State Parliament of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (1854–1860)

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This article deals with the Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt parliament from 1854–1860 .


The state elections took place on October 16, 1854.

The following were elected as MPs:

Surname Place of residence / manor Curia Constituency annotation
Julius Eberwein Rudolstadt Bigger cities Rudolstadt
Johann Erdmann Ernst Pea Volkstedt Small towns and rural populations Districts of Rudolstadt and Blankenburg
Johann Christian Fiedler Heberndorf Small towns and rural populations Volksberg district
Franz August Grossmann Ichstedt Small towns and rural populations Frankenhausen - Country I.
Johann Michael Henkel Lichta b. K. Small towns and rural populations Königsee - Land
Johannes Carl Eduard Hercher Stadtilm Bigger cities Stadtilm
Johann Friedrich August Heyder Grandchildren Small towns and rural populations District Ilm
Johann Michael Jahn Koenigsee Bigger cities Koenigsee Resigned from office on January 13, 1858. Successor: Wachsmuth
Ernst Wilhelm Jahn Meura Small towns and rural populations Oberweißbach Successor to JM Jahn from February 25, 1858
Johann Carl Friedrich Heinrich Meyer on Ichstedt Larger landowners District Office District Frankenhausen Successor for whites from February 25, 1858
Hermann Otto on Bechstedt Larger landowners District office districts Rudolstadt and Königsee Died on November 22, 1856. Successor: pea
Johann Heinrich Christian Raue Rottleben Small towns and rural populations Frankenhausen - Land II In 1855 prevented from joining the state parliament. Entered February 25, 1858
Justus Alexander Louis Renovanz Rudolstadt Bigger cities Rudolstadt Deputy for Fiedler from February 5 to March 2, 1855
Karl Hermann Scheller on Schwarza Larger landowners District office districts Rudolstadt and Königsee
Friedrich Gustav Theodor Schmidt People Mountain Small towns and rural populations Volksberg district
Eduard Schwartz Light bW Small towns and rural populations Katzhütte
Friedrich Wilhelm Wachsmuth Koenigsee Bigger cities Koenigsee
Karl Friedrich Hermann Wächter Frankenhausen Bigger cities Frankenhausen
Johann Christian Weisse Volkstedt Small towns and rural populations Districts of Rudolstadt and Blankenburg

The state parliament elected its board of directors under senior president Carl Meyer. State parliament directors ( parliamentary president ) were:

  • Hermann Wächter (January 24 to March 2, 1855)
  • Julius Eberwein (February 25 to March 20, 1858)

Deputy state parliament directors were:

  • Johann Carl Eduard Hercher (January 27 to March 2, 1855)
  • Hermann Wächter (February 25 to March 20, 1858)

The state parliament met between January 22, 1855 and March 20, 1858 for 52 public plenary sessions in two sessions (1855, 1858).


  • Jochen Lengemann : Landtag and regional representation of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 1821–1923. Biographical manual . G. Fischer, Jena Stuttgart 1994, pp. 78-80, 277-278.