt at a geographical-historical-statistical description of the royal Bavarian Rhine district , Volume 1, Speyer 1836, p. 578; To the von Lengefeld family
  6. ^ Franz Xaver Glasschröder : Documents on the Palatinate Church History in the Middle Ages . Munich 1903, p. 172, document regist No. 409
  7. ^ Genealogy page Hedwig von Flersheim
  8. ^ The Palatinate on the Rhine . Year 1984, p. 30;
  9. Kranich or Cranich von Kirchheim. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 15, Leipzig 1737, column 1759 f.