List of abbreviations related to Islam in Russia

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This is a list of abbreviations for Islam in Russia (see also Islam in Russia ).

The following list contains frequently used abbreviations according to the Cyrillic alphabet , sorted alphabetically according to Latin letters (predominantly in Russian ), as well as some internationally used English-language ones . The focus is on Muslim organizations and the abbreviations in use for domains on the Internet . Some terms from the field of interreligious dialogue and Russian state institutions were also included. The list is based on no transliteration , transcriptionor a firmly established English-language term, therefore there are often several abbreviations for a term, whereby the same term in different places, i.e. H. shows up several times. Different transcriptions and transliterations or abbreviations of English-language names resulted in different abbreviations. Various renditions of Cyrillic are in use in English. For German, the transliteration common in Wikipedia and the scientific transliteration are usually given. Abbreviations for some important historical organizations from the time of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire have also been added (see e.g. under OMDS / Russian ОМДС). Current websites are referred to under the abbreviations used for this with the domain for the respective organization:

Main mosque of Derbent in Dagestan (considered to be the oldest mosque in Russia)

The Central Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Russia can be found, for example, under the abbreviations ZDUM / TsDUM / CDUM (ЦДУМ; and CMSB (i.e. the English abbreviation for Central Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia ); the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Russian Federation under DUM RF (ДУМ РФ; and the Coordination Center of the Muslims of the North Caucasus under KZMSK / KTsMSK / КСМСК (КЦМСК) and CCMNC (i.e. the English abbreviation for Coordinating the Center of the Muslims Northern Caucasus ) or CCNCM (i.e. the English abbreviation for Coordination Center of North Caucasus Muslims ).

In different regions different clergy administrations and other organizations compete with each other, e.g. B. in the Republic of Bashkortostan the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan ( DUM RB ; chaired by Mufti Nurmukhamet Nigmatullin ) and the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Bashkortostan ( RDUM B ; chaired by Mufti Muhammad Tajuddin , son of the chairman and Supreme Muftis of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Russia ).



see also under Ts, Z

  • CCMNC = Coordinating Center of the Muslims of the Northern Caucasus / Coordination Center of Muslims of the Northern Caucasus (Coordination Center Tsentr Musulman Severnogo Kavkaza / Координационный центр мусульман Северного ru
  • CCSBMNC = Coordinating Center of Spiritual Boards of Muslims of North Caucasus
  • CMSB Russia = Central Muslim Spiritual Board of Russia http: /// Центральное Духовное Управление Мусульман России
  • CSBM = Central Spiritual Board of Muslims (csbm) of Russia and European countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States


  • DDDII (ДДДИИ) = Департамент духовных дел иностранных исповеданий / Departament dukhovnykh del inostrannykh ispovedanii (Department of Religious Affairs of Foreign Confessions), religious affairs department of foreign denominations , within the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Russian Empire)
  • DUMCHR (ДУМЧР / ДУМ ЧР) = Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Republic of Chechnya = ДУМ ееченской Республики = Духовное управление мусульман еченской Духовное управление мусульман ( поленсruРусу мусульман Чечелсru еченсru )
  • DUMER (ДУМЕР) = Духовное управление мусульман европейской части России / Duchownoje uprawlenije mussulman Evropeiskoi of Russia
  • DUMNO = Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (Духовное управление мусульман Нижегородской области / Duchownoje uprawleny mussgorulman Muslim Nischegorodskoi oblasti region)
  • DUMSK = Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Stavropol Territory / Духовное Управление мусульман Ставропольского края /


  • IKCR (ИКЦР) = Islamski kulturnyj centr Rossii / Исламский культурный центр России / Islamskij kul'turnyj centr Rossii / Islamic Cultural Center of Russia
  • IKZR (ИКЦР) = Islamski kulturnyj centr Rossii / Исламский культурный центр России / Islamskij kul'turnyj centr Rossii / Islamic Cultural Center of Russia



  • MII (МИИ) = Moscow Islamic Institute / Московский исламский институт
  • MIU (МИУ) = Moscow Islamic University / Московский исламский университет
  • MSP (МСР) = Interreligious Council of Russia (Russian Meschreligiosny sowet Rossii / Межрелигиозный совет России (МСР); scientific transliteration Mežreligioznyj sovet Rossii ; also Mezhreligioznyy Council in Russia. Sovet Rossii)


  • OMDS (ОМДС) = Оренбургское магометанское духовное собрание / Orenburgskoje magometanskoje duchownoje sobranije / Orenburgskoe magometanskoe dukhovnoe sobranie (Orenburg Assembly) Оренбургское магометанское духовное собрание (Уфимское духовное магометанского закона собрание, Магометанское духовное управление) = Orenburg Muslim Sacred Assembly


  • RAIS (РАИС) = Russian Association of Islamic Understanding- Российской ассоциации исламского согласия (РАИС) (Всероссийского муфтияталиской остокова муфтиятoy согласия (РАИС)
For example:
RDUM B (Regionalnoje duchownoje uprawlenije Musulman Bashkortostana) Regional spiritual administration of the Muslims of Bashkortostan ; chaired by Mufti Muhammad Tajuddin ; RDUM Bashkortostan # see also DUM RB
RDUM PK (РДУМ ПК) = Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Perm Region (Muftiate of Perm)
RDUM SO (РДУМ СО) = Regional Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Samara Oblast (Региональное Духовное управление мусульман Самарской области)
RDUM ChMAO (РДУМ ХМАО) = Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims ofthe Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Okrug


  • SMR (Russian. СМР) = Sovet Muftiev Ross / Council of Muftis of Russia / Russischer Muftir or Rat der Muftis of Russia (Russian Совет муфтиев России / Soviet muftijew Rossii; scientific transliteration Sovet muftiev Rossii), abbr. RMR (English Russian Council of Muftis; abbreviation RCM) etc. was founded in 1996 ( Ravil Gainutdin )


see also under C, Z

  • TsDUMR = Tsentral'noye Dukhovnoye Upravleniye Musul'man Rossii i SNG (TsDUMR)


  • VKCDUMR (ВКЦДУМР) = Vysšij Koordinacionnyj Centr Duchovnych Upravlenij Rossii / Высший координационный центр Духовного управления мусинскийские Россия Русский Русский Русский Русский Русский Русский Русский Русский Россия
  • VRSNK = Supreme Religious Council of the Caucasus Peoples (Russian: Высший Религиозный Совет Народов Кавказа (abbr. ВРСНК) / Transcription: Wysschi Religiosny Sowet Narodow Kawkasa: Vissovious Sovious of Translating Council (VRS Peoples of the Caucasus)


  • WKZDUMR (ВКЦДУМР) = Wysschij koordinazionnij zentr duchownych yprawlennij Muslim Rossii / Высший координационный центр Духовного управления мусульман России / Supreme Coordination Center of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia / Supreme Coordination Center of the clergy administrations Russia / Supreme coordinative center of the clergy lines Russia, based in Moscow , first Supreme Mufti was Gabdulla Galiullin
  • WRSNK = Supreme Religious Council of the Caucasus Peoples (Russian: Высший Религиозный Совет Народов Кавказа (abbr. ВРСНК) / Transcription: Wysschi Religiosny Sowet Narodow Kawkasa: wiss Peoples of the Caucasus)


see also under C, Ts


  • Dimitry Mikulski: Muslims and their Organizations in Russia . Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. 1996 ( )
  • Gordon M. Hahn: Russia's Islamic Threat . 2007
  • Shireen Hunter, Jeffrey L. Thomas, Alexander Melikishvili: Islam in Russia: The Politics of Identity and Security . 2004 ( partial online view )
  • Martin Eckardt: Islam in the Republic of Tatarstan: Official and Civil Society Development since Perestroika . 2014 ( partial online view)
  • Ramin Khanbagi: Russian Muslims: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Moscow 2007 ( online )

See also

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. The many different spellings, for example, for the composer Tchaikovsky or the politician Khrushchev are called to mind .
  2. Pervaya sobornaya metschet (Russian); Old Mosque, Ufa (English)
  3. Orenburg Muslim Spiritual Assembly (English); ru: Оренбургское магометанское духовное собрание (Russian)
  4. The abbreviation RDUM (РДУМ) for "Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims" refers to a sub-association of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Russia .
  5. A German translation of excerpts from the collection of the laws of the Russian Empire (Russian Swod sakonow Rossijskoi imperii / Свод законов Российской империи / Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii ( a digital copy )); and collection of decisions and orders of the government (soot Sobranije usakoneni i rasporjascheni prawitelstwa /. Собрание узаконений и распоряжений правительства / Sobranie uzakonenij i rasporjaženij pravitel'stva) - .