Marie Brand and the shadows of the past

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Episode of the Marie Brand series
Original title Marie Brand and the shadows of the past
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 16 ( list )
First broadcast January 13, 2016 on ZDF
Director Andreas Linke
script Leo P. Ard ,
Michael Müller
production Micha Terjung
Sabine de Mardt
Iris Wolfinger
music Florian Tessloff
camera Stefan Unterberger
cut Knut Hake

Marie Brand and the Shadows of the Past is the sixteenth episode of the Marie Brand crime series . The television film with Mariele Millowitsch as Chief Detective Marie Brand and Hinnerk Schönemann as Chief Detective Jürgen Simmel was first broadcast on ZDF on January 13, 2016 .


Triathlete Jan Seifert is doing his swimming training for his next competition when he finds Vera Basten's body on the banks of the Rhine. After his trainer calls the police, Commissioner Marie Brand and her colleague Jürgen Simmel take over the investigation. The victim had rented a boat two days ago and wanted to go on a tour of the Rhine with her husband. However, there is no trace of the boat and Benedikt Basten at first, but both appear unharmed the next day. He states that his wife left the boat in Koblenz after an argument and wanted to take the train home. After the forensic investigation found blood and hair on the yacht, Basten comes under urgent suspicion. Research into the financial situation and a relationship between Basten and one of his wife's employees fuel this suspicion. But later it turns out that it was not Vera, but Benedikt Basten who had left the boat because he had made an appointment with his lover and was demonstrably staying with her in a hotel at the time of the crime.

Another suspect seems to be the triathlete Jan Seifert. Investigators find out that he drove Epo through Basten's gym and that the victim found out . Before they can follow up on this trail, Marie Brand suddenly has other problems. In the middle of the investigation, the convicted murderer, Rainer Sperl, escaped from prison. Everything indicates that he wants to take revenge on the Commissioner for his conviction. Despite Simmel's care, Sperl succeeds in carrying out a poison attack on fire. After he also shoots his accomplice in cold blood, he is searched closely and Simmel succeeds in catching him. But although Sperl is back behind bars, the threat to Marie Brand does not seem to have ended. Out of concern for his employee, her boss sends her to his weekend home in the Eifel . There she realizes that Bassen's adoptive son Fabian is disappointed by Marie Brand because 15 years ago she could not help his birth mother and he has now lost his mother for the second time and the inspector seems to be involved again. When he tries to force her to hang herself like his mother did, Simmel can intervene and arrest him.

However, through this incident, Marie Brand became aware of Kerstin Thiede. She is Vera Basten's cousin and together with her she had inherited an uncle's property. Although the land was not worth much up to now, the site recently became building land and Vera Basten had paid Kerstin Thiede far too little for it. When Thiede wanted to talk to her again and went to see her on the boat, they got into an argument and Basten hit his head on the railing . Thiede threw her into the water, which ultimately led to her death.


The episode was produced by Eyeworks Germany GmbH, Cologne, and shot in Cologne and the surrounding area. The scenes around the forest house were filmed in the forest house in Much , which had already served as the home of Commissioner Sophie Haas in the series Murder with a View .


Audience ratings

The television film Marie fire and the shadows of the past reached an average of 6.97 million viewers during its premiere on ZDF on 13 January 2016 which represented 21.3 percent of the market share in Germany.


Tilmann P. Gangloff from says: “Excellent craftsmanship and a good story make 'Marie Brand and the Shadows of the Past' a TV thriller that is well worth seeing. The special attraction of the story lies in the recourse to an older episode: the villain from 'Marie Brand and the Wrong Woman' (2012) is up to mischief again and seeks the detective's life. But she doesn't want to be brought to safety because she still has to solve another case. [...] Even if the craft (image design, editing, music) has been done with great care and professionalism: In terms of film language, 'Marie Brand and the Shadows of the Past' is no longer conspicuous. The attraction of the thriller lies primarily in the permanent threat, especially since the script makes a small hit at the end when it turns out that there was a third level of action all along. "

The critics of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm give the thumbs up and say about this Marie Brand film: “The series is not the big hit. In the 16th case since 2008, one looks in vain for risk or departure. Instead, there is TV fare like at mother's, with Millowitsch responsible for high sympathy values ​​and Schönemann for the laughs. There is something old-fashioned about the unspectacular, but competently staged, reasonably entertaining case. With all the interviews and family entanglements, you almost feel as if you are in the good old ZDF crime world of 'Der Alte' and 'Derrick'. [Conclusion:] Solid crime thriller entertainment - like in the past. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Tilmann P. Gangloff : Millowitsch, Schönemann, Schrott, Borchardt, Linke. Commissioner in mortal danger Film criticism and audience rating at, accessed on April 14, 2016.
  2. TV thriller. Commissioner Mariele Millowitsch is chasing a murderer - and is being hunted herself. Short review at, accessed on April 14, 2016.