Louis Bertrand

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Louis Bertrand (1926)

Louis Bertrand (born March 20, 1866 in Spincourt , Département Meuse , † December 6, 1941 in Antibes ) was a French writer , essayist and historian who was accepted into the Académie française in 1925 .


After attending school, Bertrand studied philosophy at the École normal supérieure in Paris . After completing his studies, he became a high school professor at Lycéen in Aix-en-Provence , Bourg-en-Bresse and finally from 1891 to 1900 in Algiers . While working there, he made his doctorate in 1897 .

After his stay in Algeria he published numerous novels such as Le Sang des races (1899), La Cina (1901), Le Rival de Don Juan (1903), Pépète le bien-aimé (1904), L'Invasion (1907) , Mademoiselle de Jessincourt (1911), Sanguis martyrum (1918), L'Infante (1921), Cardenio (1922) and Le Roman de la Conquête (1930). Many of these works reflected his experiences during his stay in the French colony of French North Africa , to which present-day Algeria belonged. These experiences were also part of numerous essays on the Mediterranean and the Orient such as La Grèce du soleil et des paysages (1908), Le Mirage oriental (1909), Le Livre de la Méditerranée (1911) and Devant l'Islam (1923).

Bertrand was also the author of numerous biographies on Augustine of Hippo , Therese of Lisieux , Louis XIV , Philip II of France , Gustave Flaubert and numerous other personalities.

After he was defeated by the playwright Georges de Porto-Riche in his election as a member of the Academy in 1923 , he was elected as a successor to Maurice Barrès with 22 votes in the first ballot for a member of the Académie française and took up to his there Death the fourth armchair (armchair 4).

Other publications

  • Catalog du musée de la ville de Philippeville et des antiquités existant au Théâtre romain , 1891 to 1892
  • Raphelis Mengsii de antiquorum arte doctrina, cujus momenti in gallicos pictores fuerit , 1897
  • La fin du classicisme et le retour à l'antique dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle et les premières années du XIXe siècle en France , 1897
  • Le rival de Don Juan , 1903
  • Le jardin de la mort , 1905
  • Saint Augustin , 1913
  • Les plus belles pages de saint Augustin , 1916
  • Le sens de l'ennemi , 1917
  • Ernest Solvay, social reformer , 1918
  • Autour de saint Augustin , 1921
  • Flaubert à Paris ou le mort vivant , 1921
  • Les villes d'or , 1921
  • Louis XIV , 1923
  • La vie amoureuse de Louis XIV , 1924
  • Jean Perbal. Une destinée , 8 volumes, 1925
  • Ma Lorraine, souvenirs et portraits , 1926
  • Sainte Thérèse , 1927
  • La nouvelle éducation sentimentale , 1928
  • Hippolyte porte-couronnes , 1928
  • Philippe II, une ténébreuse affaire , 1929
  • Philippe II à l'Escurial , 1929
  • Histoire d'Espagne , 1929
  • Le livre de consolation , 1933
  • Vers Cyrène, terre d'Apollon , 1935
  • Hitler , 1936
  • L'Espagne , 1937
in German language
  • Sanguis martyrum , 1921
  • The peoples perish of internationalism , 1936
  • Saint Augustine , 1927
  • Louis the Fourteenth , 1927
  • Saint Theresa , 1928
  • Spain , 1939
  • The court of Versailles , 1947
  • Fantasies in d. Art Rembrandts and Callots , 1954

Web links and sources

Commons : Louis Bertrand (novelist)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files