List of 999 women of the Heritage Floor / Natalie Barney

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This list describes the place setting for Natalie Barney on the table of Judy Chicago's art installation The Dinner Party . It is part of the list of 999 women on the Heritage Floor who are assigned to the respective place settings on the table. The names of the 999 women are on the tiles of the Heritage Floor, which is arranged below the table and belongs to the art installation.


The installation consists of a three-sided table, each with 13 historical or mythological personalities, thus a total of 39 people, from prehistory to the women's rights movement . These people were assigned a place setting at the table, consisting of an individually designed table runner, an individually designed plate, a goblet, knife, fork, spoon and serviette. The first page of the table is devoted to prehistory up to the Roman Empire , the second to Christianization up to the Reformation and the third from the American Revolution to the women's movement. Each place setting on the table is assigned additional personalities who have received an entry on the tiles of the Heritage Floor, which occupies the space under the table and the center of the space between the sides of the table. This list includes the personalities assigned to Natalie Barney's place setting. Your seat is on the third side of the table.


In addition to the names as they are used in German transcription or in scientific usage, the list shows the spelling chosen by Judy Chicago on the tiles.

The information on women who do not yet have an article in the German-language Wikipedia is referenced by the individual references listed under comments . If individual information in the table is not referenced via the main article, additional individual references are given at the relevant point. If there are any discrepancies between the information provided in Wikipedia articles and the descriptions of the work of art on the Brooklyn Museum website , this will also be indicated under Comments.

Place setting for Natalie Barney

Natalie Barney by Alice Pike Barney (1896)

Natalie Barney was born on October 31, 1876 in Dayton , Ohio . Her father was the wealthy railroad owner Albert Clifford Barney and her mother the painter Alice Pike Barney . She received her education together with her sister Laura Clifford Barney at the French boarding school for girls Les Ruches in Fontainebleau from Mademoiselle Marie Souvestre . Financially independent, she moved from Washington to Paris in 1898and opened a literary salon there . She ran this until 1968 and every Friday an eccentric society met there, devoted to literary discussions and the discussion of theater projects, they also served the self-portrayal of its visitors. So Mata Hari could only be persuaded with difficulty to take a circus horse instead of riding an elephant in light clothes. Barney was known for her brave open lesbian relationships with poet Renée Vivien , dancer Liane de Pougy, and painter Romaine Brooks . She herself was an author and served as a model for a number of literary works.

The plate for Natalie Barney on the dinner party table is designed in a Tiffany pattern in the shape of a lily. Barney preferred the lily, a traditional symbol of femininity, but also because her first lover, Liane de Pougy, saw the lily as her symbol. Barney has taken this for himself. The color palette that was used to design the plate are shimmering blue and purple tones with gold accents. It is decorated with pearls. It is supposed to reflect the glamor and opulence of Barney's life, who, as a rich woman, was able to open and maintain a salon in Paris. The table runner takes up this opulence in its design. He imitates Art Nouveau and uses the color palette of the plate. The fabric, an Art Deco silk from the 1920s or 1930s, is designed in the shape of butterfly wings. Section edges of the wings are set with black glass beads. Transparent fabric covers the wings, this imitates the shimmering of the plate. The butterfly wings on the table runner do not extend to the edges of the runner, but unfold their shape freely from a given edge. With this, Chicago wanted to refer to Barney's free life from external constraints in sexual terms and in her salon.

Surname Spelling on the tile Date of birth cultural spatial assignment Remarks image
Alice Pike Barney Alice Pike Barney 1857 United States Painter , patron and salonnière . Alice Pike Barney - Self-Portrait in Repose.jpg
Anne Bonny Anne Bonney around 1699 Ireland Pirate in the Caribbean. Bonney, Anne (1697-1720) .jpg
Catherine de Vivonne, Marquise de Rambouillet Catherine de Rambouillet 1588 France Social personality and an important figure in the literary history of 17th century France. Mme de Rambouillet.jpg
Claudine Guérin de Tencin Claudine de Tencin 1682 France Salonnière in Paris in the Age of Enlightenment . Aved Tencin.jpg
Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso Cristina Trivulzio 1808 Italy Italian nobles who played an important role in Italy's struggle for independence . She is also notable as a writer and journalist. Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso by Henri Lehmann.jpg
Djuna Barnes Djuna Barnes 1892 United States Writer and illustrator . She is one of the most important authors of literary modernism. Djunabarnes.jpg
Eleanor Charlotte Butler ( Ladies of Llangollen ) Eleanor Butler 1739 Ireland , Wales Settled with Sarah Ponsonby in 1778, against the conventions of her time in Wales . Her house was the destination of numerous nobles, politicians and writers. Portrait of Ladies of Llangollen 1819 (4671506) (cropped) .jpg
Félicité de Genlis Stephanie de Genlis 1746 France Lady-in-waiting and writer. Madame de Genlis 1780.jpg
Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein 1874 United States Writer, publisher and art collector. Artist of classical literary modernism . Gertrude Stein 1935-01-04.jpg
Julie de Lespinasse Julie de Lespinasse 1732 France Salonnière of the Enlightenment . Julie de Lespinasse.jpg
Julie chaise longue Jeanne Recamier 1777 France Salonnière . Since the early days of the consulate it had run a salon in Paris, which was an important meeting place for upper society, but also for critics and political opponents of Napoleon . Juliette-Récamier-2.JPG
Lou Andreas-Salomé Lou Andreas Salomé 1861 Germany , Russia Writer , narrator, essayist and psychoanalyst from a Russian- German family. Lou around 1877.jpg
Louise Labé Louise Labé 1524 France Author, poet. Pierre Woeiriot02.jpg
Madeleine de Scudéry Madeleine de Scudéry 1607 France Writer of the baroque . Mme de Scudery.jpg
Madeleine de Souvré Madeleine de Sable 1599 France Nobles and Salonnière . Madame de Sable.gif
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné Marie de Sévigné 1626 France Members of the French aristocracy, who became known as an author through her letters , are counted among the classics of French literature . Marquise de sevignee.jpg
Marie de Vichy Chamrond Marie du Deffand 1697 France Salonnière in the Age of Enlightenment . Dudeffand.jpg
Marie Sallé Marie Sallé around 1707 France Dancer , contemporary and rival of Marie Camargo , was engaged at the Paris Opera . MarieSalle.jpg
Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin Marie Geoffrin 1699 France Author and salonnière of the Enlightenment . Jean-Marc Nattier - Madame Geoffrin.JPG
Mary Read Mary Read around 1685 England , Jamaica Pirate and privateer on Jack Rackham's ship . Read, Mary.jpg
Mata Hari Mata Hari 1876 Netherlands Before and during the First World War she was an exotic nude dancer, dancer and spy for the German secret service . Mata Hari 13.jpg
Ninon de Lenclos Ninon de L'Enclos 1620 France Courtesan and Salonnière . In France she is considered one of the most outstanding women of the 17th century. Ninon de Lenclos by LFElle.gif
Radclyffe Hall Radclyffe Hall 1880 United Kingdom Poet and writer. She wrote eight novels, including the well-known novel, The Well of Loneliness , about the lesbian Stephen Gordon . John Singer Sargent - Mabel Batten.jpg
Renée Vivien Renee Vivien 1877 United Kingdom , France Poet and one of the last representatives of symbolism . Renee-Vivien.png
Romaine Brooks Romaine Brooks 1874 France , Italy Painter and sculptor . Romaine Brooks - Painter.jpg
Sarah Ponsonby ( Ladies of Llangollen ) Sarah Ponsonby 1755 Ireland , Wales Settled in 1778 with Eleanor Butler, against the conventions of her time in Wales . Her house was the destination of numerous nobles, politicians and writers. Portrait of The Rt. Honble.  Lady Eleanor Butler & Miss Ponsonby 'The Ladies of Llangollen' (4671302) .jpg
Sophie de Condorcet Sophie de Condorcet 1764 France Salonnière from 1789 until the Reign of Terror, and again from 1799 until her death in 1822. Her salons were frequented by British and French intellectuals. Sophiedecondorcet.jpg
Individual evidence
  1. ^ Brooklyn Museum: Natalie Barney. In: Retrieved November 3, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : The Dinner Party  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files