Mario Caiano

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Mario Caiano (born February 13, 1933 in Rome ; † September 20, 2015 there ) was an Italian film director , screenwriter and film producer .


Caiano was born in Rome as the son of the director and producer Carlo Caiano , initially studied philology and specialized in Greco-Roman archeology . He also started working for Cinecittà . During the 1950s he learned the film trade as an assistant director from directors such as Sergio Grieco , Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and Riccardo Freda .

When he directed his first film in 1961, he began a long series of entertainment films in which Caiano never let himself be tied to a genre or style. He was a reliable craftsman who made peplums , adventure films , westerns or crime films (mostly based on his own script) and from the late 1970s also found his way easily on television.

There he started a second career, which he continued until 2001, often with mini-series for the RAI .

Caiano used a few pseudonyms such as William Hawkins, Allan Grunewald, Allen Grünewald, Mike Perkins and Edoardo Re.

Mario Caiano died on September 20, 2015 at the age of 82 in his hometown of Rome.

Filmography (selection)


  • 1958: The Corsair of Monte Forte (Il pirata dello sparviero nero)
  • 1960: Suleiman, the Conqueror (Solimano il conquistatore)
  • 1962: The son of Captain Blood (Il figlio del capitano Blood)
  • 1963: The Three Inexorable (Tres hombres buenos)
  • 1963: Perseus - The Invincible (Perseo l'invincibile)
  • 1968: One shot too many (Dos hombres van a morir)

Director (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, i registi ; Gremese 2003, p. 79.
  2. I racconti di Viterbury - Le più allegre storie del '300th Internet Movie Database , accessed November 10, 2015 .
  3. Mario Caiano in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  4. ^ Paolo D'Agostini: Mario Caiano. In: , La Repubblica , September 20, 2015, accessed on September 22, 2015 (Italian).