Law Review

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The idea of law reviews comes from the Anglo-American region and refers to legal journals that are usually published by students in a law faculty. Based on this model, there are also first student law reviews in Germany, whereby the term Law Journal is also used.

American Law Reviews

All major universities in the United States have their own law reviews. The oldest was founded at the University of Pennsylvania and has been published since 1852. Furthermore, some of the oldest and best known include the Harvard Law Review , founded in 1887, the Yale Law Journal , founded in 1891, the Columbia Law Review , which emerged from the Columbia Jurist , which was founded in 1885, and the Michigan Law Review , founded in 1902.

Law Reviews employees are highly regarded in the USA because they are selected on the basis of professional criteria such as writing experience and legal expertise. This offers students a forum for publications at a high technical level even before they start working.

German Law Reviews

The culture of law reviews only began to establish itself in Germany in 2004 . Mostly brought along as an idea from studying abroad in the USA, around a dozen law reviews have been founded by students at German universities.

The form of publication varies. Some are only available as an online journal as a PDF download, others are also published in print.

Ad legendum

Ad Legendum , the training magazine from Münster's Juridicum, was founded in the summer of 2004 as one of the first student law reviews in Germany. The magazine is designed and published by students from the Münster Law Faculty and appears four times a year, at the beginning and the end of each semester.

Each issue is divided into the main topics , case processing , basics , essays ; as well as study practice and is dedicated to a scientific topic. In terms of content, the contributions cover all areas of law and through essays, teaching contributions and an extensive methodology section, comprehensive legal information is to be provided.

Berlin legal journal

The Berlin Legal Journal (BRZ) is a student-run legal journal in the Law Faculty of the Free University of Berlin . It appears every six months and in particular publishes contributions by students such as B. Final degree and seminar papers.

Bonn legal journal

Title of an edition of the Bonner Rechtsjournals

Since 2007, students at the University of Bonn have published the Bonn legal journal, which is published twice a year .

Bucerius Law Journal

The Bucerius Law Journal has been published as an online journal since 2007 and publishes articles by students, professors, academic staff, doctoral students and practitioners.


In 2012 the student council for law at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel published the law journal FördeRecht with contributions from professors, academic staff, students and practitioners. The magazine was discontinued after the first issue.

Freilaw - Freiburg Law Students Journal

Freilaw ( Freiburg Law Students Journal ) is a legal journal from Freiburg , published exclusively by students , which has been published three to four times a year since 2006.

Freilaw was founded in 2005 by law students at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg based on the model of American law reviews / journals and, together with the Heidelberg StudZR, is one of the oldest student journals for law in German-speaking countries.

Goettingen Journal of International Law

The Goettingen Journal of International Law was founded in 2007 by students at Göttingen University. Only online articles on international law are published in English. The Advisory Board is with Kai Ambos (International Criminal Law), Thomas Buergenthal (International Court of Justice), Christian Calliess (European law), Georg Nolte , Andreas L. Paulus (General International Law), Dietrich Rauschning , Walter Reese-Schäfer (Political Science) and Peter Tobias Stoll (International Business Law).

Göttingen legal journal

The Göttingen legal magazine was founded in 2016 as a training magazine by students of the law faculty of the University of Göttingen and appears every six months. It is supported by an association that wants to give students the opportunity to publish. The quality of the contributions should be ensured by a scientific advisory board.


The Greifswald half-yearly publication for jurisprudence (GreifRecht) publishes legal essays and references to important and interesting articles from other specialist journals and judgments. In addition, every GreifRecht booklet contains a written exam or term paper that was assessed with at least 15 points and contains detailed corrective comments. The magazine appears at the beginning of each semester with a print run of 700.

The carrier is a non-profit association . GreifRecht is distributed by the Law Faculty Council at the University of Greifswald .

Hamburg Legal Notes

Hamburger Rechtsnotizen is a student journal in the Law Faculty of the University of Hamburg. An association was founded in 2010 and the magazine has been published twice a year since April 2011 (first edition: 900 copies).

Hanover Law Review

The Hanover Law Review is a student journal at the Law Faculty of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover . The magazine was founded in 2017 and is also published as a print edition on a quarterly basis.

Hanse Law Review

The Hanse Law Review was founded in 2004 by students from the Hanse Law School and, in accordance with the focus of the university, is primarily dedicated to international law , comparative law and European law . The first issue appeared in April 2005. The Law Journal aims to publish legal articles from around the world in its two annual issues. The authors of the German and English contributions are doctoral students, students, young practitioners and scientists.

The Hanse Law Review has the legal form of a registered association ( Hanse Law Review eV ) and is sold throughout Germany under the ISSN  1863-5717 .

Humboldt Forum Law

Humboldt Forum Recht is an academic legal journal that was founded in 1995 and has been published since 1996. It is an open access internet magazine that appears at the Law Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin . The editors are students, trainees and academic staff.

Law studies & exams

Jura Studium & Examen (JSE) is a magazine for law students and trainee lawyers that was founded in Tübingen in 2011 and has been published online four times a year since then. In addition to practice exams and current decisions from jurisprudence, it contains articles on topics with a legal political and legal ethical background.

The lawyer

Der Jurist is a student journal in the Law Faculty of the University of Passau. The magazine was founded in 2010 and appears as a print edition once a year.

Iurratio - The magazine for stud. iur. and young lawyers

The training and career magazine Iurratio was founded in 2004 by students from Bielefeld University and appears as a quarterly full-color publication. The magazine has been published regularly nationwide since 2008 at over 20 law faculties, many of which are recruited from the total of around 80 volunteer employees. In the meantime, all regional and higher regional courts with traineeship training as well as various libraries and bookshops are supplied. Special features of the publication, in addition to the categories of training , case processing , practice & careers , job market and case processing, are a current title topic and essays on the focus areas that have meanwhile been introduced at many universities . In addition, since 2011, every journal has had a case law overview on the last page and eight index cards with case law cases for exam preparation.

With a printed circulation of 12,000 copies, "Iurratio - The Journal for Stud. Iur. And Young Jurists" is one of the legal training and career magazines with the greatest reach. It appears under the ISSN  1867-660X .

Cologne paper on commercial law

Title of an edition of the Cologne publication on commercial law

The Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) is a specialist journal in the field of commercial law run by young lawyers , which appears quarterly in January, April, August and October on current key issues.

Leipzig Legal Yearbook

The Leipzig Legal Yearbook (LJJ) at the Leipzig Faculty of Law is not a law review in the narrower sense, but just like the law reviews that appear in journal format, it is committed to the idea of ​​giving above-average, academically interested students the opportunity to publish. In addition to student articles, it also includes guest contributions by recognized scientists, book presentations and conference reports. The first edition was published in 2003/2004 as the yearbook Leipzig Legal Seminar Papers. The yearbook appears in a print and an online edition.

Papers in English and German are accepted for publication.

The yearbook is published annually in one or more (partial) volumes. It is sold under the ISSN  1865-1003 (older years: 1861-2857).

Marburg Law Review

The Marburg Law Review is a legal journal founded by students and alumni at the Philipps University of Marburg in 2008, which is primarily aimed at law students. The magazine appears twice a year with a circulation of 750 copies.


Rescriptum is a student journal in the Law Faculty of the LMU Munich. The first issue was published in October 2012, the other issues should appear every six months at the beginning of the semester. Resciptum expressly does not see itself as a training magazine, but as scientifically oriented.


Studere has been published twice a year since 2008 as a student legal journal in the law department of the University of Potsdam.


The Student Journal for Law Heidelberg (StudZR), founded in 2004, is the first student-run legal journal based on the model of the American law journals in Germany. StudZR is managed and organized by students from Heidelberg University in cooperation with an academic advisory board consisting of members of the teaching staff.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Front page of the Berlin legal journal. Accessed April 14, 2020 (German).
  2. ^ Entry in the German National Library
  3. ^ Entry in the German National Library