List of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg-Ost

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The list of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg East describes the road system in Oberhausen district Tackenberg -East (District Osterfeld ) with the corresponding historical references.


5952 people live in Tackenberg-Ost. Together with Klosterhardt, Rothebusch and part of Vonderort and Osterfeld-Heide, the district forms the postal code area 46119.

Starting in the east, the district is bounded clockwise as follows: Spechtstraße to the Bottrop district of Fuhlenbrock , grounds of the RSV / GA Klosterhardt, Schwarzwaldstraße and Elpenbach zu Klosterhardt , Dinnendahl-, Münz-, Heroldstraße, footpath between Herold- and Dorstener Straße, Stein- , Fürsten-, Herzog- and eastern Fernewaldstraße to Tackenberg-West. Tackenberg-Ost in the sense of this article means that part of Tackenberg that belongs to the Osterfeld district, whereas the part that belongs to the Sterkrade district and also includes parts of the Sterkrader Heide is treated in the list of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg-West .

Tackenberg-Ost is also listed as Klosterhardt-Nord in some statistics. Since the Tackenberg settlement area is clearly separated from Klosterhardt by the Elpenbach, and not from the Sterkrad district of Tackenberg, the name Tackenberg-Ost is preferred here. The name of the resident evangelical community (APO Tackenberg), various shops and associations as well as the “Tackenbergstraße” that crosses the district also give evidence of the stronger affiliation to Tackenberg.

In Tackenberg-Ost there are 42 designated traffic areas, including no space. Of these, 12 streets are only partially in the district:
Spechtstraße forms the border to Fuhlenbrock, Elpenbachstraße, Antonie- and Dinnendahlstraße continue in Klosterhardt. Dinnendahl-, Münz-, Herold-, Stein-, Fürsten- and Herzogstraße form the border to Tackenberg-West, Tackenberg-, Dorstener and Fernewaldstraße are continued in Tackenberg-West.

The following state and district roads run through the district:

  • Landesstraße 21: (coming from Tackenberg-West) - Fernewaldstraße - end at the L623, further as K17
  • Landesstraße 623: (coming from Tackenberg-West) - Dorstener Straße - K9 - Dorstener Straße - L155 / K17 - Dorstener Straße - (continue in Fuhlenbrock)
  • Kreisstraße 9: (coming from Tackenberg-West) - Elpenbachstraße - (further in Klosterhardt)
  • Kreisstraße 17: Start at the L623 - Fernewaldstraße - (continue in Klosterhardt)

Some streets are part of themed groups. These include:

  • Coal seams in Ruhr mining : Flöz-Herrenbank-Straße, Flöz-Laura-Straße, Flöz-Matthias-Straße, Flöz-Röttgersbank-Straße (also Flöz-Gretchen-Straße in Tackenberg-West)
  • Low mountain range: Schwarzwaldstraße, Taunusstraße, Wasgenwaldstraße
  • Relation to Haus Arenberg : Engelbertstraße, Herzogstraße, Prosperstraße (as well as the somewhat distant Arenbergstraße)
  • Medieval nobility and court titles: Fürstenstraße, Heroldstraße, Herzogstraße (also Grafenstraße in Tackenberg-West; based on Herzogstraße, which is named after the dukes of Arenberg)
  • Heather bushes: Gorse path, Wacholderweg

Overview of streets and squares

The following table gives an overview of the existing streets, paths and squares in the district as well as some related information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
  • The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
  • The addition in the district indicates that the length of the street section within Tackenberg-Ost, provided the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • The addition with spur roads indicates the length of all road sections together for branched roads.
  • The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
At the thick stone 140 "Big stones", old border markings The "thick stones" are two boulders that are stacked on top of each other in the parking lot of the Pröse taxi company and show the border between the Prussian Sterkrade and the vestibule Osterfeld. The street Am Dicken Stein begins with them on Musfeldstraße and leads to Richard-Dehmel-Straße, where the “Stadion am dicken Stein” is also located.
At shaft IV 260 Osterfeld colliery , shaft IV As a continuation of the road to Dörnbusch behind Vehnkampstraße, Am Schacht IV leads directly to the old shaft IV of the Osterfeld colliery.
To St. James 140 Catholic Church of St. James the Elder The street An St. Jakobus leads from Tackenbergstraße to Schwarzwaldstraße, past the former Albert-Schweitzer-Hauptschule and the St. Jakobus church, which today belongs to the parish of St. Franziskus (Klosterhardt / Tackenberg / Heide) in the parish of St. Pankratius and is used as a school and social church. It was built in 1959 and consecrated in 1960.
Antoniestrasse 600
in the district
St. Antony Hut , former ironworks The St. Antony hut in Klosterhardt, near the border to Tackenberg, was founded in 1758 as the first ironworks in the Ruhr area and therefore bears the name "cradle of the Ruhr industry". Antoniestraße begins on Schwarzwaldstraße and leads south past the hut to Klosterhardt.
Arenbergstrasse 850
(all road sections together)
Dukes of Arenberg , noble family The dukes of Arenberg-Meppen had been rulers of Vest Recklinghausen since 1803 , and Osterfeld, and thus Tackenberg-Ost, also belonged to it. Streets in Tackenberg-Ost are also named after the first two dukes, Engelbert and Prosper. Arenbergstraße leads north from Siedlerweg to Elpenbachstraße, then as a footpath to Wasgenwaldstraße, behind which it continues as a drivable road that ends on Taunusstraße.
August-Schmidt-Strasse 140 August Schmidt , 1878–1965, trade unionist Sep 7 2015 August-Schmidt-Strasse goes westward from Richard-Dehmel-Strasse. It is named after the SPD politician from Dortmund who resisted National Socialism and, after the war, in 1946, founded the Industrial Association of Mining British Zone, from which the IG Bergbau later emerged. Between 1949 and 1953 Schmidt was chairman of the mining union and since then honorary chairman until his death in 1965.
Bocholter Strasse 350 Bocholt , city in the Münsterland 1935 Bocholter Strasse is close to Dorstener Strasse and is perhaps therefore also named after a town in the Münsterland. It connects Fernewaldstrasse and Spechtstrasse in the far east of Tackenberg. Until 1935 it was called Nordstrasse .
Dinnendahlstrasse 350
in the district
Franz Dinnendahl , 1775–1826, pioneer of the steam engine 1937 Franz Dinnendahl built the first steam engine for mining (Zeche Vollmond in Bochum-Langendreer). This was produced in cooperation with the Oberhausen industrial companies St.-Antony-Hütte (in Osterfeld, near Dinnendahlstrasse) and Gutehoffnungshütte (in Sterkrade). Dinnendahlstraße forms the border between the municipal districts of Sterkrade and Osterfeld between Münzstraße and Teutoburger Straße, and between Münzstraße and Elpenbach it belongs to Tackenberg-Ost. Until 1937 it was called Teichstraße in the border area .
Dirlingsweg 650
with access roads: 920
Dirlingshof, former farm The Dirlingsweg begins on Ginsterweg as a continuation of the Wacholderweg, it runs parallel to Dorstener and Herzogstraße north-eastwards to behind Langwegstraße. It is named after an old farm that was between Fernewald and Sterkrader Venn.
Dorstener Strasse 1900
in the district
Dorsten , city in the Münsterland The Dorstener Straße begins in Sterkrade and leads over Tackenberg, Fuhlenbrock and Kirchhellen to Dorsten, but not always under this name. During the Prussian period it was part of the Mülheim – Dorsten Provincial Road. In 1959 the Evangelical Apostle Church (APO Tackenberg) was built at the Wasgenwaldstrasse intersection.
Drosselstrasse 240 Thrushes , genus of birds The Drosselstraße leads as an extension of the Tackenbergstraße behind An St. Jakobus in an arch to the Schwarzwaldstraße. It is named arbitrarily after the songbird and was previously called Teilungsstraße .
Leech bush 120 The Egelbusch settlement is a small cul-de-sac to Dorstener Strasse in the far east of Tackenberg.
Elpenbachstrasse 1000
in the district
Elpenbach , stream course 1936 The Elpenbach rises in the former grounds of the Jacobi coking plant and fed the Sterkrader Klostermühle as early as the Middle Ages. Since 1754 its water was needed for the operation of the St. Antony hut on its banks, and since 1782 for the Gutehoffnungshütte . Elpenbachstrasse crosses this stream, which forms the boundary between the district and Klosterhardt, and is therefore named after him. Until 1936 it was called Teilungsstraße in the northern part , south of Tackenbergstraße Bachstraße . The road begins as a continuation of the Sperberstraße on Herzogstraße, crosses Tackenberg southwards and leads to Klosterhardt. The Theodor-Heuss-Realschule and the former Albert-Schweitzer-Hauptschule are located here.
Engelbertstrasse 130 Ludwig Engelbert , 1750–1820, Duke of Arenberg-Meppen Ludwig Engelbert was the first Duke of Arenberg-Meppen in 1803 and thus the first Arenberg ruler over Vest Recklinghausen , to which Osterfeld also belonged. The neighboring Prosperstrasse and Bottrop Zeche Prosper are named after his son, Duke Prosper Ludwig. Engelbertstrasse connects Herzogstrasse and Dirlingsweg parallel to Prosperstrasse.
Fernewaldstrasse 1000
in the district
"Fernewald", forest area The forest area between the Franz Haniel colliery and the Grafenmühle in Bottrop-Kirchhellen is called "Fernewald", after which this road, which comes from Königshardt and Tackenberg-West, crosses Tackenberg-East and on the city limits of Bottrop-Fuhlenbrock, on Spechtstraße , ends, her name.
Flöz-Herrenbank-Strasse 230 "Röttgersbank" (also "Herrenbank"), seam in the Ruhr mining industry Several streets in the area are named after seams in the Ruhr mining industry, including the Flöz-Herrenbank-Straße, which connects Herzogstraße and Flöz-Matthias-Straße.
Flöz-Laura-Strasse 460
with access roads: 770
"Laura", seam in Ruhr mining Several streets in the area are named after seams in the Ruhr mining industry, including the Flöz-Laura-Straße, which is located in a ring on the Flöz-Röttgersbank-Straße. Several cross streets and a connection to Dorstener Straße are also assigned to it.
Flöz-Matthias-Strasse 400
with access roads: 620
"Matthias", seam in Ruhr mining Several streets in the area are named after seams in the Ruhr mining industry, including the Flöz-Matthias-Straße, which connects the Flöz-Herrenbank- and Dorstener Straße in a ring.
Flöz-Röttgersbank-Strasse 290 "Röttgersbank" (also "Herrenbank"), seam in the Ruhr mining industry Several roads in the area are named after seams in the Ruhr mining industry, including the Flöz-Röttgersbank-Straße, which leads from Herzog- to Dorstener Straße.
Franziskusweg 90 Francis of Assisi , 1181–1226, saint and founder of the Franciscan orders 13 Sep 2016 Franziskusweg is a dead end to Elpenbachstraße, which leads to the Catholic cemetery Elpenbachstraße and where there is no other house. The name probably comes from the fact that the cemetery belongs to the Catholic parish of St. Franziskus, which is made up of the former parishes of St. Josef Osterfeld-Heide, St. Antonius Klosterhardt and St. Jakobus Tackenberg and today belongs to the large parish of St. Pankratius Osterfeld.
Fuhlenbrockstrasse 240
with access roads: 300
Fuhlenbrock , district of Bottrop Fuhlenbrockstrasse leads from Fernewaldstrasse directly into the Bottrop district of Fuhlenbrock and is therefore named after it.
Fürstenstrasse 350 Prince , title of nobility Fürstenstraße is the continuation of Herzogstraße behind Ginsterweg, it ends at Steinstraße. With the Herzogstraße and the Grafenstraße in Tackenberg-West, two further streets are named after nobility, on which the name is based.
Gorse path 240 Gorse , genus of plants 1936 Like the nearby Wacholderweg, the Ginsterweg is named after a heather bush that was often found here in the past. It connects Herzogstrasse and Dorstener Strasse and was called Forststrasse until 1936 .
Heroldstrasse 200 Herald , medieval court official 1934 The name Heroldstraße is to be understood in relation to the former name, Herzogstraße . It is a similar-sounding name that also refers to a medieval office. Heroldstrasse connects Tackenbergstrasse and Münzstrasse, it forms the border to Tackenberg-West in the Sterkrade district. It was renamed in 1934.
Herzogstrasse 1200 Dukes of Arenberg , noble family Herzogstraße runs as an extension of Fürstenstraße behind Ginsterweg northeast to Fernewaldstraße and forms the border to Tackenberg-West in the Sterkrade district along its entire length. Originally it continued until the Herzöglich Arenbergischen Forste in the Bottrop area. Similar to the former Herzogstraße , which was named after the Dukes of Arenberg (today Heroldstraße), and Arenbergstraße, it could also be named after the Dukes of Arenberg, whose sphere of influence included Vest Recklinghausen and thus Osterfeld and Tackenberg-Ost since 1803 . Based on the Herzogstrasse, the Grafenstrasse and the Fürstenstrasse were also named after nobility.
Langwegstrasse 170 Werner Langweg, 1863–1940, bailiff of Osterfeld Werner Langweg had been provisional since 1891, and since 1892 finally the first bailiff of Osterfeld, which had been dissolved by the Bottrop District Association in 1890. He led Osterfeld to an independent town, the town charter was granted in 1921. The street named after him connects Herzogstraße and Dirlingweg.
Münzstrasse 150 Münz, former landowner This border road (to Tackenberg-West) between Dinnendahlstrasse and Heroldstrasse is called Münzstrasse after a previous landowner.
Musfeldstrasse 400 Gerhard Musfeld, former landowner Gerhard Musfeld was a landowner. On a map of the Prussian land registry office from the 19th century, large areas in Tackenberg are designated as “Musfeld's grounds”, but “Muveits Velt” can also be found on a Sterkrad map from 1727. The old Musfeldhof was sold to Gutehoffnungshütte, which sunk shaft IV of the Osterfeld colliery there in 1912. Musfeldstrasse leads south from Dorstener Strasse to Nikolaus-Groß-Strasse.
Nikolaus-Groß-Strasse 500 Nikolaus Groß , 1898–1945, trade unionist, resistance fighter and blessed of the Catholic Church Nikolaus Groß was a Catholic miner from Niederwenigern, a leader in the Catholic labor movement , who was arrested by the Gestapo in 1944 for his trade union activities and contacts with resistance groups and sentenced to death by the People's Court in 1945. From 1920 to 1921, Groß worked as a youth secretary at the Christian Miners' Union in Oberhausen. He was beatified in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. The street named after him leads from Heroldstrasse to Antoniestrasse and is open to traffic at the Richard-Dehmel-Strasse intersection.
Prosperstrasse 160 Prosper Ludwig , 1785–1861, Duke of Arenberg-Meppen Prosper Ludwig was the second and last Duke of Arenberg-Meppen from 1803 to 1810 and thus ruler of Vest Recklinghausen , to which Osterfeld also belonged. In addition to Prosperstrasse, the Bottrop Prosper colliery is named after him. The Prosperstrasse connects parallel to Engelbertstrasse, which is named after his father, Herzogstrasse and Dirlingsweg.
Richard-Dehmel-Strasse 700 Richard Dehmel , 1863–1920, German poet Richard-Dehmel-Straße leads south from Dorstener Straße to Zum Dörnbusch, near Antoniepark.
Ring road 350 annular road The Ringstrasse leads away from and back to Langwegstrasse in an arch, hence its name.
Black Forest Road 750 Black Forest , low mountain range in Baden-Wuerttemberg 1929 Like several streets in the area, the Black Forest Road is named after a German low mountain range. It begins as a continuation of Antoniestraße on Elpenbachstraße and leads east to Harkortstraße in Klosterhardt. Until 1929 it was called Grubenstrasse .
Settlers Way 400 settlement-like house construction The name Siedlerweg originated from the settlement of miners and smelters and the narrow expansion of the road. The Siedlerweg leads from Dorstener Strasse to behind Tackenbergstrasse. Around 1900 there was Vehnkampstraße in the same place . The stadium “Am Dicken Stein” and the “Schule am Siedlerweg”, which was created by merging the Cardinal von Galen with the Dietrich Bonhoeffer School, are located on Siedlerweg.
Spechtstrasse 900 Woodpeckers , genus of birds The Spechtstrasse was named arbitrarily after the species of bird. It leads north from Fernewaldstraße to Dorstener Straße and forms the full length border towards Bottrop-Fuhlenbrock.
Steinstrasse 110 extremely rich area Tackenberg is a generally rock-rich area, a lot of debris was deposited here during the last ice age. This is the name given to Steinstrasse, which leads from Fürstenstrasse to Teutoburger Strasse and forms the border with Tackenberg-West in the Sterkrade district.
Tackenbergstrasse 650
in the district
named after Tackenberg himself "Tackenberg" was originally the name for the 72 meter high ridge between Elpenbach and Reinersbach, exactly on the border between Rhineland (Sterkrade) and Westphalia (Osterfeld), it was later transferred to the district located here. The name either goes back to the Tackhof, which was on today's Dorstener Straße, or derives from "Tacken", thin branches or twigs, and means a barren mountain overgrown with knotty heather.

Tackenbergstraße runs almost parallel to Dorstener Straße from Tackenberg-West in an easterly direction to the street An St. Jakobus. The Theodor-Heuss-Realschule and the former Albert-Schweitzer-Hauptschule are located at the Elpenbachstrasse intersection.

Taunusstrasse 400
with access roads: 1300
Taunus , low mountain range in Hesse Like some streets in the area, Taunusstraße is named after a German low mountain range. It arches from the Dorstener to Wasgenwaldstraße. Several ring-shaped spur roads are also assigned to it.
Vehnkampstrasse 150 "Vehnkamp", old cadastral designation ("enclosed moorland") 1982 “Vehn” is an old name for moorland, “Kamp” means a piece of enclosed land. The Vehnkampstraße is named after the old cadastral designation, which leads from Richard-Dehmel-Straße in the very south of Tackenberg to August-Schmidt-Straße. Your street name already existed around 1900 in the area of ​​Siedlerweg, later between Antonie- and Münzstraße. Shaft IV of the Osterfeld colliery was built above it and backfilled in 1994. In 1982 the name “Vehnkampstraße” was given again for today's street.
Juniper Trail 150 Juniper , genus of plants The Wacholderweg is a dead end to the Ginsterweg as an extension of the Dirlingsweg. Like the gorse path, it is named after a heather shrub in memory of the heather landscape that used to spread out here.
Wasgenwaldstrasse 550 Wasgenwald (today mostly “Vosges”), low mountain range in eastern France Like some streets in the area, the Wasgenwaldstraße is named after a low mountain range that still belonged to Germany (Alsace-Lorraine) at the time it was named. The road leads north from the Schwarzwaldstraße to Dorstener Straße. The Evangelical Apostle Church is located here.
To Dörnbusch 130 "Dörnbusch", former forest area According to a map from 1793, there was a piece of forest called "Dörnbusch" here. After that, this street near the former shaft IV of the Osterfeld colliery was named, which leads from Antoniestraße directly at Antoniepark to street Am Schacht IV.

List of no longer existing streets

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Bachstrasse 1936 →  Elpenbachstrasse Elpenbach , stream course 1936 was Bach road with the dividing line combined for Elpenbachstraße.
Forest road 1936 →  Gorse path
Pit road 1929 →  Black Forest Road Relation to the shafts of the Jacobi colliery
Herzogstrasse 1934 →  Heroldstrasse Dukes of Arenberg , see Herzogstrasse
North street 1935 →  Bocholter Strasse was in the north of Osterfeld
Teichstrasse 1937 →  Dinnendahlstrasse former pond of the Elpenbach in the "Bronkhorstfeld"
Dividing road →  Drosselstrasse old path of division
Dividing road →  Elpenbachstrasse old path of division The dividing road was merged with Bachstrasse to form Elpenbachstrasse in 1936 .
Vehnkampstrasse before 1900 →  Settlers path "Vehnkamp", old cadastral designation ("enclosed moorland") The Vehnkampstraße was later closed and the Siedlerweg built at the same place. Another Vehnkampstraße later ran between Antonie- and Münzstraße, today's Vehnkampstraße was dedicated in 1982.
Vehnkampstrasse moved in "Vehnkamp", old cadastral designation ("enclosed moorland") The Vehnkampstraße ran between Antonie- and Münzstraße and was drafted later today Vehnkampstraße was dedicated to the 1,982th Another Vehnkampstraße was located around 1900 in the area of ​​today's Siedlerweg.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Alfred and Ulrich Lindemann: 500 Kilometers of Oberhausen Street History , 1997
  2. City of Oberhausen: Official Gazette No. 17, 2015. (PDF) Retrieved on September 22, 2018 .
  3. ^ Homepage of the parish of St. Pankratius Osterfeld. Retrieved September 28, 2018 .
  4. Information on Nikolaus Groß's professional activity