List of Vivaldi's operas

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Antonio Vivaldi himself claims in a letter to have written 94 operas. 49 have so far been identified as his works. 22 works have survived in autograph scores , 16 of which are entirely in Vivaldi's own handwriting. Most of them are now kept in the National Library of Turin , where there are around 450 manuscripts of music with Vivaldi works from almost all musical genres.

In terms of style, Vivaldi's operas are baroque numbered operas of the Italian style. H. with a largely clear separation of recitative and da capo aria . Contemporaries initially saw Vivaldi's works as a Lombard-Venetian style, which later approximated the Neapolitan style of Johann Adolph Hasse . The works differ significantly from the French opera ( Jean-Philippe Rameau ) and - more subtle - also from the German type ( Georg Friedrich Händel , Georg Philipp Telemann ). The recitatives, to which Vivaldi paid particular attention, are divided into secco recitative (only accompanied by harpsichord and bass) and accompanato recitative (with strings), although the accompanato recitatives can occasionally expand into small scenes. There are almost always duets and choirs, seldom trios or quartets.

The instrumentation in Vivaldi's operas ranges from simple strings with basso continuo to extensive ensembles enriched with wind instruments (flutes, oboes, bassoons, trumpets, horns, trombones) and timpani. According to historical models, the continuo is usually richly occupied today with cello , harpsichord , lutes , baroque guitars , theorbs , harps etc., possibly also with violon (double bass) or bassoon . There is also a dulcimer in one of Vivaldi's operas . The solo violin is often used (Vivaldi himself was a violinist and directed the performances from his instrument).

The materials Vivaldi set to music almost all come from ancient history and mythology. As a rule, however, the librettists related them to their own time. Geographically, the spectrum of topics extends from America ( Motezuma ) through the Orient ( La verità in cimento ) to China (Teuzzone) . Some operas were written in collaboration with composers other than pasticci .

Several Italian baroque ensembles have started v. a. to re-edit and rehearse the works that are stored in Turin (“Vivaldi edition” on the naïve and opus 111 labels ) and have also performed the operas at international music festivals (e.g. in Beaune , France).


year Title of the opera RV Librettist comment
1713 Ottone in villa 729 Domenico Lalli Stored in Turin.
1713 Orlando furioso 819 ? By Giovanni Alberto Ristori with some of Vivaldi's pieces. Incomplete, revised in 1714 as RV Anh. 84, parts revised in RV 728.
1714 Orlando finto pazzo 727 Grazio Braccioli Vivaldi's first opera for the Teatro Sant'Angelo in Venice. Autograph without sinfonia (overture), kept in Turin.
1715 Nerone fatto cesare 732 Matteo Noris lost
1716 La costanza trionfante degl'amori e de gl'odii 706 Antonio Marchi 1718 revised as Artabano, re dei Parti (RV 701) then 1732 as Doriclea (RV 708).
1716 Arsilda, regina di Ponto 700 Domenico Lalli Stored in Turin.
1717 L'inconorazione di Dario 719 Adriano Morselli Stored in Turin.
1717 Tieteberga 737 Antonio Maria Lucchini lost
1717 Il vinto trionfate del vincitore App. 58 Antonio Marchi Possibly with individual parts from Vivaldi.
1718 Artabano, re dei parti 701 Antonio Marchi Revision of La costanza trionfante (RV 706).
1718 Armida al campo d'Egitto 699 Giovanni Palazzi Revised in 1720 as Gl'inganni per vendetta (RV 720). Second act lost, remainder kept in Turin.
1718 Scanderbeg 732 Antonio Salvi lost
1718 Teuz zone 736 Apostolo Zeno Played in China, score kept in Turin.
1719 Tito Manlio 738 Matteo Noris According to her own statements in the score, Vivaldi composed this work in five days in January of that year or made the fair copy of the score. It was supposed to be an opera for the wedding of Landgrave Philipp von Hessen-Darmstadt, Prince of Mantua, which he had announced at the Christmas banquet. But the wedding fell through. Another work was given so that Tito Manlio could not be performed until the carnival. The work is characterized by a particularly rich orchestra - planned as a splendid theater event for the actual occasion. Stored in Turin.
1720 Tito Manlio (RV 778) 778 Matteo Noris Pasticcio , to which Vivaldi contributed the third act
1720 La Candace, o siano Li veri amici 704 Francesco Silvani , Domenico Lalli lost
1720 Gl'inganni per vendetta 720 Giovanni Palazzi or Domenico Lalli Revision of Armida al campo d'Egitto (RV 699).
1720 La verità in cimento 739 Giovanni Palazzi Plays in the Orient, the score is kept in Turin.
1720 Filippo, re di Macedonia 715 Domenico Lalli Vivaldi's third act only.
1721 La Silvia 734 Enrico Bissari lost
1723 Ercole sul Termodonte 710 Giacomo Francesco Bussani First performed at the Teatro Capranica, Rome.
1724 Giustino 717 Nicolò Beregan , Pietro Pariati First performed in Rome, the score kept in Turin.
1724 La virtù trionfante dell'amore o dell'odio vero il Tigrane 740 Francesco Silvani Pasticcio for Rome, only second act by Vivaldi, kept in Turin.
1725 L'inganno trionfante in amore 721 Matteo Noris , Giovanni Maria Ruggieri lost
1726 Cunegonda 707 Agostino Piovene lost
1726 La fede tradita e vendicata 712 Francesco Silvani lost
1726 La tirannia castigiata Appendix 55 Francesco Silvani
1726 Dorilla in Tempe 709 Antonio Maria Lucchini Pasticcio for Venice, version 1734 kept in Turin.
1727 Ipermestra 722 Antonio Salvi lost
1727 Farnace 711 Antonio Maria Lucchini New version 1738/39, the first two acts have been preserved; kept in Turin.
1727 Siroe re di Persia 735 Pietro Metastasio lost
1727 Orlando furioso 728 Grazio Braccioli The action takes place on the magical island of Alcinas and draws its material from the legends surrounding the knight Roland ( Roland's song , 11th century), who is rejected by his lover and then loses his mind ( Der raging Roland ) . The material was set to music several times based on the verse epic Orlando furioso by Ludovico Ariostos (1516), alongside Vivaldi also by Steffani , Handel , Piccinni and Haydn . Score kept in Turin.
1728 Rosilena ed Oronta 730 Giovanni Palazzi lost
1728 L'Atenaide 702 Apostolo Zeno Stored in Turin.
1730 Argippo 697 Domenico Lalli Was considered lost; Rediscovered in the Thurn und Taxis archive in 2006 and performed again on May 3, 2008.
1731 Alvilda, regina de 'Goti 696 Apostolo Zeno lost
1731 Semiramide 733 Antonio Silvani lost
1732 La fida ninfa 714 Scipione Maffei First performed in Verona, the score kept in Turin.
1731 Doriclea 708 Antonio Marchi Revision of La costanza trionfate (RV 706).
1733 Motezuma 723 Girolamo Alvise Giusti The second act is complete, the other two acts are only partially preserved. Stored in Berlin.
1734 L'olimpiade 725 Pietro Metastasio The action takes place in Olympia on the day of the games. Score kept in Turin.
1735 L'Adelaide 695 Antonio Salvi lost
1735 Bajazet / Tamerlano 703 Agostino Piovene Pasticcio on Sultan Bayezid I for Venice. Score kept in Turin.
1735 Griselda 718 Apostolo Zeno , Carlo Goldoni First performed in Venice, the score kept in Turin.
1735 Aristide 698 Carlo Goldoni lost; probably not authentic
1736 Ginevra principessa di Scozia 716 Antonio Salvi lost
1737 Catone in Utica 705 Pietro Metastasio First performed in Verona, the score kept in Turin.
1737 L'oracolo in Messenia 726 Apostolo Zeno lost
1737 Il giorno felice 777 ?
1738 Rosmira 731 Silvio Stampiglia Pasticcio for Venice, score kept in Turin.
1739 Feraspe 713 Francesco Silvani (?) lost

Individual evidence

  1. Manoscritti Vivaldiani nelle Raccolte Foà e Giordano