Ludwig Heinrich Wiederhold

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Ludwig Heinrich Wiederhold (born November 25, 1801 in Rinteln ; † March 8, 1850 in Lübeck ) was a German lawyer, politician and judge and in 1848 a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly .


Wiederhold's parents were the lawyer Johann Christian Wiederhold (1775–1832) and his second wife Friederike Hermine nee. Wissmann. His father became a law professor at the University of Rinteln in 1798 , counselor at the government of the Hesse-Kassel county of Schaumburg in Rinteln in 1804, councilor there in 1814 and director of the Hessian provincial government in Rinteln in December 1816, director of the higher court for the province of Niederhessen in 1821 and in 1831 Director of the Supreme Court for the County of Schaumburg in Rinteln. In 1831 he was a member of the state parliament of the Hessian estates as a member of the state parliament of the county of Schaumburg and in September of that year a member of the delegation of the state estates, which tried to persuade the elector Wilhelm II, who had fled to Hanau , to return to Kassel, instead appointing the elector prince Friedrich Wilhelm to co-regent and to take over the business of government. In September, Wiederhold was appointed Minister of the Interior and Justice of the State of Hesse by the Prince Regent , and in October 1831 he was also appointed President of the State Ministry of the State of Hesse. He died after less than five months in office on February 10, 1832. Wiederhold's paternal grandfather, Johann Heinrich (Henrich) Wiederhold, was Hesse-Darmstadt court advisor , assessor at the Marburg Criminal Court responsible for the Oberfürstentum and between 1776 and 1803 six times mayor of Marburg ; Most recently he was President of the Westphalian Criminal Court in Marburg, responsible for the Werra department, and died in 1813.

He himself married Elisabeth Knipping from Rinteln in 1827.

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Wiederhold attended high school in his hometown until he graduated from high school in 1819. He then studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg and from 1820 at the Georg August University of Göttingen . In Marburg and Göttingen he was a member of the Corps Hassia Marburg and Hassia Göttingen . In addition, he dealt intensively with fiction and poetry and published several novels and poems in various magazines under the pseudonym "Ernestine" between 1819 and 1824 . After successfully completing his studies, he was appointed assessor at the Hessian Higher Court for the Grafschaft Schaumburg in Rinteln in 1824 . In 1825 he was transferred to the Fulda Supreme Court and in 1830 to the Hanau Supreme Court . In the Fulda and Hanau years he wrote a small number of papers and articles in legal journals. In 1830 he proved his worth in particular when he was able to calm the tumults that broke out on September 26, 1830 in the town of Wächtersbach , which had become part of the Electorate of Hesse in 1816, and its surroundings with "decisiveness and conciliatory benevolence". As he, meanwhile transferred to Kassel as a senior judge and elected to the state parliament, reported in his lecture to the state parliament on August 24, 1831, the consequences of the war, poor harvests , taxes and Count Adolf II of Ysenburg and Büdingen in Wächtersbach were affected 50 days a year due Frondienstverpflichtungen heavily burdened people to a significant improvement in their economic situation, and Wiederhold proposed a solution coming toward them with reduced taxes and compulsory labor.

In October 1831, Wiederhold's father became the leading minister at the head of the entire state ministry in Hesse. After his death shortly thereafter, Ludwig Heinrich was asked to join the state ministry as a member and consultant, but he refused. This, and its participation in the liberal magazine " The Constitutional friend " verdeutlichten his constitutionalist attitude and earned him the loss of his previously benevolent prince-elector, and although he was then repeatedly elected to the States General, denied him the arch-conservative, appointed in May 1831 new senior minister Ludwig Hassenpflug received the permission to enter, which the state government claimed from its officials.

From then on, his professional prospects in Kurhessen were limited. In 1833 he was transferred to the higher court in Marburg . There he enjoyed dealing with the scholars of the university, deepened his scientific education and published several legal treatises. His main focus, however, was on his office as judge and his proposals to speed up the lengthy process. The law faculty of Marburg University honored him with the award of the Dr. hc and promised him a professorship . But since the Free City of Frankfurt nominated him in 1846 as a judge at the Higher Appeal Court of the four Free Cities in Lübeck , he went to Lübeck. At the beginning of 1848 Lübeck sent him as a non-attached member of the Frankfurt National Assembly, but after a few months of grueling activity, primarily as chairman of the Petitions Committee, he returned to Lübeck sick. The Kurhessische estates assembly, in the first exercise of the right of presentation granted to it , suggested that he join a judge's position at the Kassel Higher Appeal Court , but he declined in view of his poor health. He died on March 8, 1850.



  • [Anonymous]: Basic lines of the relationship between the courts and the administrative and financial authorities of Kurhessen , 1827
  • The Interdictum uti possidetis and the Novi operis Nunciatio - two civilistic treatises, Hanau 1831



  1. a b Friedrich Wilhelm Strieder : Basis for a Hessian scholar and writer history, from 1831 to the most recent time. Volume 20, ed. by Otto Gerland. Freyschmidt, Kassel, 1863, p. 239 fn. ( ).
  2. Kösener-Korps-Lists 1910, "73", 15; "160", 97.
    Fritz Groos: The corps list of Hassia Göttingen. Volume 17 Einst und Jetzt, 1972, pp. 218-221.
  3. Otto Brandt: Wiederhold, Ludwig Heinrich. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. 42, 1897, pp. 388-389 ( ).
  4. Annex, Item CLIII: Lecture by the Member of Parliament Mr. Wiederhold …… In: Negotiations of the Kurhessisches Landtag: 1831-09-01 . 2nd division, no. 45 . Kassel 1831, p. 517-521 ( ).