List of abbreviations of ancient authors and work titles / L

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Abbrev. Author author Edition
  Abbr. Plant Work title German title
Lact. Lactantius  
  epit. epitome Extract (from the divinae institutiones )
  fal. rel. (inst. I) de falsa religione  
  fal. sap. (inst. III) de falsa sapientia  
  inst. divinae institutiones Divine teachings / textbook of religion
  ira de ira dei From the wrath of God
  iust. (inst. V) de iustitia  
  mort. pers. de mortibus persecutorum Of the ways in which the persecutors died
  opif. de opificio dei From God's work of creation
  orig. err. (inst. II) de origine erroris  
  Phoen. Carmen de ave Phoenice  
  ver. cult. (inst. VI) de vero cultu  
  ver. sap. (inst. IV) de vera sapientia et religione  
  vit. (inst. VII) de vita beata  
Lament Lamentations of Jeremiah (Lamentationes)  
Lampr. Aelius or Älius Lampridius  
Laus Pis. Laus Pisonis  
Lc Gospel according to Luke  
Laod Laodicean letter  
Leo M. Leo the Great (Leo Magnus)  
  epist. epistulae Letters
  serm. sermones Sermons
LeqT Lekach tov (Midrash collection of Tobia ben Elieser ) Salomon Buber (ed.): Lekach-Tob (Pesikta Sutarta). An Agadic commentary on the first and second books of Moses. Wilna 1880, reprint / JM Padwa (ed.): Midrash Leqah Tov… al Hamisha Humshe Torah (Wajjiqra, Bemidbar, Devarim). Vilnius 1880, reprint
Leucippus. Leucippus  
Lev Leviticus  
Lex Irnit. Lex Irnitana ( Flavian city ​​law of Irni )  
Lex Malac. Lex municipii Malacitani ( Municipal Law of Málaga )  
Lex Rubr. Lex Rubria de Gallia cisalpina (Panel by Veleia )  
Lex Salp. Lex municipii Salpensiani ( Flavian city ​​law of Salpensa )  
Lex Urson. Lex coloniae Iuliae Genetivae Ursonensis (municipal law of Urso )  
Lex Visig. Leges Visigothorum (laws of the Visigoths )  
Lex XII tab. Twelve Tables Laws (Leges duodecim tabularum)  
Lexicogr. Size Lexicographi Graeci Erich Bethe (Leipzig 1900-39)
Lib. Libanios  
  bad. D. argumenta orationum Demosthenicarum
Ὑποθέσεις τῶν λόγων Δηµοσθένους  ( Hypothéseis tôn lógōn Dēmosthénous )
  char. epist. characteres epistolici
Ἐπιστολιµαῖοι χαρακτῆρες  ( Epistolimaîoi charaktêres )
  chr. chriae  
  comp. comparationes  
  conf. confirmationes  
( Melet. )
Μελέται  ( Melétai )
  def. leg. defensio legis  
  descr. descriptiones  
  enc. encomia  
  epist. epistulae
Ἐπιστολαί  ( Epistolaí )
  eth. Ethopoeiae  
  fab. fabulae  
  loc. loci communes  
  fool. narrationes  
( log. )
Λόγοι  ( Lógoi )
  progymn. praeexercitationes
Προγυµνάσµατα  ( Progymnásmata )
  ref. refutationes  
  sent. sententiae  
  thes. theses  
  vit. vituperationes  
Lib. Pontif. Liber Pontificalis Louis Duchesne (Paris 1886ff); ed. Theodor Mommsen (Berlin 1898)
Liber. Liberatus of Carthage  
  brev. Breviarium causae Nestorianorum et Eutychianorum Brief account of the heresies of the Nestorians and Eutychians
Liv. Titus Livius  
    from urbe condita From the foundation of the city
  by. periochae Contents
Liv. Andr. Livius Andronicus  
  carm. carmina  
  com. comoediae palliatae  
  wear. tragoediae  
Lk Gospel of Luke  
Long. Longinos  
  prol. prolegomena  
  rhet. ars rhetorica Oratory
  sublime. de sublimitate
Περὶ ὕψους  ( Perì hýpsous )
About the sublime
Lucan. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus  
    bellum civile (Pharsalia) Civil war
Lucil. Lucilius  
    saturae Satires
Lucr. (Lucret.) Lucretius  
    de rerum natura  
Lukian. (Lucian.) Lucian of Samosata  
  abd. Abdicatus
The outcast son
  Alex. Alexandros
Ἀλέξανδρος ἢ Ψευδόμαντις  ( Aléxandros ḕ Pseudómantis )
Alexander or The False Prophet
  at the. Amores
About love
  Anach. Anacharsis
Ἀνάχαρσις ἢ Περὶ Γυμνασίων  ( Anácharsis ḕ Perì gymnasíōn )
Anacharsis or About the Gymnastic Exercises
  apol. apologia
Protective pamphlet for the hired scholars
( Loukios )
Λούκιος ἢ Ὄνος  ( Loúkios ḕ Ónos )
Lucius or The Magic Donkey
  astr. se astrologia
Περὶ τῆς Ἀστρολογίας 
From astrology
  Bacch. Bacchus
  to acc.
( dis categ. )
to accusatus
Δὶς κατηγορούμενος  ( Dìs katēgoroúmenos )
The double accused
  cal. calumniae non temere credendum
Περὶ τοῦ μὴ ῥᾳδίως πιστεύειν Διαβολῇ 
Against the defamation
  cat. cataplus
Κατάπλους ἢ Τύραννος 
The crossing or the tyrant
  Charid. Charidemus
Χαρίδημος ἢ Περὶ Κάλλους 
Charidemus or About Beauty
  cont. Charon sive Contemplantes
Χάρων ἢ Ἐπισκοποῦντες 
Charon or Die Weltbeschauer
  cyn. Cynicus
The cynic
  Dem. Enc. Demosthenis encomium
Δημοσθένους Ἐγκώμιον 
Praise of Demosthenes
  Demon. Demonax
Δημώνακτος Βίος 
Life of the Demonax
  deor. conc.
( theon ekkl. )
deorum consilium
Θεῶν Ἐκκλησία  ( Theôn ekklēsía )
The assembly of gods
  dial. deor.
( theon dial. )
dialogi deorum
Θεῶν Διάλογοι  ( Theôn diálogoi )
Talks with the gods
  dial. mar.
( enal. dial. )
dialogi marini
Ἐνάλιοι Διάλογοι  ( Enálioi diálogoi )
Sea gods talks
  dial. meretr.
( het. dial. )
dialogi meretetrici
Ἑταιρικοὶ Διάλογοι  ( Hētairikoì diálogoi )
Hetaeric talks
  dial. mort.
( nekr. dial. )
dialogi mortuorum
Νεκρικοὶ Διάλογοι  ( Nekrikoì diálogoi )
Talks with the dead
  dips. Dipsades
Περὶ τῶν Διψάδων 
The dipsades
  dom. de domo
Περὶ τοῦ Οἴκου 
Eulogy for a beautiful hall
  electr. electrum
Περὶ τοῦ Ἡλέκτρου ἢ Κύκνων 
The Amber or The Swans of Eridanos
  epist. Sat. epistulae saturnales Saturnal letters
  eun. eunuchus
The eunuch or the philosopher without gender
  fug. fugitivi
The runaway slaves
  gall. gallus
Ὄνειρος ἢ Ἀλεκτρυών 
The Rooster or The Dream of Mikyllos
  halc. halcyon
Ἀλκυὼν ἢ Περὶ Μεταμορφώσεων 
The Kingfisher or The Metamorphosis
  Harm. harmonides
  Herc. Hercules
The Gallic Hercules
  Herm. Hermotimos
Ἑρμότιμος ἢ Περὶ Αἱρέσεων  ( Hērmótimos ḕ Perì hairéseōn )
Hermotimus or From the Philosophical Sects
  Herod. Herodotus
Ἡρόδοτος ἢ Ἀετίων 
Herodotus or Aetion
  Hes. Hesiodus
Διάλογος πρὸς Ἡσίοδον 
A little exchange with Hesiod
  Hipp. Hippias
Ἱππίας ἢ Βαλανεῖον 
Hippias or The Bath
  hist. conscr.
( hist. syngr. )
quomodo historia concribenda sit
Πῶς δεῖ ἱστορίαν συγγράφειν  ( Pôs deî historían syngráphein )
How to write history
  Icar. Icaromenippus
Ἰκαρομένιππος ἢ Ὑπερνέφελος  ( Ikaroménippos ḕ Hypernéphelos )
Ikaromenippus or Die Luftreise
  in the. imagines
The pictures
  ind. adversus indoctum Πρὸς
τὸν ἀπαίδευτον καὶ πολλὰ βιβλία ὠνούμενον 
The ignorant book lover
  iud. voc. iudicium vocalium
Δίκη Συμφώνων 
The court of vowels
  Yup. conf. Iuppiter confutatus
Ζεὺς ἐλεγχόμενος 
The transferred Jupiter
  Yup. wear. Iuppiter tragoedus
Ζεὺς Τραγῳδός 
The tragic Jupiter
  laps. pro lapsu inter salutandum
Ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἐν τῇ Προσαγορεύσει Πταίσματος 
Protective speech for a mistake made in greeting
  Lex. Lexiphanes
  luct. de luctu
Περὶ Πένθους 
About the mourning for the dead
  macr. macrobii
The grown old
  merc. cond. de mercede conductis
Περὶ τῶν ἐν Μισθῷ συνόντων 
The hired scholars
  musc. enc.
( myas enk. )
muscae encomium
Μυίας Ἐγκώμιον  ( Myías enkṓmion )
Eulogy on the fly
  nav. navigium
Πλοἶον ἢ Εὐχαί 
The ship or the wishes
  nek. nekyomantia
Μένιππος ἢ Νεκυομαντεία 
The Menippus' journey into hell or the oracle of the dead
  Nero Nero
Nero or The Project to Pierce the Isthmus of Corinth
  Nigr. Nigrinus
Νιγρίνου Φιλοσοφία 
  Ocyp. Ocypus
  par. de parasito
Περὶ τοῦ Παρασίτου ὅτι Τέχνη ἡ Παρασιτική 
The parasite, or proof that parasite is an art
  patr. enc. patriae encomium
Πατρίδος Ἐγκώμιον 
Praise the hometown
  Peregr. de morte Peregrini
Περὶ τῆς Περεγρίνου Τελευτῆς  ( Perì tês Peregrínou teleutês )
The death of Peregrinus
  Phal. 1.2 Phalaris I, II
Φάλαρις Α, Β 
Phalaris 1,2
  philopatr. Philopatris
Φιλόπατρις ἢ Διδασκόμενος 
  Philops. Philopseudes
Φιλοψευδής ἢ Ἀπιστῶν  ( Philopseudḗs ē Apístōn )
The lying friend or the unbeliever
  pisc. piscator
Ἀναβιοῦντες ἢ Ἁλιεύς 
The Fisherman or The Resurrected Philosophers
  pr. in the. per imaginibus
Ὑπὲρ τῶν Εἰκόνων 
Defense of the images
  per merc. cond. pro mercede conductis
Protective pamphlet for the hired scholars
  Prom. Prometheus
  Prom. It Prometheus it in verbis
Πρὸς τὸν εἰπόντα Προμηθεὺς εἶ ἐν λόγοις 
To someone who called him a Prometheus in writing.
  pseudol. pseudologista
Apophras against a certain Timarchus
  rh. pr. rhetorum praeceptor
Ῥητόρων Διδάσκαλος 
The speaking school
  sacr. de sacrificiis
Περὶ Θυσιῶν 
From the victims
  salt. de saltatione
Περὶ Ὀρχήσεως 
From the art of dance
  Sat. saturnalia
Τὰ πρὸς Κρόνον 
Saturnal negotiations
  Scyth. Scytha
Σκύθης ἢ Πρόξενος 
The Skythe or Anacharsis and Toxaris
  Sol. soloecista
Ψευδοσοφιστής ἢ Σολοικιστής 
About grammatical mistakes
  somn. somnium sive vita Luciani
Περὶ τοῦ Ἐνυπνίου ἤτοι Βίος Λουκιανοῦ  ( Perì toû enhypníou ḗtoi Bíos Loukianoû )
Lukian's dream
  symp. symposium
Συμπόσιον ἢ Λαπίθαι  ( Sympósion ḕ Lapíthai )
The Supper or The New Lapiths
  Syr. Dea de Syria Dea
Περὶ τῆς Συρίης Θεοῦ  ( Perì tês Syríēs theoû )
From the Syrian goddess
  Tim. Timon
  Tox. Toxaris
Τόξαρις ἢ Φιλία 
Toxaris or The Friends
  wear. tragoedopodagra
The tragic Podagra
  tyr. tyrannicida
The tyrant murderer
  ver. hist.
( aleth. dieg. )
verae historiae
Ἀληθῶν Διηγημάτων  ( Alēthê diēgḗmata )
True stories
  vit. auct. vitarum auctio
Βίων Πρᾶσις  ( Bíōn prâsis )
The sale of the philosophical sects
  Zeux. Zeuxis
Ζεύξις ἢ Ἀντίοχος 
Zeuxis or Antiochus
Lv 3. Book of Moses (Leviticus)  
Lyd. John Lydos  
  like. de magistratibus
περὶ ἀρχῶν τῆς ῾Ρωμαίων πολιτείας 
About the offices of the Roman state
  mens. de mensibus
περὶ μηνῶν 
Over the months
  east. de ostentis  
Lygd. Lygdamus  
Lykoph. (Lyk.) Lycophron from Chalcis  
  Alex. Alexandra  
  wear. tragoediae  
Lycurgus. Lycurgus of Athens  
Lys. Lysias  
( log. )
Λόγοι  ( Logoi )
LXX Septuagint  
Legend for the colors of the author entries
author Author abbreviation
SW Compilation Collection or compilation (both modern and ancient)
ON Anonymous Writing by a single, unknown author
BS Biblical script Scripture of the OT or NT (also Apocrypha)
RS Rabbinical script Mishnah, Talmud and other Hebrew, non-biblical writing
X Others Abbreviation of lexicon, series, etc .; general abbreviation