Mikhail Sergeyevich Volkonsky

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Portrait Prince Michail Sergejewitsch Wolkoski (Ilja Eefimowitsch Repin)

Mikhail Sergejewitsch Wolkonski ( Russian : Михаи́л Серге́евич Волко́нский, born March 10, 1832 in Chita ; † December 7, 1909 in Rome ) was a Russian prince from the Rurikid aristocratic Volkonskis . He was a Russian privy councilor , senator and deputy minister for national education. The village Knyase-Volkonskoye was named in his honor.


In 1849, MS Wolkonski gained in the school of Irkutsk , the High School with the award of a gold medal. Then he entered the civil service career and was at the registry office of the main administration of the Amur region . He was accepted by the Governor General of Eastern Siberia Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Muravjow-Amursky in the civil service status. During the seven-year stay in Siberia, he led various missions by, he served as ambassador in Manchuria , led the fight against cholera - epidemic , was a participant at the first Amur - expeditions , led forward to build a settlement in the territory of Yakutsk-Ayan, built the first peasant settlements on the Amur and initiated the establishment of Russian land holdings .

In 1853 he was appointed college secretary , and in 1856 he returned to Saint Petersburg from Mongolia . He was to be deported here on August 26, 1856, in the course of the deportation of the Decembrists to Siberia, which included his father. On the very highest and personal decree of Tsar Alexander II , he was acquitted on the same day.

His next use was in the Caucasus , he was a member of the border commission between the Russian Empire and Persia . He was entrusted with special assignments, was directly subordinate to the Caucasian Governor General Prince Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky and was part of the Caucasian Army .

After returning to Saint Petersburg again, he was Deputy State Secretary in the Legal Department for over 14 years . He was a member of the Commission on the drafting of legal legislation for the judiciary, worked as a translator of Italian legal provisions for the Italian judiciary , such as the “Charter of Italian Civil Procedure” and the “Regulation on the Judicial Regulations of the Kingdom of Italy”. In 1866 he was promoted to Chamberlain and in 1867 to the Ordinary Council of State . In 1876 he was appointed to the privy council and the trusteeship of the St. Petersburg school district. At the express request of Empress Maria Alexandrovna , he became a councilor in the Ministry of Public Education. From 1882 he headed the main department in the ministry for the next 13 years and was appointed as deputy minister in his absence. He worked on several commissions and campaigned for social issues. From May 1896 he was a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire and in 1901 moved to the Ministry of Economics . He died in Rome in 1909 and was buried in Fall Castle in Estonia .

Origin and family

Family coat of arms of the Volkonskis

Mikhail Sergeyevich Volkonsky came from the Russian princely family Volkonsky . His father was the Decembrist Sergei Grigorjewitsch Wolkonski (1788-1865), who was married to Marija Nikolajewna Wolkonskaja (1805-1863), a daughter of Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Rajewski (1771-1829). On May 24, 1859, MS Wolkonski married Elisabeth Wolkonskaja (1838-1897) in Geneva, the daughter of Prince Grigori Petrovich Wolkonski (1808-1882), from her marriage to Countess Maria Alexandrovna Benckendorff (1820-1880). As a member of the Russian Catholic Movement in Rome, she converted to Catholicism in 1887 . Her descendants were:


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vladimir Michailowitsch Volkonsky (biography). Entry on Lepsusuber.com [1]