List of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg-West

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The list of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg-West describes the street system in the Oberhausen district of Tackenberg- West ( Sterkrade district ) with the corresponding historical references.


Tackenberg-West has a population of 9087 (as of December 31, 2012). The district forms with Königshardt, the Sterkrader Heide and Sterkrade-Mitte the postcode district 46145.

Starting in the north, the district is bounded clockwise as follows: Bundesautobahn 2 to Königshardt , Fernewaldstraße to the Bottrop district of Fuhlenbrock , Fernewaldstraße, Herzogstraße, Fürstenstraße, Steinstraße, footpath to Heroldstraße, Heroldstraße, Münzstraße and Dinnendahlstraße to Tackenberg-Ost, Elpenbach , Teutoburger Straße , Freitaler Platz and Holtener Straße to Sterkrade-Mitte , Reinersbach to Alsfeld . Tackenberg-West in the sense of this article means that part of Tackenberg that belongs to the Sterkrade district, whereas the part that belongs to the Osterfeld district and is also called Klosterhardt-Nord is treated in the list of streets in Oberhausen-Tackenberg-Ost . In this article, part of the Sterkrader Heide is counted as part of Tackenberg-West.

There are 61 designated traffic areas in Tackenberg-West, including one square. 16 of these streets are only partially located in the district:
Dinnendahl-, Anhalter and Dorstener Straße will be continued in Sterkrade-Mitte, Teutoburger Straße, Freitaler Platz and Holtener Straße form the border to this district. Bremener and Beethovenstrasse lead over the Reinersbach to Alsfeld, Fernewaldstrasse and Kleekampstrasse to Königshardt. Herzog-, Fürsten-, Stein-, Herold- and Münzstraße form the full length border to Tackenberg-Ost, the Dinnendahlstraße also partially. Fernewald-, Tackenberg- and Teutoburger Straße will be continued in Tackenberg-Ost.

Tackenberg-West is crossed by the federal autobahn 516 , whose exit 2 "Oberhausen-Sterkrade" is close to the district boundary in the south. The following state roads and district roads also run in Tackenberg-West:

  • Landesstraße 21: (coming from Königshardt) - Fernewaldstraße - (further in Tackenberg-Ost)
  • Landesstraße 155: (coming from Sterkrade-Mitte) - Holtener Straße - L287 - Freitaler Platz - L623 - Teutoburger Straße - A516 - (continue in Sterkrade-Mitte)
  • Landesstraße 623: (coming from Sterkrade-Mitte) - L 155 - Dorstener Straße - (further in Tackenberg-Ost)
  • Kreisstraße 9: (coming from Alsfeld) - Beethovenstraße - Sperberstraße - (further in Tackenberg-Ost)

Many streets are part of thematic groups. These include:

  • Relation to Northern Germany (cities, countries, islands): Altonaer Strasse, Bremener Strasse, Bremerhavener Strasse, Cuxhavener Strasse, Flensburger Strasse, Greifswalder Strasse, Hamburger Strasse, Husumer Strasse, Kieler Strasse, Lübecker Strasse, Rostocker Strasse, Rügenstrasse, Schweriner Strasse, Stader Way, Stralsunder Strasse
  • Bird species: Bussardstrasse, Eulenstrasse, Kranichweg, Reiherstrasse, Sperberstrasse
  • First names: Bertastraße, Ewaldstraße, Karlstraße, Marthastraße
  • Aristocratic / court titles: Fürstenstraße, Grafenstraße, Heroldstraße, Herzogstraße (the latter with reference to the Dukes of Arenberg )
  • Max and Moritz : Maxstrasse, Moritzstrasse
  • Giants: Goliathstrasse, Riesenstrasse

Some of these topic groups are only partially located in Tackenberg-West. These are:

  • German low mountain ranges and mountain ranges: Teutoburger Strasse (also Baumberger Weg, Eifeler Strasse, Odenwaldstrasse, Westerwaldstrasse in Sterkrade-Mitte)
  • Composers: Beethovenstraße (also Brahmsweg, Joseph-Haydn-Weg, Mozartstraße, Robert-Schumann-Weg, Schubertstraße in Alsfeld)
  • Coal seams in Ruhr mining : Flöz-Gretchen-Straße (also Flöz-Herrenbank-Straße, Flöz-Laura-Straße, Flöz-Matthias-Straße and Flöz-Röttgersbankstraße in Tackenberg-Ost)

Overview of streets and squares

The following table gives an overview of the existing streets, paths and squares in the district as well as some related information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
  • The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
  • The addition in the district indicates that the length of the street section within Tackenberg-West is, provided the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • The addition with spur roads indicates the length of all road sections together for branched roads.
  • The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Altonaer Strasse 260 Altona , former city in Northern Germany (today part of Hamburg ) 1936 Like some streets in the area, Altonaer Strasse was named after a north German city. Before 1936 it was called Winkelstrasse . In the meantime Altona has been incorporated into the city of Hamburg.
At the cemetery 180 Catholic cemetery on Wittestrasse The small path is located between Angerstrasse and Wittestrasse directly at the Catholic Wittestrasse cemetery, which was established in 1902 for the parishes of St. Clemens, St. Bernardus, Liebfrauen and Herz Jesu. In 1916, a Jewish cemetery was added, the gravesite of which was reburied in 1961 when the Federal Motorway 516 was built on the Westfriedhof in Lirich. Since 1951 it has also been a cemetery of honor with around 450 graves of fallen soldiers and civilians who died as a result of the war.
At the indoor pool 140 Sterkrade indoor swimming pool 1966 The small street Am Hallenbad leads from Freitaler Platz to Dorstener Straße, past the Sterkrade indoor swimming pool, which was inaugurated in 1955. Until 1966 it was part of Bahnhofstrasse, before 1929 Hüttenstrasse .
Angerstrasse 80 "Anger", grassy land 1950 The name Angerstraße indicates meadows and pastures before the settlement. The street laid out in 1950 is a dead end to Brüderstraße at the Catholic cemetery in Wittestraße.
Anhalter Strasse 150
in the district
Anhalt , formerly German country Anhalter Straße begins in Sterkrade-Mitte as a continuation of Vestischen Straße behind Dreilinden and continues to Tackenberg-West, where it ends at Bronkhorststraße. It is named after the former German country.
Beethovenstrasse 1400
in the district
Ludwig van Beethoven , 1770–1827, German composer 1936 Like some streets in the area, Beethovenstraße is named after a famous composer, but most of them are in Alsfeld. It begins in Tackenberg as a continuation on Dorstener Straße (without having a connection to it) and leads across the district over the Reinersbach to Alsfeld. Until 1936 it was called Kaiserstraße .
Bernardusstrasse 90 St. Bernardus Church Bernardusstraße is located as a cul-de-sac to Dorstener Straße directly at the Catholic Church of St. Bernardus, built in 1927, which today serves as an event church and belongs to the St. Clemens Provostry. Catholic Bernardus Church on Bernardusstrasse
Bertastrasse 100 Berta , female name Bertastraße connects Tackenberg and Dorstener Straße. Some streets in the area have been named arbitrarily after their first names, for example Marthastraße directly opposite. Until 1935 it was called Kirchstrasse , probably based on the Bernardus Church, which was closer to before the motorway was built.
Bremener Strasse 470 Bremen , city and country in Northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Bremener Straße is named after a north German city. It leads from Alsfeld to Lübecker Straße.
Bremerhavener Strasse 170 Bremerhaven , city in Northern Germany Bremerhavener Straße is a dead end to Bremener Straße and, like some streets in the area, is named after a north German city.
Bronkhorststrasse 550 "At the Bronkhorst", old hallway name The area between Anhalter Straße, Dorstener Straße and Dreilinden was called “An der Bronkhorst” in the 18th and 19th centuries, to the east of which was the “Bronkhorstfeld”. The entire area previously belonged to Wilhelm Bronkhorst to Boehmerskath. The Bronkhorststraße, which is located in this area, is named after the old hall name. It begins west of Anhalter Straße on the A516 and ends on Dinnendahlstraße. It used to lead to Teutoburger Strasse, but was divided by the construction of the A516; its western section is now called Kleine Bronkhorststrasse.
Brothers Street 450 Schulte-Hubbert brothers, construction company The brothers Heinrich and Wilhelm Schulte-Hubbert came from a long-established Sterkrad family and founded a construction company. This built the first houses on this street, which contributed to the naming. The Brüderstraße leads from the Holtener Straße north-east to the A516, over which a footpath leads that connects it with the Obere Brüderstraße, which was separated from it after the construction of the motorway.
Buzzard Street 180 Buzzards , genus of birds Some streets in the area are named after larger species of birds, including Bussardstrasse between Beethovenstrasse and Reiherstrasse.
Cuxhavener Strasse 190
with access roads: 230
Cuxhaven , city in northern Germany Like several streets in the area, Cuxhavener Straße is named after a north German city. It is a dead end to Bremener Straße.
Dinnendahlstrasse 550
in the district
Franz Dinnendahl , 1775–1826, pioneer of the steam engine 1937 Franz Dinnendahl built the first steam engine for mining (Zeche Vollmond in Bochum-Langendreer). This was produced in cooperation with the Oberhausen industrial companies St.-Anthony-Hütte (in Osterfeld near Dinnendahlstrasse) and Gutehoffnungshütte (in Sterkrade). Dinnendahlstraße forms the border between the districts of Sterkrade and Osterfeld between Münzstraße and Teutoburger Straße; its northern section is part of Tackenberg-West. Until 1937 it was called Heinrichstraße in the upper area and Teichstraße in the border area . Heinrichstrasse was originally named Antoniestrasse . The building of the former Tackenberg School is located on Dinnendahlstraße and for a while the city archive of Oberhausen was housed in it.
Dorstener Strasse 1100
in the district
Dorsten , city in Westphalia 1936 The Dorstener Straße begins in Sterkrade and leads over Tackenberg, Fuhlenbrock and Kirchhellen to Dorsten, but not always under this name. During the Prussian period it was part of the Mülheim – Dorsten Provincial Road. In Sterkrade-Tackenberg it was called Münsterstraße , since 1936 along the entire length of Dorstener Straße.
Owl Street 150 Owls , genus of birds Some streets in the area are named after large species of birds, including Eulenstraße, which connects Beethovenstraße and Reiherstraße parallel to Bussardstraße.
Ewaldstrasse 150 Ewald , male first name Like several other streets in the area, Ewaldstrasse has been named arbitrarily after a first name. It connects Holtener and Wittestrasse.
Fernewaldstrasse 350
in the district, with access roads: 800
"Fernewald", forest area 1933 The forest area between the Franz Haniel colliery and the Grafenmühle in Bottrop-Kirchhellen is called "Fernewald", after which this road, which comes from Königshardt, crosses Tackenberg-West and ends in Tackenberg-East, bears its name. Until 1933 it was called Westfälische Strasse .
Flensburger Strasse 170 Flensburg , city in Northern Germany 1961 Like several streets in the area, Flensburger Strasse is named after a north German city. It forms a cul-de-sac to Hamburger Straße, which ends in front of the federal autobahn 516. Before it was built, it was part of Sprockstrasse, which is across the street from the Autobahn.
Flöz-Gretchen-Strasse 70 "Gretchen", seam in Ruhr mining The Flöz-Gretchen-Straße is a tiny cul-de-sac to Herzogstraße, it leads to the Sterkrader Heide. Several, directly adjacent streets in the adjacent Tackenberg-Ost, which is part of the Osterfeld district, are also named after coal seams in the Ruhr mining industry.
Freitaler Platz 110 × 30 Freital , Saxon industrial city and Oberhausen twin city Freital in Saxony has been a twin town of Oberhausen since 1990. The two cities are linked by the importance of the steel industry. Accordingly, the place directly in front of the former ironworks Gutehoffnungshütte, between Bahnhofstrasse, Holtener, Dorstener and Teutoburger Strasse was called “Freitaler Platz”. It forms the border with Sterkrade-Mitte.
Fürstenstrasse 350 Prince , title of nobility Fürstenstraße is the continuation of Herzogstraße behind Ginsterweg, it ends at Steinstraße. With the Grafenstraße and the Herzogstraße, two more streets are named after nobility, on which the name is based.
Goliath Street 130 Goliath , giant from the Old Testament Goliathstrasse and the neighboring Riesenstrasse refer to the biblical figure of the giant Goliath, who was killed by David with a slingshot. It is a designation without a place reference. Goliathstrasse forms a cul-de-sac to Bronkhorststrasse.
Grafenstrasse 110 Count , title of nobility Grafenstrasse is a connection between Beethovenstrasse and Fürstenstrasse; it is not accessible in either direction at the Beethovenstrasse intersection. With the Fürstenstrasse and the Herzogstrasse, two further streets are named after nobility, on which the name is based.
Greifswalder Strasse 120 Greifswald , city in Northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Greifswalder Straße is named after a north German city. It leads from Beethovenstrasse to Rügenstrasse.
Hamburger Street 750
with access roads: 870
Hamburg , city and country in Northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Hamburger Strasse is named after a north German city. It leads from Bremener Strasse to Beethovenstrasse.
Heroldstrasse 200 Herald , medieval court official 1934 The name Heroldstraße is to be understood in relation to the former name, Herzogstraße . It is a similar-sounding name that also refers to a medieval office. Heroldstrasse connects Tackenbergstrasse and Münzstrasse, it forms the border to Tackenberg-Ost in the Osterfeld district. It was renamed in 1934.
Herzogstrasse 1200 Dukes of Arenberg , noble family Herzogstraße runs as an extension of Fürstenstraße behind Ginsterweg northeast to Fernewaldstraße and forms the border to Tackenberg-Ost in the Osterfeld district along its entire length. Originally it continued until the Herzöglich Arenbergischen Forste in the Bottrop area. Similar to the former Herzogstraße , which was named after the Dukes of Arenberg (today Heroldstraße), and the Arenbergstraße in the Osterfeld area, it could also bear its name after the Dukes of Arenberg, whose sphere of influence includes Vest Recklinghausen and thus Osterfeld and Tackenberg-Ost counted since 1803. Based on the Herzogstrasse, the Grafenstrasse and the Fürstenstrasse were also named after nobility.
Hirtenstrasse 180 Shepherd , job title The name Hirtenstraße refers to a meanness, i.e. an area that was used by the community for general use and therefore also by the shepherds as a pasture area. The Hirtenstrasse branches off to the west from the Riesenstrasse.
Holtener Strasse 450
in the district
Holten , district of Oberhausen The Holtener Straße leads from Sterkrade (starts at Freitaler Platz as a continuation of Teutoburger Straße) together with its continuation Weseler Straße to Holten, the northwestern part of Oberhausen. As early as 1727 this street can be clearly seen on a map, although not under this name.
Husumer Strasse 100 Husum , city in Northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Husumer Straße is named after a north German city. It forms a western strait to Hamburger Straße.
Karlstrasse 180 Karl , male first name Some streets in the area were named arbitrarily after first names, including Karlstrasse. It connects Holtener and Wittestrasse.
Kieler Strasse 45 Kiel , city in northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Kieler Strasse is named after a north German city. It forms a tiny cul-de-sac to Sprockstrasse.
Kleekampstrasse 270
in the district
"Kleewiese" The "Great Fens", as the area around the Kleekampstrasse was called earlier, was a wetland in which a lot of clover was grown as fodder. This is indicated by the name "Kleekampstraße" and the name of the Kleekamp settlement on this street. Kleekampstraße leads from Fernewaldstraße to the Kleekampiedlung in Königshardt.
Little Bronkhorststrasse 50 western part of Bronkhorststrasse 1961 Kleine Bronkhorststrasse is the western part of Bronkhorststrasse, separated by the construction of the A516. Today it is a dead end street on Teutoburger Straße.
Koburger Strasse 170 Coburg , city in Bavaria 1936 Koburger Strasse leads north from Dorstener Strasse to the Catholic cemetery Wittestrasse. The fact that the street name is written with K even though the city is called Coburg is probably a transcription error. Until 1936 the street was called Gertrudstraße , after which it was originally supposed to be called "Am Berg" before it was given its current name.
Kranichweg 230
with access roads: 270
Cranes , genus of birds Some streets in the area are named after large species of birds, including the Kranichweg, a cul-de-sac to the Reiherstraße.
Lehmbergstrasse 120 Lehmbergshof, old farm According to a map by the geometer Och, the Lehmbergshof, which belonged to Hermann Lehmberg, was located here. Lehmbergstrasse, which connects Holtener and Wittestrasse, is named after him. The New Apostolic Church Sterkrade lies on her.
Luebecker Strasse 400 Lübeck , city in Northern Germany Like some streets in the area, Lübecker Straße is named after a north German city. It connects Hamburger and Beethovenstrasse.
Marthastrasse 140 Martha , female name Marthastraße is the extension of Beethovenstraße behind Hamburger Straße, near Dorstener Straße. Some streets in the area have been named arbitrarily after first names, for example Bertastraße directly opposite.
Maxstrasse 150 Max, figure from Max and Moritz by Wilhelm Busch 1936 With the neighboring Moritzstrasse, Maxstrasse is reminiscent of the famous story of Wilhelm Busch. Maxstrasse connects Tackenbergstrasse and Münzstrasse. Before 1936 it was called Wallstrasse .
Moritzstrasse 70 Moritz, figure from Max and Moritz by Wilhelm Busch Together with the neighboring Maxstrasse, Moritzstrasse recalls the famous story of Wilhelm Busch. Moritzstrasse is a short strait to Dorstener Strasse.
Münzstrasse 140 Münz, former landowner This border road (to Tackenberg-Ost) between Dinnendahlstrasse and Heroldstrasse is called Münzstrasse after a previous landowner.
North ramp 450 Ramp-like road over the federal autobahn 516 1961 Since the construction of the A516, the north ramp has been running over the autobahn and connects Flensburger and Hamburger Strasse with Brüderstrasse. Based on the east and west ramps, which are located at the Sterkrad train station and lead over the railway line, the street was consequently called the north ramp.
Obere Brüderstrasse 350 eastern part of the Brüderstraße 1961 Obere Brüderstraße is the eastern part of Brüderstraße that was separated off in 1961 when the A516 was built. It is connected to Brüderstraße by a pedestrian bridge and leads in an arch to Dorstener Straße.
Pfandhöferstrasse 340
(all road sections together)
Eberhard Pfandhöfer, smelter of the St. Antony hut and the Gutehoffnungshütte Eberhard Pfandhöfer came from Siegerland and leased the St. Antony Hut in 1779, which he was unable to manage from the red as desired. In 1783 he resigned from the partnership and took over the management of the Gutehoffnungshütte, which soon became a competitor for the St.-Antony-Hütte. The settlement between Maxstrasse, Münzstrasse and Tackenbergstrasse is named after him.
Reiherstrasse 260 Heron , genus of birds Some streets in the area are named after large species of birds, including Reiherstraße, which leads south from Eulenstraße to Herzogstraße.
Giant street 270 Giant , mythological figure Giant Street and the neighboring Goliath Street refer to the biblical figure of the giant Goliath who was killed by David with a slingshot. It is a designation without a place reference. Riesenstrasse leads south from Tackenbergstrasse and ends before Bronkhorststrasse.
Rostocker Strasse 170 Rostock , city in northern Germany Like several streets in the area, Rostocker Straße is named after a north German city. It is a dead end to Greifswalder Straße.
Ruegenstrasse 300 Rügen , the largest German island The Rügenstrasse is named after the German Baltic Sea island. Your name more or less fits the streets in the area, which are named after cities and countries in northern Germany. It is located behind Greifswalder Strasse, parallel to Rostocker Strasse.
Schweriner Strasse 210 Schwerin , city in northern Germany Schweriner Straße, like several streets in the area, is named after a north German city. It forms a cul-de-sac to Stralsunder Strasse.
Sperberstrasse 170 Sparrowhawk , genus of birds Some streets in the area are named after large species of birds, including the Sperberstraße. It connects Beethovenstrasse and Herzogstrasse, behind which it continues in Tackenberg-Ost as Elpenbachstrasse.
Sprockstrasse 500 Sprock, long-established Sterkrad family According to the map of Geometer Tjaben from 1837, the yard of Josef Sprock, who came from a long-established Sterkrad family, was in the area of ​​this street. The Sprockstraße, which leads from Holtener Straße northeast to the A516, was named after this farm and the family. Before the autobahn was built, Flensburger Strasse, which is on the opposite side, was also assigned to it.
Stader way 110 Stade , city in Northern Germany Like several streets in the area, Stader Weg is named after a north German city. It branches off from Bremener Strasse.
Steinstrasse 100 extremely rich area Tackenberg is a generally rock-rich area, a lot of debris was deposited here during the last ice age. After that, the Steinstrasse is named, which leads from Fürstenstrasse to Teutoburger Strasse and forms the border to Tackenberg-Ost in the Osterfeld district.
Stralsunder Strasse 350 Stralsund , city in northern Germany Like several streets in the area, Stralsunder Strasse is named after a north German city. It branches off to the west of Beethovenstrasse.
Tackenbergstrasse 450
in the district
named after Tackenberg himself "Tackenberg" was originally the name for the 72 meter high ridge between Elpenbach and Reinersbach, exactly on the border between Rhineland (Sterkrade) and Westphalia (Osterfeld), it was later transferred to the district located here. The name either goes back to the Tackhof, which was on today's Dorstener Straße, or derives from "Tacken", thin branches or twigs, and means a barren mountain overgrown with knotty heather.

Tackenbergstraße runs almost parallel to Dorstener Straße from Berta- / Riesenstraße in an easterly direction to Tackenberg-Ost. At the intersection of Dinnendahlstrasse is the building of the former Tackenberg School, which for a time housed the Oberhausen City Archives.

Teutoburger Strasse 250
in the district
Teutoburg Forest , low mountain range in western Germany 1936 Some streets in the area, in Sterkrade-Mitte and Osterfeld-Heide, are named after low mountain ranges, including Teutoburger Straße, which leads eastwards from Freitaler Platz through Tackenberg to Klosterhardt. The Teutoburg Forest is of particular importance among the low mountain ranges, as Arminius there defeated a Roman lord under Varus in 9 AD. The Externsteine can also be found in the Teutoburg Forest . Teutoburger Strasse was called Bottropstrasse in the Sterkrad area until 1936 . It is only between Dorstener and Anhalter Straße in Tackenberg-West.
Timmerhausacker 100 The Timmerhausacker is a small cul-de-sac to Tackenbergstrasse.
Turmstrasse 210 formerly Tackenberger water tower Turmstrasse is named after the former Tackenberg water tower, which stood across from Tackenbergstrasse from 1905 until the Second World War. After 1945 a modern deep tank was built, which was demolished in 1958. Turmstrasse leads from Beethovenstrasse to Tackenbergstrasse.
Wittestrasse 550 Anton Witte, 1809–1892, pastor to St. Clemens Sterkrade , dean of Sterkrade and dean of honor Anton Witte was pastor of the Clement Church for 55 years from 1837 until his death and founded the Catholic St. Josef Hospital in 1866, which is now called Hospital St. Clemens. Later he was appointed Dean of Sterkrade and Dome of Honor. Wittestrasse is located between Sprockstrasse and Am Hallenbad directly on the Catholic "Friedhof Wittestrasse" of the same name, which was established in 1902.

List of no longer existing streets

The list of no longer available streets shows some of the previous or deleted street names mentioned in the overview. It does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Antoniestrasse after 1900 →  Dinnendahlstrasse St. Antony Hut The street was later called Heinrichstrasse .
Bahnhofstrasse 1934 1966 →  At the indoor pool Oberhausen-Sterkrade station Bahnhofstrasse still exists today in Sterkrade-Mitte ( Bahnhofstrasse ). Until 1966 she was also assigned to the indoor swimming pool in Tackenberg-West.
Bottropstrasse 1936 →  Teutoburger Strasse leads towards Bottrop In 1936 Bottropstrasse was merged with Osterfelder Breitestrasse to form Teutoburger Strasse.
Gertrudstrasse 1936 →  Koburger Strasse Gertrud , female first name
Heinrichstrasse after 1900 1937 →  Dinnendahlstrasse Heinrich , male first name At the turn of the century Heinrichstrasse was called Antoniestrasse . In 1937 it was merged with Teichstrasse to form Dinnendahlstrasse.
Herzogstrasse 1934 →  Heroldstrasse Dukes of Arenberg , rulers of Vests Recklinghausen , to which Osterfeld and thus East Tackenberg also belonged
Huettenstrasse 1934 →  At the indoor pool Gutehoffnungshütte , former mining company After 1934 the street was initially called Bahnhofstraße , which is still the name it carries today in Sterkrade-Mitte.
Kaiserstrasse 1936 →  Beethovenstrasse Homage to the German Emperors
Kirchstrasse 1935 →  Bertastraße St. Bernardus Church
Munsterstrasse 1936 →  Dorstener Strasse Münster , city in Westphalia In 1936 Münsterstrasse was merged with Dorstener Strasse to the north.
Teichstrasse 1937 →  Dinnendahlstrasse former pond of the Elpenbach in the Bronkhorstfeld In 1937, Teichstrasse was merged with Heinrichstrasse to form Dinnendahlstrasse.
Westfälische Strasse 1933 →  Fernewaldstrasse led to Osterfeld / Bottrop, thus to Westphalia
Wallstrasse 1936 →  Maxstrasse
Winkelstrasse 1936 →  Altonaer Strasse

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Alfred and Ulrich Lindemann: 500 Kilometers of Oberhausen Street History , 1997
  2. The population in Oberhausen on December 31, 2012. (PDF) Retrieved on July 20, 2013 .