Election to the state parliament and municipal council in Vienna in 1964

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State and municipal council elections in 1964
Wbt .: 84.85%


A total of 100 seats

The 1964 state and municipal council elections in Vienna were held on October 25, 1964. The Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) remained almost unchanged compared to the 1959 election and was able to maintain its previous 60 of the 100 state parliament mandates with a slight increase of 0.3% and a share of the vote of 54.7%. The Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) won 1.5% and also won two mandates. With a share of the votes of 33.9%, she won 35 mandates. The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) , on the other hand, made losses, losing 2.4% and losing a mandate. Overall, the FPÖ achieved 5.7% and three mandates. The Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) also posted slight losses, losing 0.2% and gaining 5.0% of the vote. This meant the loss of a mandate, with which the KPÖ only had two MPs. In addition, the European Federalist Party (EFP) ran for election , but with 0.7% it clearly missed the election .

The Viennese state parliament and municipal council for the 9th electoral term was constituted on December 11, 1964 and elected the state government Jonas IV on December 19, 1964 , which was replaced by the state government Marek I on June 10, 1965 .


Final result of the state and municipal council elections in 1964
Results 1964 Results 1959 Differences
Eligible voters 1,246,701 1,230,257 + 16,444
voter turnout 84.85% 84.81% + 0.04%
be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand.
Votes cast 1,057,824 1,043,356 + 14,468
Invalid 18.191 1.72%   16,911 1.62%   + 1,280 + 0.10%  
Valid 1,039,633 98.28% 1,026,445 98.38% + 13,188 - 0.10%
Political party
Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) 568.993 54.73% 60 558,521 54.41% 60 + 10,472 + 0.32% ± 0
Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) 352.067 33.86% 35 332.027 32.35% 33 + 20,040 + 1.51% + 2
Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) 58,861 5.66% 3 82,322 8.02% 4th - 23,461 - 2.36% - 1
Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) 52.002 5.00% 2 53,575 5.22% 3 - 1,573 - 0.22% - 1
European Federalist Party (EFP) 7,710 0.74% 0 not running + 7,710 + 0.74% ± 0
total 1,039,633 100.00% 100 1,026,445 100.00% 100 + 13,188

Individual evidence

  1. Election statistics. The elections in the federal states since 1945. 1994, p. 111.


  • Josef Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. Elections and representative bodies of the federal states from 1945 to 2000. PR-Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-9011-1105-0 .
  • Liaison office of the federal states at the office of the Lower Austrian provincial government: election statistics. The elections in the federal states since 1945. National Council and state parliaments. 8th edition. Vienna 1994.

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