Art book publisher

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An art book publisher is a book publisher that specializes exclusively in the production of titles on the visual arts and, in addition to books on art, also publishes catalogs, brochures and illustrated books.

The term was introduced in the 1970s and should not be confused with the term art publisher. As already stated in the definition in Grimm's German Dictionary from 1873, he only sells paintings and graphics and not books . It was not until the end of the 19th century that a segment for the art book publishing house emerged due to the growing market for illustrated books and reproductions on the one hand, and refined printing techniques on the other . In 1972 well-known West German publishers in the industry founded their own working and advertising group. In terms of organization, the art book publisher is part of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels ; EA Seemann Verlag, Leipzig (since 1860) and Philipp von Zabern Verlag, Mainz (since 1802) are among the oldest publishers in this branch.

Important art book publishers in Germany

Art book publishers in Austria


  • Severin Corsten; Stephan Füssel; Günther Pflug; Friedrich Adolf Schmidt-Künsemüller (Hg.): Lexicon of the entire book system. second, completely revised edition. Volume IV. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann (1995), ISBN 3-7772-8527-7 , p. 363.
  • Ursula Rautenberg (ed.): Reclam's dictionary of the book . Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun. (2003), ISBN 3-15-010520-X , p. 315.

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