Lisa Kränzler

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Lisa Kränzler, Leipzig Book Fair 2013

Lisa Kränzler (born December 25, 1983 in Ravensburg ) is a German writer and visual artist .


Lisa Kränzler attended grammar school in Weingarten from 1994 to 2003 . From 2005 she studied fine arts (course painting / graphics) at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe with Anselm Reyle , Günter Umberg , Andreas Karl Schulze , Rainer Splitt and Tatjana Doll and graduated in 2010. In 2010/11 she was a master class student with Tatjana Doll.

In February 2012, Kränzler published her first novel Export A about a sixteen-year-old exchange student in Canada. In 2012 she won the 3sat Prize awarded as part of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize competition . Her second novel, Nachheinin, was nominated for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in 2013 in the fiction category.

Her fourth novel Coming of Karlo was published in 2019, and with more than 600 pages to date, it is the most extensive . Jana Felgenhauer wrote about the book at Spiegel Online : "Kränzler kneads words into works of art, her thoughts are clever, absurd, crazy and simply beautiful, you want to quote the whole book." A few weeks later, the editorial team of Spiegel Online named the novel one of the "25 books of the season", that is to say one of the best books of spring 2019. For this book, it was awarded the first Meissen literature prize in June 2019.

Lisa Kränzler now lives in Dresden after working in Freiburg im Breisgau , Karlsruhe and Hamburg .




Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jana Felgenhauer: A novel about growing up: Sick with love . In: Spiegel Online . March 13, 2019 ( [accessed April 12, 2019]).
  2. SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg Germany: Photo series - image 26 - books of the season - spring 2019. Accessed on April 12, 2019 .
  3. ^ The winners of the Meißner Literature Festival. Retrieved June 19, 2019 .