Michael Gerhard Kaufmann

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Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (* 1966 in Landau in the Palatinate ) is a German musicologist , university professor and organist .

life and career

After graduating from high school in Landau, Kaufmann studied school music and Catholic church music at the Karlsruhe University of Music as well as German and musicology at the University of Karlsruhe from 1987 to 1996 . He received his doctorate in 1997 with a thesis on the organ and National Socialism.

From 1995 to 1999 he was a lecturer for music theory at the Karlsruhe University of Music, from 1995 to 2005 lecturer for musicology at the University of Karlsruhe and from 2001 to 2002 lecturer for music history at the Academy for Tonkunst Darmstadt . From 2000 (since 2008 as honorary professor) to 2010 he taught organ studies at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen , since 2005 cultural history as part of the training of restorers in organ building at the Oscar-Walcker-Schule - Bundesfachschule für Organbau Ludwigsburg and since 2007 in the master’s course " Protection of European cultural assets ”at the Foundation European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) . From 2000 to 2005 he was a research assistant at the liaison office for Upper Swabian monastery music at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen .

From 1997 to 2001, Kaufmann was artistic director of the European Organ Academy on the Upper Rhine in Ettlingen . Since 1998 he has been Archbishop's Organ Inspector for the Archdiocese of Freiburg ; Head of the basic and advanced training courses of the Association of Organ Experts in Germany since 2000; Research Associate at the Liaison Office for Upper Swabian Monastery Music at the University of Tübingen since 2000; Chairman of the association “The Organ as a European Cultural Property”, Karlsruhe, since 2001. He is also an organ expert for the Evangelical Church in Baden and is part of the advisory committee for the German bell system.

He has numerous publications on music history and aesthetic topics (author's handbook), writings on the organ and its music, as well as editions of south German organ and monastery music, as well as recordings on compact disc, for radio and television. Research focuses on the music of Upper Swabia and the musical work of Johann Sebastian Bach and Max Reger . The Ochsenhauser organ book was awarded the German Music Edition 2005. In addition to his concert activities as an organist, he is a member of commissions for the restoration of important historical organs. Kaufmann researches and is involved in the field of historically informed performance practice and early music .

In 2007, Kaufmann co-founded the Institute for Organ and Church Music at the State University of Music Trossingen, where he coordinated the world's only international Master’s degree in OrganExpert for the training of organ experts . As the very first course at a music academy, its joint development with other European universities was financially supported by the European Community (European Commission) as part of the Erasmus program from 2005 to 2007 and its implementation has continued to be funded on a project basis since the winter semester 2008/09. The course was under the patronage of the Vatican (Pontifical Cultural Council) and had been accredited by national and international agencies since 2009. In 2010, however, the collaboration between the music academies ended; the course was discontinued and the Institute for Organ and Church Music was dissolved. Kaufmann is a professor of musicology at the University of Church Music in Heidelberg .


Theoretical works (selection)
  • Organ and National Socialism. The ideological appropriation of the instrument in the Third Reich. Musikwissenschaftliche Verlags-Gesellschaft, Kleinblittersdorf 1997, ISBN 3-920670-36-1 .
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Joculator Dei - Festschrift for Andreas Schröder for his 60th birthday. (= Series of publications by the European Organ Academy on the Upper Rhine , Volume 1). Freiburg 1999.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann, Martin Kares (ed.): The organ city of Karlsruhe within the organ landscape on the Upper Rhine. An exhibition of the European Organ Academy on the Upper Rhine Ettlingen in the Badische Landesbibliothek on the occasion of the symposium “Therefore check everything and keep the good. On dealing with large organs during the economic miracle ”in cooperation with the Association of Organ Experts in Germany (VOD) from September 26th to September 28th 2001. Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe 2001, ISBN 3-88705-052-5 .
  • Changes in the sound ideal using the example of the Silbermann organ in St. Stephan in Karlsruhe. In: Acta Organologica . Vol. 27, 2001, pp. 125-134.
  • Conradin Kreutzer and the emotion of the soul - a composer outside the well-known repertoire. In: Musica sacra . Vol. 121, 2001, issue 5. pp. 6-7.
  • Martin Kares, Michael Gerhard Kaufmann, Godehard Weithoff: Organ guide Rhein-Neckar-Kreis. Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3-932102-07-X .
  • Sontraud Speidel, Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (eds.): Piano-Podium-Publications 1. Staccato-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002, ISBN 3-932976-14-2 .
  • From the baroque kingdom of heaven - music from Upper Swabian monasteries; Andreas Heilinger (1746–1809), Salem - Isfrid Kayser (1712–1771), Marchtal - Nikolaus Betscher (1745–1811), Rot an der Rot. Association for the Promotion of Music in Upper Swabia, Biberach 2002.
  • "... which testifies to the solid sez and playing style of the skillful Mr. Author ..." Sixtus Bachmann and his X Fugues célèbres in the context of the southern German organ culture. In: Oberschwäbische Klostermusik in a European context. Alexander Šumski on his 70th birthday. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-631-51906-0 , pp. 155-170.
  • If the honey tasted better, honey-making is a happy job. Christian Keifferer and the new in church music after 1600. In: Musica sacra. 126, 2006, issue 6, pp. 357-361.
  • Ostrach song manuscript , edited, annotated and provided with a practical music part by Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (= Bibliotheca Suevica ; No. 19). Ed. Isele, Konstanz / Eggingen 2006, ISBN 978-3-86142-378-2 .
  • Christoph Bossert, Michael Gerhard Kaufmann, Zdenko Kuscer (eds.): The organ as a European cultural asset. Congress report Varazdin, September 10th to 17th, 2000. Organum Buch, Öhringen 2006, 2007, ISBN 3-9809232-3-1 .
  • The training to become an organ expert. In: Musica sacra. 127, 2007, issue 3, pp. 159-161.
  • (Johann) Andreas Heichlinger. In: Music in the past and present . Supplement. 2nd edition. Bärenreiter, Kassel 2008, col. 317-318.
  • Franz (Xaver) Schnizer, Schnitzer. In: Music in the past and present. 14. Person part. 2nd edition. Bärenreiter, Kassel 2008, Sp. 1545–1546.
  • The Welte -Orgel in the Augustinermuseum Freiburg. In: Ars Organi . Vol. 58, 2010, Issue 2, pp. 97-103.
  • Organ history in Karlsruhe. In: Ars Organi. Vol. 60, 2012, 1, pp. 3-9.
  • Martin Kares, Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (ed.): Electropneumatics in organ building. Report on the meeting of the Association of Organ Experts in Germany (VOD) from May 29 to June 1, 2012 in Karlsruhe (= 259th publication by the Society of Organ Friends). Pape, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-921140-94-9 .
Music editions (selection)
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Choral reflections. Johannes Graf - Three chorales for organ . Wolfram Graf - Three songs for high voice and organ (= 186th publication by the Society of Organ Friends). Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2002.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Hrsg.): Hugo Wolf : songs for voice and organ arranged by Max Reger . Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel 2003, ISMN M-006-52365-8.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Sixtus Bachmann : Dix Fugues célèbres pour l'orgue ou le clavecin (= 202nd publication of the Society of Organ Friends). Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, ISMN M-50128-741-3.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann, Klaus Konrad Weigele (Ed.): Ochsenhauser Organ Book (Harmonia organica). Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-89948-061-9
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Isfridus Kayser : Concors Digitorum Discordia (= 213rd publication of the Society of Organ Friends). Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2005, ISMN M-50128-743-7.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (ed.): Aemilian Rosengart : Mass in B . Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006, ISMN M-50128-570-9.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Christian Keifferer : Canticum Beatae Mariae Virginis from 'Sertum' . Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008, ISMN M-50128-748-2.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Christian Keifferer: 'Parvulus flosculus' . Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Hrsg.): Nikolaus Betscher : Against the fashion. Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Wilhelm Hanser : 8 Ave Maria . Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009.
  • Michael Gerhard Kaufmann (Ed.): Augustinus Büx : Aes Sonorum (= 231st publication of the Society of Organ Friends). Daimonion-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, ISMN M-50128-745-1.

Notes and individual references

  1. http://www.walcker-stiftung.de/Downloads/Blog/Orgelsachverstaendige.pdf

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