Kurt Junghanns

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Kurt Junghanns (born August 29, 1908 in Dresden ; † December 2, 2006 in Berlin ) was a German architect and architectural historian . He made a special contribution as a Bruno Taut researcher.

Live and act

Kurt Junghanns was born in 1908 as the son of a building contractor in Dresden and attended the König-Georg-Gymnasium (Georgianum) there from 1919 until he graduated from high school in 1928 . He then started studying architecture at the Technical University of Dresden . In addition, he gained practical experience as a construction manager at the Zwingerbauhütte and carried out research on building history. During this time he joined the free socialist student group.

Around 1930 he took part in the politically active group around the painter Hans Grundig , which was directed against National Socialist propaganda . For him, membership in the KPD was the logical consequence. From 1935 (according to other information 1936) to 1938 he was responsible for planning and building management at the Landessiedlungsgesellschaft Sachsen. His political activities in the Dresden resistance group culminated in a high treason charge in 1938 with the ensuing imprisonment, which he spent in various prisons, most recently in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp , where he was deployed in the construction office. Due to illness he was released in 1944.

After the war, he continued to suffer from the consequences of imprisonment, which did not allow him to practice his profession. At first he lived with his father in Dresden. In 1946 he took care of the Dresden builds exhibition . In 1948 he moved to East Berlin . There he supported the start-up measures of the engineering association " Chamber of Technology ". In 1949 he took up a position as a consultant for urban planning at the Ministry for Development of the GDR. After three years he switched to the German Building Academy as a lecturer in the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture, Department of Building History. The brochure he developed, The Housing Complex - Planning Element in Urban Development , became the planning basis for urban development in the GDR for the next few years from 1954 . In 1957 he was entrusted with the management of the institute and in 1958 he presented his dissertation entitled On German Urbanism in Early Feudalism , which was published by Henschel in bookshops a year later under a slightly different title . Together with the Swiss Hans Schmidt , he founded the Institute for Theory and History of Architecture at the German Building Academy. At the end of 1961, the corresponding member of the building academy was appointed professor.

In the 1960s and 1970s Kurt Langhanns edited 14 volumes of the series of publications by the Institute for Theory and History of Architecture, contributed to the Lexicon of Art (still five volumes in the first edition) of the EA Seemann publishing house and published various articles and books. His focus was on the effects of the development of productive forces and the working class with regard to urban planning and architecture, which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . With studies such as The German Urban Development Theory under the Influence of the November Revolution or The Relationship Between German and Soviet Architects in the Years 1917 to 1933 , he cultivated relationships with the Soviet building tradition.

He had already started to deal with Bruno Taut's work around 1950. After twenty years of research, the monograph Bruno Taut was published in 1970 . 1880-1938 . The publisher's statement that this was “the first complete presentation of Bruno Taut's life's work” was correct - Junghanns has since been considered the “discoverer” of Bruno Taut. The volume was also published in the Federal Republic of Germany and has also been translated into Spanish and Italian . Researchers after him usually contacted him. He himself felt compelled to incorporate their research results in a third edition (1998) that was again expanded compared to the expanded second (1983). The publisher EA Seemann asked for a commentary addition for this new edition, so the titles differ. As a taut expert, Junghanns also traveled to events in western countries , such as the 1987 Bruno Taut Congress in Milan.

Kurt Junghanns retired in 1978 . He worked for many years on his late work on the history and methodology of prefabricated construction ( Das Haus für alle. On the history of prefabrication in Germany ). The lavishly illustrated volume was published in 1994. He died on December 2, 2006 in Berlin. The center of his life was the district of Pankow . He was also buried here. In the obituary of the magazine Bauwelt it was said about the SED member: "For a scientist's life, the Marxist resisted tight economic interpretations of building history and emphasized the ideal, spiritual aspects."


  • 1968: Patriotic Order of Merit in Silver ("in recognition of extraordinary merits in the fight against fascism and in the creation and development of the socialist order in the GDR")
  • 1973: Patriotic Order of Merit in Gold ("in appreciation of extraordinary services in the establishment and development of the socialist social order and the strengthening of the German Democratic Republic")
  • 1978: Gold medal for the Patriotic Order of Merit
  • 1980: National Prize of the GDR III. Class for science and technology ("for the closed presentation of art history on a Marxist-Leninist basis in the Lexicon of Art ")
  • 1983: Stern der Völkerfreundschaft in silver (“in appreciation of special services to understanding and friendship between peoples and to maintaining peace”)
  • 1988: Star of Friendship between Nations in gold


  • with Felix Boessler, Ruth Günther: The residential complex as a planning element in urban development (= publications of the Research Institute for Urban Development ). Henschelverlag, Berlin 1954.
  • The public buildings in the medieval German cityscape (= study material ; 1956, booklet 1). Published by the Institute for Young Talent Development. Henschelverlag, Berlin 1956.
  • involved in: Festschrift Dresden 1206–1956. For the 750th anniversary of the city. Council of the City of Dresden (ed.). Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1956.
  • The German city in early feudalism (= writings of the Institute for Theory and History of Architecture ). Henschel, Berlin 1959.
  • Andrej V. Bunin : History of Russian urban development up to the 19th century (= writings of the Institute for Theory and History of Architecture ). Translated by Maria Fischer. Edited by Kurt Junghanns and Lothar Förster. Henschel, Berlin 1961.
  • involved in: Festschrift on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the garden city settlement on Falkenberg and the folk festival on Falkenberg. Aug 31, 1963. 1913-1963. National Front, Berlin 1963.
  • involved in: Lexicon of Art in five volumes. Architecture, fine arts, applied arts, industrial design, art theory. EA Seemann, Leipzig 1968–1978.
  • Bruno Taut. 1880–1938 (= publications of the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture ). Henschelverlag Art and Society, Berlin 1970.
    • Second, revised and expanded edition 1983.
    • Bruno Taut. 1880-1938. Architecture and social thought. 3rd, revised and supplemented edition, EA Seemann, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3-363-00674-8 .
  • The German Werkbund. His first decade (= writings of the Institute for Urban Development and Architecture ). Henschelverlag Art and Society, Berlin 1982.
  • The house for everyone. On the history of prefabrication in Germany. Ernst & Sohn Verlag for Architecture and Technical Sciences, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-433-01274-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Eva-Maria Barkhofen (ed.): Architecture in the archive. The collection of the Academy of Arts . DOM Publishers, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86922-492-3 , Kurt Junghanns, p. 208 f .
  2. a b c d Hans-Joachim Kadatz: Nestor Marxist architecture theory. On the 80th birthday of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt Junghanns . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 203/1988 , August 27, 1988, Kultur, pp. 4 .
  3. a b c d Kurt Junghanns. (PDF; 2.2 MB) Buno Taut symposium. In: magdeburg.de. State capital Magdeburg, Office for Public Relations and Protocol, Ute Schmidt-Kraft, accessed on March 24, 2020 .
  4. Hein Köster: Hans and Lea Grundig. In: ostdeutsche-kunstauktionen.net. Raik Hellwich, accessed March 24, 2020 .
  5. Architectural office Meyer Große Hebestreit Sommerer, Birgit Hammer: Specification and extension of the scope of the regulation on the preservation of the urban character due to the urban design for the area "Karl-Marx-Allee, II. Construction section" in the Mitte district of Berlin from May 11, 2000 in accordance with Section 172 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 No. 1 BauGB. (PDF; 400 KB) In: kma.mitte.de. June 2015, p. 11 , accessed March 24, 2020 .
  6. a b c Simone Hain : Kurt Junghanns. 1908-2006 . In: Bauwelt . No. 4/2007 , January 19, 2007, newsreel. Obituary, p. 4 .
  7. ^ (ADN): Ten years of the German Building Academy, new members appointed . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 334/1961 , December 5, 1961, pp. 4 .
  8. ^ Cover text on Bruno Taut , 1983.
  9. Simone Hain: "Architecture and Social Thought". An interview with Kurt Junghanns . In: Lothar Juckel , Chamber of Architects Berlin (Hrsg.): Architecture in Berlin. 1998 yearbook . Junius Verlag, Hamburg / Dresden 1998, ISBN 3-88506-277-1 , marginalia, p. 166 f .
  10. ^ BZ: Congress in Milan on Bruno Taut . In: Berliner Zeitung . No. 253/1987 , October 28, 1987, Kulturpolitik, p. 7 .
  11. Central Committee of the SED congratulates Comrade Prof. Dr. Kurt Junghanns . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 203/1983 , August 29, 1983, Nachrichten und Korrespondenzen, pp. 2 .
  12. Patriotic Order of Merit . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 275/1968 , October 4, 1968, pp. 3 .
  13. High government awards . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 183/1973 , July 5, 1973, pp. 2 .
  14. Highest awards for the GDR national holiday. Honor on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the founding of the German Democratic Republic . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 238/1978 , October 9, 1978, Politics, p. 4 .
  15. Highest awards for the GDR national holiday . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 237/1980 , October 8, 1980, Politics. National Prize of the GDR III. Science and Technology Class, S. 4 .
  16. High awards for the GDR national holiday . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 235/1983 , October 5, 1983, Domestic Policy. Order "Star of Friendship of Nations" in silver, p. 3 .
  17. High, stately awards . In: New Germany . Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. No. 237/1988 , October 6, 1988, Politics. Order "Star of Friendship of Nations" in gold, p. 3 .

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