Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau

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Episode of the Marie Brand series
Original title Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 14 ( list )
First broadcast January 21, 2015 on ZDF
Director Florian Kern
script Jochen Pahl
production Micha Terjung ,
Sabine de Mardt , Iris Wolfinger
music Florian Tessloff
camera Bernd Fischer
cut Anke Berthold

Marie Brand and the Legacy of Olga Lenau is the fourteenth episode of the Marie Brand crime series . The television film with Mariele Millowitsch as Chief Detective Marie Brand and Hinnerk Schönemann as Chief Detective Jürgen Simmel was broadcast on ZDF for the first time on January 21, 2015 .


Hannah Lenau, a young artist, exhibits large-format collages at her first vernissage. In it she processes the squatter scene of the 1970s and 1980s, to which her mother Olga once belonged and from whom she had received a large part of the photos. While she is waiting for her mother to arrive, she falls out of the window of her old apartment. Marie Brand and Jürgen Simmel are supposed to take over the case and Marie quickly finds out that the woman was pushed and did not voluntarily seek death. She still lived in a shared apartment as she did forty years ago and was still politically active. According to her will, the apartment that belonged to Olga will be transferred to a foundation after her death and will be kept as a shared apartment with four people. Simmel suspects Harald Wecker, one of the flat share members, because the relationship between the four has not been very harmonious lately. Meanwhile, Brand finds someone else's fingerprints on a glass, which suggests an unknown visitor. You can quickly assign the traces to the building contractor Bernd Lüttke, with whom the victim had recently grappled. He denies doing anything to Olga, and Brand thinks he is credible.

Unexpectedly, Hannah Lenau's studio was broken into and all the reserve photos from her exhibition were gone. Fortunately, it has all of them digitally stored in a cloud , so they are not entirely lost. Marie Brand tries to find a trace of the murderer through the photos. But before she can discover any clue, the petty criminal Nils Schmadtke is found shot. All the signs indicate that he broke into the studio and has now been silenced by his client.

During her investigation, Marie Brand comes across the death of a police officer who was killed thirty years ago in a squatting organized by Olga. Therefore, together with Simmel, she follows this lead which leads to the former police chief Artus Matthiesen. The investigators find out that Matthiesen had deliberately manipulated investigation documents. Obviously he wanted to protect his illegitimate son, who, as the investigation turns out, is Harald Wecker. He had fired the fatal shot at the police officer in the scuffle and Matthiesen wanted to cover it up. He hadn't thought that the problem could catch up with him again after so many years. He admits that Olga sent him tickets so that he could see the exhibition. When he saw the photos with the scenes of the squatting at the time, he immediately drove to Olga. She wanted to blackmail him, like she had done a few times and he wanted that to be over. He also admits to the murder of the burglar and is then arrested.


The episode was produced by Eyeworks Germany GmbH, Cologne , and shot in Cologne and the surrounding area. In Italy the film will be broadcast under the title Marie Brand e l'amore che non perdona .


Audience ratings

The television film Marie Brand and the Legacy of Olga Lenau reached an average of 6.43 million viewers when it was first broadcast on ZDF on January 21, 2015, which corresponds to 20.2 percent of the market share in Germany.


Volker Bergmeister from says: “Aside from the two inspectors, Peter Davor in particular knows how to convince. As so often, he gives someone who has fallen and been marked in life. He's in a good mood, even though this type of psychology seems a little worn out. This also applies to the thriller plot of 'Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau'. And so the bottom line is that this 14th case from Cologne is nothing more than nice, entertaining crime entertainment. ZDF apparently knows why Marie Brand is investigating on Wednesday (also ran on Thursday), the quality is not quite enough for a Saturday thriller. "

The critics of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm give the thumbs up for a lot of tension and humor and say about this new Marie Brand film: “Brand and Simmel, who live here at times, amuse themselves with dry dialogues about the suitability of shared apartments. [Conclusion:] Marie and Jürgen: a nice investigator flat share. "

Sidney Schering comes to the conclusion: “The sayings are right, even in the less pointed, shared scenes, the chemistry between the mimes and their characters is right - therefore the somewhat constructed search for clues also takes on amusing forms in places. Nevertheless, the solidly staged film does not get the full potential out of Brand and Simmel. On the other hand: The experiences of the unequal investigators were also presented more sluggishly and more insignificantly than here. For friends of the series, 'Marie Brand and the Legacy of Olga Lenau' is quite adequate crime entertainment. Novices, on the other hand, could have made better expenses. "

At the Osnabrücker Zeitung , Tom Heise judges: “Marie Brand and her partner Jürgen Simmel are a strong team, but the cases offered to them are less convincing. [...] Even if the crime thriller is devoted to politically left-wing personnel, it remains apolitical. And unfortunately a little lengthy too. It's a shame, because the series has the potential to be a big hit. Maybe next time."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marie Brand and the Legacy of Olga Lenau Production, from Internet Movie Database , accessed on March 3, 2015.
  2. a b Volker Bergmeister: Marie Brand and the Legacy of Olga Lenau Film criticism and audience rating at, accessed on March 3, 2015.
  3. Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau short review at, accessed on March 3, 2015.
  4. Marie Brand and Jürgen Simmel not only pursue a murder in a shared apartment, but also have to found a shared apartment themselves: Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau Filmkritik on, accessed on March 3, 2015.
  5. Tom Heise: Langatmig: "Marie Brand and the legacy of Olga Lenau" in the ZDF film review at the Osnabrücker Zeitung , accessed on March 3, 2015.