Love birds

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German title Love birds
Original title Lovebirds
Country of production Italy , Germany
original language English
Publishing year 1969
length 82 (German version 80) minutes
Director Mario Caiano
script Mario Caiano
Piero Anchisi
production Artur Brauner for CCC-Film, Berlin
Liliana Biancini , Antonio Addobati for Com. P. Ass., Rome
music Bruno Nicolai
camera Erico Menczer
cut Renato Cinquini

Liebesvögel , also known as Come, Sweet Death , is a German-Italian erotic melodrama from 1969 with OW Fischer in his last role in a movie.


Two couples of friends flee to a remote mansion during a weekend trip in a heavy storm. There a mysterious count gives them shelter. The aging, thoughtful aristocrat resides there with his much younger sister, who has an ambivalent relationship with him. Soon the visitors fall completely under the spell of the Count's siblings and their psychological and sex games. Inhibitions fall, and lesbian experiments are also dared.

As part of the erotic experience, the guests are confronted with the abysses of their own, sometimes repressed sexual desires. Increasingly, three of the four castle guests allow themselves to be captured by the castle's owners; they mutate into compliant love slaves. Only one of them fights against it. Eventually the revealing play of the senses becomes bloody seriousness, and the female guest who tries to resist the love affair is found dead.


role actor Voice actor
Marina Claudine Auger Brigitte Grothum
Nino Tony Kendall Peer Schmidt
countess Christine Kaufmann self
Count OW fisherman self
Guido Giancarlo Sbragia Jürgen Thormann
Conny Lidia Alfonsi Gisela Trowe
servant Wolf Fischer Arne Elsholtz

Production notes

Liebesvögel was filmed from April 14 to June 10, 1969 in the vicinity of Rome (exterior shots) and in the CCC studios of Berlin-Spandau . The film passed the FSK test on October 24, 1969. The German premiere was on November 7, 1969, in co-producing Italy the flick did not start until the following year.

As for OW Fischer, who here for the third time in quick succession (after the Marquis - the man who wanted to sell and go to bed, not in the war ) should play an eccentric was, even for the experienced German film architect Heinrich Weidemann this the last cinema work. After that, the 70-year-old withdrew into private life.

An alternative Italian title is Una strana vogio d'amare .


"Symbol overloaded film with spread statements about the nature of sexuality."

“What the distributor advertises as 'porn-psycho-sex-thriller' quickly turns out to be boring, splayed, well-mannered arts and crafts without any depth. Even the reunion with Christine Kaufmann and OW Fischer turns out to be superfluous under these circumstances. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the Archivio del Cinema Italiano
  2. Love birds. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. Evangelical Press Association, Munich, Review No. 516/1969